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Console Spam

Not a Bug 1.0.0



Hey im getting this spammed in the console 


If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/research table/researchtable_deployed.prefab/research_table", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "research_table_collision"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/sofa/sofa.deployed.prefab", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "sofa_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/table/table.deployed.prefab", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "table_col"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/secretlab chair/secretlabchair.deployed.prefab", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "SecretLabChair_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/secretlab chair/secretlabchair.deployed.prefab/SecretLabChair", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "SecretLabChair_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/prefabs/deployable/waterpurifier/waterpurifier.deployed.prefab", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "water_desalinator_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/oil_barrel.prefab/lootbarrel", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "lootbarrel_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/oil_barrel.prefab/lootbarrel", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "lootbarrel_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/oil_barrel.prefab/lootbarrel", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "lootbarrel_COL"



I forgot to add this to the description, but this is not the plugins fault. This error also happens when you manually place ceratin items inside the tugboat and is caused by rust itself.



Thanks for letting me know 🙂 cool event btw 


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