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Can you change the randomizing upgrading to specific prices per tier?

Closed 1.1.4

cody simao
cody simao


for example can i some how make it so thatinstead of spending 100 epic scrap to get a random tier. can i change something to make each teir like c to cost 50, and tier b to cost 100 ect. or is the plugin only support radomized tiers?




The plugin only supports randomizing tiers at this point.

  • Like 1
cody simao


Thanks, if theres ever an add on for soemthing like that for epic loot, or even a way to craft tier c,b,c, and s with for example 10 components of a certain type of gun to make it a c tier. for example a tommy tier c would be 10 smg bodies 10 springs ect...... i woulld be very instrested in an add on that i can purchase thanks alot for the timely reply!




You could probably configure GUI shop or another shop plugin to handle it.

EpicLoot has a command to generate items via command.

genitem <target steamID> <shortname> <enhancement type> <tier>

You could create an item in the config of a shop or crafting plugin that runs this command, targeting the player who is using the shop.


  • Like 1
cody simao


okay thank you alot for that info ill passs this forward to the server person lol thanks




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