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Free bases dont spawn

Closed 2.7.2



Hello,it looks like bases dont auto spawn after wipe.Players can still buy but free ones wont spawn at all.

Config seems fine,and i changed no settings(was working fine before)



hi, use the rbe debug command in the server console to see why. type it again to toggle it off.



Scheduled Events Running: True
Maintained Events Running: True
Queues Pending: 0
DEBUG: Last messages:
DEBUG: 1x - Scheduled next automated event
DEBUG: 347x - Scheduled: Waiting on timer for next event
DEBUG: 2352x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - raidmed9 trying to paste at (302.9, 0.0, 1231.5)
DEBUG: 1x - raidmed9 is pasting at (296.4, 1.0, 1224.2)
DEBUG: 7x - Maintained: Waiting for a base to finish its task
DEBUG: 12x - Scheduled: Waiting for a base to finish its task
DEBUG: 2971x - Max amount of events reached for difficulty: Medium, Easy, Hard
DEBUG: 1x - raidhard10 trying to paste at (-66.7, 0.0, 1206.9)
DEBUG: 1x - raidhard10 is pasting at (-69.8, 1.6, 1192.8)
DEBUG: 1x - raideasy9 trying to paste at (-569.3, 0.0, 1207.5)
DEBUG: 1x - raideasy9 is pasting at (-569.2, 1.0, 1204.8)
DEBUG: 5x - Maintained: Server saving
DEBUG: 1x - Scheduled: Server saving



debug says they auto spawned. it hit the max for easy medium and hard. looks like your server got stuck saving. no, the plugin did not cause this. you most likely have a null entity in the save list and there's no telling how it got there.

use the rbe debug command again. if it continues to say the server saving then it will not auto spawn and I can give more instructions. if there is no more server save messages then reload the plugin to see if that resolves it.




DEBUG: 11722x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 10x - Scheduled: Server saving
DEBUG: 1x - Spawn location found: 375.0 20.3 -475.0
DEBUG: 1x - raidexpert6 trying to paste at (375.0, 20.3, -475.0)
DEBUG: 1x - raidexpert6 is pasting at (375.1, 21.3, -488.8)
DEBUG: 9851x - Max amount of events reached for difficulty: Expert, Easy, Medium
DEBUG: 7x - Maintained: Waiting for a base to finish its task
DEBUG: 1x - raideasy4 trying to paste at (10.9, 0.0, -1335.4)
DEBUG: 1x - raideasy4 is pasting at (11.7, 1.0, -1337.2)
DEBUG: 1x - raidmed1 trying to paste at (1144.7, 28.5, -89.3)
DEBUG: 1x - raidmed1 is pasting at (1144.8, 29.5, -93.9)
DEBUG: 12x - Maintained: Server saving
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.
DEBUG: 1x - All modes excluded. Nothing left to spawn.


thats what i get



what is the issue?

it is still saying that everything has auto spawned per your configuration and then it stops and states there's nothing left to spawn. seems to work just fine?

post your config.



thank you for the response nivex,problem was solved,it looks like it was a config issue,which i dont know how changed up tbh.fixed anyway


[RaidableBases] Invalid configuration detected: Maintained Events -> Include PVP Bases is set false, and all profiles have Allow PVP enabled. Therefore no bases can spawn for Maintained Events. The ideal configuration is for Include PVP Bases to be set true, and Convert PVP To PVE to be set true.



awesome. i'm glad the message proved useful and resolved the issue for you.




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