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issue with using a repair bench

Closed 1.0.6

Angry Dragon Gaming


when you use a repair bench with a gun and a custom magazine to say skin the gun or repair it  you loose the ammo out of the gun and it resets every time to 0 can you pleas help with this or send out an update to fix this bug



I just tested this now because I didn't remember having an issue with it @Anakin89, and can confirm that it was not a problem for me. There may be another plugin you are using that is interfering with it and causing it. If you help identify it we might be able to offer a fix. I tried it with the default and a custom magazine and both retained all the ammo when being repaired. If you can get video of any glitches you are having though and any console errors when this happens as those could help.

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Hi everyone, I don't know if this comment will be relevant, beyond the statute of limitations @Anakin89. During the test, there were no problems with either the default magazine or the custom magazine.

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Thank you @KorolOff it was likely another plugin interacting. I do remember that even a well known stack modifying plugin had some major issues early on. I think some of them were resolved by that dev but we had written some patches at the time. Haven't heard any other complaints since though either that I recall. So hopefully this one is all taken care of and just collecting dust. 😉

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Angry Dragon Gaming


it could be the extra plugin i have that uses custom magazine plugin then but we have had other issues with it to like when puting them back into a box they swap to any other stack thats allready in the box i will inform the ceater of the custom magazine plugin and thanks for the response and follow up and checking of the issue  anyway. 

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You are in the right place for the CustomMagazine @Anakin89 but I think you need to look into something else. That actually sounds more like a stack plugin, do you have something like stack modifier or something along those lines? It controls the stack sizes on your server. They don't normally stack by themselves so you should have something that is allowing them to stack. Some storage types might not accept custom skinned items without some configuration so look into that as well. What is the other plugin that you have that uses CustomMagazine? Now I'm curious. I love the Star Wars reference so I'm going to try to help no matter what. I want to win you back from the dark side before it's too late!

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Angry Dragon Gaming


ye ive bin using stacks extended i will inform both of the issue and see if i get anything back and this did used to work completely fine and i had no issues with ether of the plugins or this issue but this month it seems to be more prevalent and once again thak you so much for the support your by far one of the best ive dealt with thus far of dealing with an isue and giving some advice so thank you so much. 



Hi. I would like to ask you if it would not be difficult for you to record a video under what conditions this bug appears, because after various testing methods I was unable to reproduce this bug.  Maybe I don't have any related plugins leading to this bug.



Most plugins should have been updated by now due to these types of issues occurring. The only type of plugin I am familiar with that can cause this type of issue are plugins that allow adjusting stack sizes. These items are usually not able to be stacked so stacking and unstacking them can sometimes cause issues. The plugin recently mentioned is the only one I can even guess would have such an error @KorolOff. Curious why you are trying to find this bug if you are not having any issues though? Or am I misunderstanding?

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