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Dynamic PVP

Not a Bug 1.6.2 1.6.3

Gay Sparkly T-Rex
Gay Sparkly T-Rex


So recently started making a new server and am using DynamicPVP which makes diffrent areas of the map allow PVP based on either monumnet or based on event type. Dynamic PVP allows owners to set zone IDs for static monuments but not for events... Im guessing as there could potentially be more then 1 bradly or downed helicopter on a server. So the issue Im running into is the events dont allow me to set a unique zone id thus they change thus I cant seem to exclude players from being punished inside these zones.. any help would be greatly appreciated!

Gay Sparkly T-Rex


Its half supported but Im asking for full support for DynamicPVP (the addon you linked)



Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug

Changed Fixed In to 1.6.3



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