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Check my config?

Closed 3.2.2



Hey I've tried twice to format template #4 for my server but the plugin won't compile. Works fine with template #1. Could you check my config for me? Checks out in json formatter other than a few minor issues (which came with the plugin) that also exist in Template #1.... which works fine.

Whenever I load this config in the plugin fails to compile

Config : 

  "Main Settings": {
    "Open when player joins": true,
    "Open once per wipe": false,
    "Open at tab": 1,
    "Block movement when browsing panel": true,
    "Enable text tags": true,
    "Server Title": "<size=65>SERVER<b>Perseverance 2X Solo | Duo | Bi-Weekly | Modded | Events</b></size>",
    "Server Logo": "https://i.imgur.com/WV5zOSi.png",
    "Selected button color": "0.757 0.259 0.161 1.00",
    "Base Command": "info",
    "Additional Commands": {
      "rules": 2,
      "help": 3
  "Text Tabs": [
      "Name": "<size=22>HOME</size>",
      "Icon": "",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "",
      "Text Alignment": 3,
      "Text Lines": [
          "<size=45><color=#c14229>PERSEVERANCE</color> 2X Solo | Duo | Bi-Weekly | Modded | Events</size> ",
          "<size=25>WIPE SCHEDULE <color=#c142299f>MAP 2 WEEKS, BP 3 MONTHS</color> @ <color=#c142299f>Thursday 3:00PM EDT or at Update Time/Force Wipe</color> (CET)</size>",
          "<size=25>RATES <color=#c142299f>2X GATHER, 2X SCRAP</color></size> ",
          "<size=25>GROUP LIMIT <color=#c142299f>MAX 2</color></size>",
          "<size=25>MAPSIZE <color=#c142299f>4000</color></size> ",
          "<size=15>Server is located in Chicago, IL USA. Time zone used for reference is New York Time (EDT/EST). Blueprints are wiped every 3 months. Feel free to browse our infomation panel to find out more about the server. If you have more questions, please join our discord and we will happy to help you.</size>"
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=22>RULES</size>",
      "Icon": "",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "",
      "Text Alignment": 4,
      "Text Lines": [
          "<size=18>No racist or homophobic slurs or purposeful hate speech</size>",
          "<size=18>Solo and Duo only. No trying to get around it allowed</size>",
          "<size=18>Respect all staff members, we are here to help</size>",
          "<size=18>Confirmed cheating will result in a permenant ban, no exceptions</size>",
          "<size=18>No pornographic images or images of extreme real world violence on signs or in discord</size>",
          "<size=18>No impersonating server staff</size>",
          "<size=18>No advertising</size>",
          "<size=18>No VAC Banned Accounts</size>",
          "<size=18>Always use F7 to report cheaters before anything else</size>",
          "<size=18>Do not attempt to add staff members as friends on any platform to discuss server matters. We will take care of everything from our Discord and in the server. This rule obviously is void if the staff member wants to be friends</size>",
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=22>WIPE CYCLE</size>",
      "Icon": "",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/richtext.png",
      "Text Alignment": 3,
      "Text Lines": [
          "<size=45><color=#c14229><b>Detailed Wipe Info</b></color></size>",
          "Map wipes will be bi-weekly (every 2 weeks on Thursday) or when forced. Blueprints will wipe every 3 months, on a cycle that begins from January to March and so on. Non-forced wipes will always be around 3PM EDT. Forced wipes will be whenever game update is released, so those could be earlier or later. Map size will be selected based on server population. This means certain monuments, especially trainyard, will not be on every map. However I make a strong attempt to make sure as many monuments are included as possible. Rankings will be wiped every map wipe. I plan on having monthly rankings and BP wipe rankings in the future"
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=22>SUPPORT</size>",
      "Icon": "",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/enableaddons.png",
      "Text Alignment": 0,
      "Text Lines": [
          "<size=45><color=#c14229><b>For additional info and support</b></color></size>",
          "Suspicious Players : Push F7 and send a report, then alert server staff in discord by opening a ticket",
          "Other feedback/problems/bugs/etc : Enter our discord and then open a ticket in the support channel",
          "Staff : CaptainNebulous(ServerOwner)",
          "Discord : https://discord.io/Perseverance"
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=22>PLUGIN LIST</size>",
      "Icon": "",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "",
      "Text Alignment": 3,
      "Text Lines": [
          "Better Chat, Clans (mainly for clan tags), Dangerous Treasures, Death History, Dynamic Wire Colors, Everlight, Group Limiter, Extra Car Lifts, Magic Panel (minimalistic), Extra Recyclers (at monuments), Ganja, Junkyard Event, Meteors, Plane Crash Event, Player Ranks, Playtime Tracker, Private Messages, Sign Artist, Simple Furnace Splitter, SkinBox, Sputnik, Vehicle Decay Protection, Claim Vehicle, Vehicle Storage, Zombie Hordes"
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=19>  COMMANDS</size>",
      "Icon": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/4/shop_button.png",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "0.5",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/1/multiplepages.png",
      "Text Alignment": 0,
      "Text Lines": [
          "<size=45><color=#c14229><b>Page 1</b></color></size>",
          "/dtd - Tells you information about the current or pending Dangerous Treasures event, and places event location on your screen for 30 seconds",
          "/deaths - Check the location of your recent deaths",
          "/pr - To see current player rankings and titles in a nice GUI",
          "/playtime - To view your own playtime, /playtime top - To view the top 30 most active players, AFK time is detected and will not count",
          "/info - To re-open this welcome menu",
          "/vclaim - To claim your vehicle to decrease decay inside and near tc",
          "/vunclaim - To unclaim a vehicle",
          "/pm name message, /r to reply to most recent sender",
          "/vclaim - To claim a vehicle and protect it from decay also prevents a despawning bug from one of the plugins, /vunclaim - To unclaim a vehicle. You may only claim one vehicle per hour",
          "/Info - to re-open the welcome info panel."
          "<size=45><color=#c14229><b>Page 2</b></color></size>",
          "/sil url - Download the image from the url to the server and display it on the sign you are currently looking at. /silt message fontsize color: hex value bgcolor: hex value. - Downloads a generated image with the given text and optional fontsize, color, bgcolor to be displayed on the sign you are currently looking at. /sili - Adds currently held item icon to sign or frame. Use /sili default to add that items default skin. Note that un-approved workshop skins will upload the first image in the workshop preview.",
          "/skinbox - Type this command with the item you want to skin in your hotbar. This will open the inventory menu. Drag the item into the right side inventory and skinning options will appear in the right side inventory for you to drag back out. /sd - To skin a deployed item you are looking at",
          "/wipe - Tells you when the next wipe is",
          "/clanhelp - Displays help, /clan create tagname - Create a new clan, /clan join tagname - Join a clan if you have a invite, Clan Member Commands, /clan leave- Leave you current clan, /c message - Send a message to all clan members, /clan invite partialname - Invite a player to join your clan, /clan invite cancel partialname/ID - Cancel a pending invite, /clan kick partialname/ID - Kick a player from your clan, /clan promote partialname/ID - Promote a clan member to clan moderator, /clan demote partialname/ID - Demote a clan moderator to clan member, /clan disband - Disband your clan",
          "/mp on or /mp - off to turn the additional UI on or off"
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=19>    DISCORD</size>",
      "Icon": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/4/discord_button.png",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "1",
      "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf",
      "Text Background Image": "",
      "Text Alignment": 4,
      "Text Lines": [
          "You'll find all the latest server info and support in the Discord."
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
  "Base Ui Elements": {
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    "offset_container": {
      "Color": "0 0 0 0",
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      "Image": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/4/background_preview.jpg",
      "Anchor Min": "0.5 0.5",
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Console Error :

