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support regarding raid protection plug in from mr01sam

Closed 2.0.3



Hi nivex, I mentioned my plan to use abandoned base as a way for players to convert their bases into a raidable base. Regarding raid protection from @Mr01sam do you think these plug ins will have conflict with each other? I plan to use abandoned base as mentioned for players as well as raid protection. The possible conflict someone has brought up to me is that raid protection might stay if the abandoned base bubble appeared. Is there a way to stop the bubble from being created if a player has raid protection on (the way it works is that the tc will have two tabs which are resource upkeep and protection). I would like it so that abandoned base would not or cannot trigger if there is raid protection resource in the tc even if the players trigger the abandoned base raiding themselves. 

Thank you for your time nivex.



heya, the raid protection plugin would need to exclude the abandoned bases using the EventTerritory API.

if you enable Remove Ownership in the Abandoned Bases plugin then Raid Protection should not protect it as it isn't owned by a player then, skipping the need for it to use the EventTerritory API

no, there is no way to prevent it from converting a base with raid protection. it strictly uses the abandoned time limit set in the config file

furthermore, I'm not sure why you would need both plugins as they effectively do the same thing. except mine works on a strict time limit instead

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oh yeah, i know it is very redundant but I just think raid protection adds more things players can use their scraps for since I am using skill tree by newguy and one of the skill tree provides modifiers for scrap. So, with the second options you have provided, can they reclaim the base after the time limit?

these all seems doable and reasonable. 



if you disable the options to destroy the base then they will reclaim it when it ends

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perfect! thank you so much for being so responsive. This answers all my questions. This was very important as this will be one of the core mechanics for the server. Thank you, once again ❤️

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np you're welcome



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