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NPCs shooting at npc in building at payphone

Closed 2.1.2




Where is the payphone @Robert Stevens?

Also NpcSpawn NPCs have already been given the option to attack NPC's from other plugins but I'm not sure that applies here or if I understand what NPCs would be there and why the tank would attack them? Where are your players? 😉



Just trying to fully understand though so excuse the humor just want to get a full picture of what's what and what you're looking for.



Testing a new A.I BOT with event plug-ins which they themselves can complete and complete against players but your pay phone bots hand sticks out the wall therefore becomes a target .




Maybe tell your AI bot not to target it @Robert Stevens haha I still want to know where the payphone is as it's not there in the video and might mask the hand if it were there.

@KpucTaJl what are your thoughts my friend?



I know you didn't but something you are doing is removing it is what I am telling you. It is always there otherwise. And I think the prefab being there would block their view, I don't know though for sure as I still don't understand why it isn't there.

Also @Robert Stevens I have seen that clip elsewhere, I have no idea what a bot that builds has to do with this support request?



No, the link you just shared is a bot building a base @Robert Stevens and you've yet to explain where the phone went. No explanation on my end because it should be there.


Posted (edited)

IDK what happened to the phone brother! maybe it got shot out of the game.

I flew there and it was gone. i was asking if you could move that bot behind the phone back so not to clip through the wall

if you don't want to fine,  Just asking as a customer for a simple request nothing more....  https://gyazo.com/81d95011e319c9ac9e554bd2289d849b

Edited by Robert Stevens


@Robert Stevens 

Hello everyone, I have read the dialog in this ticket and I have a few questions:

1) JBird said right, there is no phone on this monument on your server, this is strange. You are mistaken, this phone is not created by a plugin, it is a standard phone for this monument and it must be there for the plugin to work properly

2) which NPCs in the video shoot at the player who is behind the wall? These are not the standard NPCs of this event. You say that these are some of your NPCs, have you created your own plugin in which you spawn NPCs? Give me more information about these NPCs



like I said I don't know what happened to the payphone. it gets shot at and disappears,  any npc from a plugin will target that area.



@Robert Stevens I think that you first need to figure out why the phone is missing, this is not a small problem. Also, you didn't say about your npc plugin



no, the npc behind the phone is placed by me in the plugin, it does not delete this phone, it just stands



its hand clips the wall causing NPC to shoot the wall where the phone is, causing phone to leave rust world!



I understand what you're talking about, but the fact that the phone is being deleted is not normal, it's bad, it shouldn't be deleted, even if NPCs are shooting at it, and also you still haven't described to me what kind of NPCs they are to understand how to work with them



the fact that the phone is being deleted initially is something that should never happen. Even if we exclude the fact that they are shooting at the NPC, which is behind the wall, there may be a player standing there and they will shoot at him, then they will also get on this phone, the situations may be different, but in general we need to figure out why the phone is being deleted, it is not normal behavior that these NPCs delete the phone is being shot at



Hello everyone. As far as I understand, the problem was solved if the client stopped responding to messages in this ticket



Changed Status from Pending to Closed


Posted (edited)

It wasn't solved, I have no answer why the payphone is destroyed...

but my solution would ask to have the NPC behind the payphone moved back so not to clip the wall, or is it set to clip the wall for some reason for the payphone?..

Edited by Robert Stevens



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