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Above ground trains can't enter tunnels

Closed 1.0.6



The trains do not spawn above ground on the tracks, and when i spawned one it would not go through the tunnels anywhere above ground. Large locomotives don't even have a chance of fitting, can this be fixed? Also there is no fishing village. no recyclers, no traders, a lot of the basics are not up-to-snuff

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Loot boxes are allso generating on top of pre-existing items

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8o8 Designs


Right, lets get this straightened out Corpski. 

I advise you check the map properly and read the description of the map before telling me what works and what is and isn't missing. I didn't make a generic rust map like the vanilla ones. The "not up-to-snuff basics' as you put it are purposely intended to be that way. The map is meant to be a challenge.. unlike vanilla maps (imo).

  1. Train Network: The trains do work, the network does allow long trains and they do pass through the tunnels perfectly. 
  2. Fishing Villages: There's a typical fishing village vending area that sells boats & submarines, at the bandit camp.
  3. Recyclers: There's recyclers at every industrial zone. Mines, Racetracks, Docks, Harbours. There's just none in the urban areas or petrol stations.
  4. Traders: The outpost and bandit camp have all the usual vendors, plus there's actual shops in the urban zones that have vendors/traders.
  5. Loot: There are no duplicates on this map. If your loot is double stacking, that's probably a server/plugin issue, not the map. I have experienced this myself. It's kinda random and has been investigated a while ago

What version of the map are you using?
Did you even download the map from codefling?

You're not on the download list, so I suspect you downloaded as a guest or from some other source.. then made the account (18 hours ago) to create a support ticket
Have a read of the description and let me know if you're still having issues 👍


8o8 Designs


Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug



they dont pass through, ive been working with Shockbyte for 3 days to fix things i can on my end, its coming down to map issues

ive been trying to get the trains going through tunnels since last night. Join the server, see for yourself.  they just slam into invisible walls. if you spawn a train inside the tunnel and connect it it will pull it through but it kinda jumpy as it does it,. then on the other side you need to do the same thing. I not lying, this has been an on going issue



we have checked the zones stated too, they dont have recyclers they didnt load it seems. 

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Posted (edited)

the download was done by Shockbyte as they set the whole thing up on their end for me, this is the link i sent them. Yes I made an account to deal with the bugs. 


Edited by Corpski
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8o8 Designs


Hey there

3 days? Now I understand your frustration 👍 You should've contacted me sooner and I would've solved these issues for you no problem.

I know you're not lying. I know exactly what is wrong with your trains. You don't have the 'Automated Workcarts' plugin installed or set up correctly. The rail network is meant for automated trains, not for manually spawned workcarts.. If you only require manually spawn carts, the plugin will still allow them to pass through tunnels though.
I advise you install the plugin.  https://umod.org/plugins/automated-workcarts

Make sure you use my data file provided with the map download and the trains will run with NPC drivers and stop/start at every station flawlessly.


There's recyclers at mines, docks, trainyard, excavator, harbours, outpost, bandit camp, airfield, satellite dish, launch site, military tunnels

I assume you have installed https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit  ? 



we have the plugin but no trains spawn, so we have to create them thats another issue, ive turned the spawn up and everything

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8o8 Designs


Did you use my data file with the plugin? I suspect not. My test server runs these trains non stop and has done for a very long time. The rail network works great. Trust me, you wont be disappointed when you see it working as intended.

Oxide - Automated Workcarts Files.zipFetching info...

oxide > data > Automatedworkcarts > UKoR6Kv1.0.6

8o8 Designs


Then type in console..    o.reload AutomatedWorkcarts

8o8 Designs


Use my config and data files provided. It will work 100%



thats where we went wrong. we used the uMod Automated workcarts


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8o8 Designs


That's the correct plugin.

  1. Turn the server off
  2. delete the plugin and your old config and data files for automatedworkcarts
  3. install the plugin in oxide>plugins folder
  4. install my config file in oxide>config folder
  5. install my data file in oxide>data>automatedworkcarts folder
  6. start server

btw, Don't change the map file name. Keep it in it's original state/name.



These are our plugins, which ones shouldn't we have for your map? If you could tell us it would be a huge step forward today. 

Admin Radar - https://umod.org/plugins/admin-radar
Auto Broadcast - https://umod.org/plugins/auto-broadcast
Automated Workcarts - https://umod.org/plugins/automated-workcarts
Back Packs - https://umod.org/plugins/backpacks
BetterElevators.cs - https://umod.org/plugins/BetterElevators.cs
Better Loot - https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot
CarCommanderLite.cs - https://umod.org/plugins/CarCommanderLite.cs
CarTurrets.cs - https://umod.org/plugins/CarTurrets.cs
Chest Stacks - https://umod.org/plugins/chest-stack-multiplier
Death Notes - https://umod.org/plugins/death-notes
Gather Manager - https://umod.org/plugins/gather-manager
Image Library - https://umod.org/plugins/image-library
Rust Kits - https://umod.org/plugins/rust-kits
MiniCopterOptions - https://umod.org/plugins/MiniCopterOptions.cs
Night Zombies - https://umod.org/plugins/night-zombies
No Escape - https://umod.org/plugins/no-escape
No Give Notices - https://umod.org/plugins/no-give-notices
NTeleportation - https://umod.org/plugins/nteleportation
Play Time Rewards - https://umod.org/plugins/play-time-rewards
Quests - https://umod.org/plugins/quests
Quick Smelt - https://umod.org/plugins/QuickSmelt.cs
Quick Sort - https://umod.org/plugins/quick-sort
Raidable Bases - https://umod.org/plugins/raidable-bases
Rideable Drones - https://umod.org/plugins/RidableDrones.cs
Server Info - https://umod.org/plugins/server-info
Skins - https://umod.org/plugins/skins
Stack Size Controller - https://umod.org/plugins/stack-size-controller
WorkcartSafeZones.cs - https://umod.org/plugins/WorkcartSafeZones.cs
Vanish - https://umod.org/plugins/vanish
VehicleDecayProtection.cs - https://umod.org/plugins/VehicleDecayProtection.cs
Zone Manager - https://umod.org/plugins/zone-manager


there are a few other issues such as elevators not appears and still cannot find recyclers

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8o8 Designs


Those plugins are fine. I use many of those myself. The amount of plugins kinda depends on your server power though.


If elevators aren't working it's 100% you're missing the oxide extension rust edit file.

https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit This is vital when using custom maps or things will be missing. Every custom map uses this as far as I know.

Installation guide here https://www.rustedit.io/threads/rustedit-oxide-umod-extension.695/



what about recyclers? they just aren't showing up, I checked the mine thoroughly there just isn't one. wondering if something is colliding with it?  

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8o8 Designs


The mine has a recycler behind the lower green card door in the tower building.

Liverpool docks has a recycler behind the vehicle garage.

3 recyclers in the London outpost.

1 recycler Southampton or Portsmouth docks.

1 recycler at the trainyard, in the building near the roundabout.

1 recycler at cobalt harbour behind a green card door.


Idk why they wouldn't be showing up. I have never heard of or experienced this while playing.

8o8 Designs


Changed Status from Not a Bug to Gremlins

8o8 Designs


Changed Status from Gremlins to Closed



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