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something not working right

Closed 2.2.5 2.2.5

Golden Coast Rust Servers


there no other plugins i have i removed them all and im getting slow speeds sometimes the furances wont burn they turn on but not burn ore 



did you happen to have any plugins on that edited ovens like "Quick Smelt" Some plugins do not remove the behavior on unload. Can you do this. On your server / test server reload "SimpleSplitter" then place down an oven. This should work as intended. If you are still seeing issues please send me your config, expected result, and what oven is not working as you expect. This will help me understand your issue.


Sorry you are seeing an issue. This is not typical. 😞

Golden Coast Rust Servers


yea i remove quick smelt a long time ago i was only using furance splitter and better charcoal i removed those but i dont think i went thru my list like 4 times i dont think i have any other one because a defaulted loottable gui disable for the furnace speeds. 

Golden Coast Rust Servers


it seems like the split stack slow down but when i put them all into one stack it goes fast but not like fast? 



How fast are you looking to smelt roughly I see the issue in your config and will send you an updated one but If I know your target i can get one closer to that for you

This one should be a much faster smelting time for you

your Wood usage is going to be high with that set to 50 FYI




Golden Coast Rust Servers


thats ok players for some reason love fast smelting lol i will check this one out and reply back if any issues i can even send u a pm on discord if that a better form of communication for you 

Golden Coast Rust Servers


so now i have this spamming the console [Simple Splitter] Input string was not in a correct format.



what is the config giving you that result


I suspect its a number that needs to be a whole number vs a decimal



update this line if your using the config

"Fuel * This = Additional Charcoal per Tick": 2


Golden Coast Rust Servers


ok i will do that right now i just unloaded it for now but that easy fix thank shady14 for ur help 




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