[Oxide] 10:21 [Error] WelcomePanel v3.2.2: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (JsonToken EndArray is not valid for closing JsonType Object. Path '['Text Tabs'][5]', line 173, position 7.) 

[Oxide] 10:21 [Warning] [WelcomePanel] Configuration file is not valid, this is usually user error. Please before asking developer for help make sure you validate your json file at https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ 

But I check the line it says and I see nothing wrong? 


          "/skinbox - Type this command with the item you want to skin in your hotbar. This will open the inventory menu. Drag the item into the right side inventory and skinning options will appear in the right side inventory for you to drag back out. /sd - To skin a deployed item you are looking at",
          "/wipe - Tells you when the next wipe is",
          "/clanhelp - Displays help, /clan create tagname - Create a new clan, /clan join tagname - Join a clan if you have a invite, Clan Member Commands, /clan leave- Leave you current clan, /c message - Send a message to all clan members, /clan invite partialname - Invite a player to join your clan, /clan invite cancel partialname/ID - Cancel a pending invite, /clan kick partialname/ID - Kick a player from your clan, /clan promote partialname/ID - Promote a clan member to clan moderator, /clan demote partialname/ID - Demote a clan moderator to clan member, /clan disband - Disband your clan",
          "/mp on or /mp - off to turn the additional UI on or off"
      ],  <---- Line 173
      "Addon (plugin name)": ""
      "Name": "<size=19>    DISCORD</size>",
      "Icon": "https://rustplugins.net/products/welcomepanellite/4/discord_button.png",
      "Font Size": 12,
      "Font Color": "1 1 1 1",
      "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
      "Font Outline Thickness": "1",




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