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how do i get a refund on this

Closed 1.3.26



i have bot this plugin my admin went to you diasrod ask for help and you was a total ass i buy for my gamming community and i have admin that work for me to work on servers and set them up do to my spelling and reading disabiltys i have never had this happen be for my admin is a customer to as they are part of my community when they go to a form a discord they are me they are sent there for me they speak for me and so on and i will not put up with some one thank they can treat my admins like total shit and i will not spend my money on your plugin ill hire a nother plugin maker make me one i wont my money back your plugin donot work the self help makes no sisne and your video on how to do it is trash if you are going to sell a plugin you must walk ppl thru in a text or video that make sisnc and if they come ask you for help becose your how to stuff is lacking then you help them..




I've never ignored a customer.

Can you give me he's discord name?



mytis85 you told him he was not the one that buy it and her told you he was there for me and my community and you did not wont to help or nothing i donot know whats all sayed be you kiked him 

as that sad and im gessing he must have got mad and told you off.. i say if you was not being the way you was he would have shown your respakt and all that. i cant read or spell well im handycap i have ppl help me i have ppl work for me and this makes me mad. we buy ppl plugins we tell ppl about it and put it in our discord for all to see and to have some one be that way donot set right with me. he would have not been there if we did not buy your plugin. 



He didn't contact me at all




ill have to ask him to marow he in bed he join your discord and ask for help and some one did that to him that was i gess saying he was the admin ill ask him the name and get back to you if it was not you then im sorry win i get info ill ask for help on your plugin 



I don't have a discord add me kaysharp#2008



can you please tell me how to get all this to work from the map vote to the wiper  do you have a video that gos step by step if so can i get one so i can see  im bad at reading and my admin cant get him in here to talk to you  he say it was on your discord and all that went down so he will not come. i need this to work or ill need my money back.. 


i sent you a add on discord if you like come to mine we talk on mic at https://discord.gg/cKGzBQ2Eea names snewildbill



sure, I can come, message me tonight at 20;00 GMT+1  .




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