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Help Request

Closed 2.7.2

Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder

Posted (edited)

How do I remove the sphere around a radiable base?  I am loving this plugin, but I do not like the smokey translucent spheres that dot the world.

Additional request, how do I disable the chat notification when a new maintained event spawns?

I have been digging through the config file and the documentation and have not found an answer to this.  Apologies in advance if I missed something obvious.

FYI, I am using this with Carbon and so far works great!

Again, great work on this plugin.  Love it!

Edited by Cannon Fodder

Posted (edited)

Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres, set this to 0 in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

You can edit Event Messages in the config. Many options are not detailed because their names are self-explanatory. If you feel this isn't the case then you can suggest what details it should include.

    "Show Opened Message For PVE Bases": true,
    "Show Opened Message For PVP Bases": true,
    "Show Opened Message For Paid Bases": true,

Did they fix the UI on the Carbon platform then?

Thankyou glad you enjoy it!

Edited by nivex
  • Like 1
Cannon Fodder


Thank you so much for your rapid response!

I haven't used any UI's with your plugin, but I have been having issues with other UI's in Carbon.
I am still tweaking settings and testing with Raidable Bases, and haven't yet come across any UI's.  How do I bring up the UI?  Are you talking about the small UI that appears when you enter a raidable base zone?  If it is the latter, the UI is there for me, but is in an inconvenient location.  I haven't gotten around to repositioning or disabling it yet.

You are correct, most everything in the config is self explanatory.  Thank you for pointing out the section I overlooked.



np. ya one would be the UI that shows when you enter the zone. you can move it after clicking the arrow button. it is per player

Cannon Fodder


I noticed this when reloading the plugin.  Have any idea what this may be?
I triple checked the edits made from above for format, spelling, etc. and all looks good.

I may have already had these errors and never noticed, unsure.





sorry, I don't know what those messages mean. I use Oxide and Harmony only. looks like an issue with Carbon though or maybe just debug messages I really dont know. does the plugin not work? it looks like it loaded just fine if the items loaded

Cannon Fodder


Sorry, I didn't see the reply until this morning.  As far as I can tell RB is working flawlessly.  I have not encountered any issues with it.
Do you suggest I send those errors to the carbon team?

I do have a couple of questions.  Is there a way to set loot stack size to game default?  -1 is obviously for no stack size limit.

Second, could you clarify the purpose of base loot over difficulty loot?  I am not understanding the purpose of the two different loot files.

Thank you.



You can send it to them if you like

-1 will use the games default.

Base Loot is for loot that spawns with the particular bases in a single profile, thus the profile and base loot files having the same file names. It can also be used with the Always Spawn Base Loot Table option where put a few items that will always spawn with that table/profile combo. Though the majority of people use 1 profile per difficulty so the latter would apply in that case. You can have as many profiles as you want though.

Difficulty Loot is for the specific difficulty. This is the primary loot table and should contain the majority of your items all of which are randomly picked from.


Cannon Fodder


-1 seems to use no stack size limit.  For example, a single stack of 40,000 stone.  In every entry with -1, there is no limit to stack size when loot is generated in game.  For now, I have been manually entering the correct stack size from a list on corrosion hour.  This is fine and I am not complaining, just was wondering if there was something I missed.



hi, -1 uses the games default. if that was modified by a stacksize plugin then the default would be modified to that new value



Cannon Fodder




I have not installed any stack size plugins.  Carbon has a built in module for that, but it isn't enabled.

Every stack has been like this in RB.  Huge stacks.  This only happens from loot dropped from raidable bases.   All other loot on server drops normally.   I am using the files purchased from your tier 3 package.

Is this by chance a Rust issue, like where the first time you buy pickles at bandit camp they are in a stack of 60, then never again until server reset?  That is my current suspicion now that I think about it.

Thank you for your help and patience.

Cannon Fodder


Also, another issue.  The documentation says :
"probability - the chance that the item can spawn. value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% chance"
But this is not the case.  I have multiple items like stones, scrap, wood all set to 1.0, yet they only spawn a fraction of the time.  This is in the difficulty loot table.

I read that I can enable loot to always drop with the combination of Base Loot and enabling it to always drop in the profile, which is a workaround.  But it doesn't explain why 100% != 100%.

Would you please elaborate?  Maybe something is lost in translation?




hi, it will not exceed the servers stacksize limit after looking into it. I will have to make an exception to fix this

that is how probability works - all items are 1.0 by default and so it is impossible to spawn all of them if the amount you have available exceeds the amount that you want to spawn. it can only pick so many. probability determines if the item is spawned AFTER it is picked from this entire collection of items. so there's 2 parts to it. you can't spawn an item without it first being pooled to see what is available. if this still doesn't make sense then I can give an analogy to clarify.

ya, always spawn base loot table is how you would always spawn an item. this is why the base loot table has so few items, and the remainder is in the difficulty loot tables where it's randomly picked from.


Cannon Fodder


Ah, thank you for the clarification.  
I understand now the purpose of the two separate loot lists.

Again, excellent work on this plugin!

  • Like 1
Cannon Fodder


As I have been experimenting with the two lists I have noticed a bug.

If an item exists on both the base loot and difficulty loot table, it is always selected as one of the items when rolled on the difficulty loot.

For instance if you look at my new base loot table below, only these items are rolled exclusively on the difficulty loot table.

I suspect this happens when two conditions are met:

1. Number of unique items of base loot table is 50% or great than the total amount of unique items to populate the base
2. When unique items exist on both lists.

For clarification, with no change to my previous difficulty loot table (slightly modified but very similar to the default one that comes with the tier 3 package), when I use this for base loot, all easy bases on the map only have items from this list, no exceptions.  All items on this list exist on the difficulty list as well,


Cannon Fodder


I just ran a test.  I deleted any items off of the difficulty loot table that were also on the base loot table.  After this, other items from the difficulty loot table will spawn.  If I add the duplicate items back on, only duplicates will spawn, and nothing that is not a duplicate.




hi, this is not a bug because putting duplicate items into multiple loot tables is not supported because stacksize exists for this very reason

if you want an item to spawn multiple times then you would use the stacksize option

min: 1000
max: 5000
stacksize: 1000

this would spawn explosives 5 times into boxes randomly. whether or not these items may stack onto each other is irrelevant as the stacksize option is exclusively used in determining how many times and item will spawn. not how it will stack inside of a container. that is controlled by your servers stacksize. i know, it's a bit confusing, but if i were to implement every use case for everyone then the plugin would need to call Jenny Craig

no, those options are for Allow Duplicate Items and are not related to this because you should not putting the same into multiple loot tables anyway.

you have explosives in your base loot table, but you absolutely do not want more than the configured 5000 to spawn. these should always be in the base loot table
though you have other items and you don't care if they are duplicated or not. these should always be in the difficulty loot table
you would enable do not duplicate base loot table in order to prevent explosives from spawning more than 5000

Cannon Fodder


I will experiment with it more, I think I am catching on.


"if i were to implement every use case for everyone then the plugin would need to call Jenny Craig"  

Funny, and no worries.  I am getting up to speed on it the more I tinker.  Considering the complexity of the plugin, you've done a fantastic job overall making it understandable and user friendly.



thanks, I'm glad you like it. that's exactly why I write plugins to begin with so people can enjoy them. being able to feed myself is of course nice as well =D


Cannon Fodder


FYI, I left a 5 star review for your plugin.  Sadly Codefling staff seems to think themselves better than to allow a concise review....




hehe MalS is a good character. he just wants you to explain a bit more with some context so it has some substance to it is all 🙂

I don't do private work I'm sorry but I have too much to do already



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