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Green Doors Power and above ground trains

Closed 1.0.10

Kieran Lambert




I have a problem where the green doors around the map,  demolition derby etc don't power up at all i have the rust edit extension on my server (as ive ran previous custom maps in the past) .


also i have tried using your files for above ground trains but i cant get them to work either they just work under ground instead.


ive added 2 screen shots of my data as not sure if ive maybe done something wrong here?


look forward to your reply!..


loving the map btw! great work!



Screenshot 2023-04-13 13.35.30.png

Screenshot 2023-04-13 13.35.36.png

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Kieran Lambert


ok so all of a sudden some green doors now seem to power up by them self's and now i have a 3 Bradleys on map when i only had 1 at launch before. 


but demolition derby still doesnt work it says on code reader auth error if that means anything?


i still cant get above trains to work though and i have followed your instructions so any help there would be great thanks  

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8o8 Designs


1 bradley is a vanilla spawn and thats why it was the only one when you didnt have the rust edit extention ddl file installed.

once its installed, all IO electricity will function and the other 2 custom bradleys spawn where they should. isla of man and ireland main road.


the automated workcarts plugin should work perfectly. you have to installed this plugin and the data files provided for the plugin.

Kieran Lambert


hi, i have had the extension installed for a couple months now. 


i have followed your instructions for the work carts but they are just working under ground.


i still cant get demolition derby etc to work


look forward to your reply thanks 

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Kieran Lambert


if this is any help this is what the console says when i load your config.


o.reload  AutomatedWorkcarts
AutomatedWorkcarts was compiled successfully in 2918ms
Unloaded plugin Automated Workcarts v0.33.0 by WhiteThunder
[Automated Workcarts] Configuration appears to be outdated; updating and saving
[Automated Workcarts] Configuration changes saved to AutomatedWorkcarts.json
Loaded plugin Automated Workcarts v0.33.0 by WhiteThunder

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Kieran Lambert


ah now when i goto the derby theres no fences (when there was) and its like the concert blocks under the fences are decaying 

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8o8 Designs


That's 100% an issue with the rustedit extension. Wipe the map and it should be fine 👍

8o8 Designs


I will look into the automated workcart

Kieran Lambert


hi 808,


you can go ahead and close this now, 


a map wipe worked for the derby problems.


for the Automated Workcarts i did a rookie mistake and forgot to create a data file for both files.


thanks for the help

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