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Spawns at Dome

Closed 2.0.5




first of all, let me say that this plugin is great! I run a PVE Server and this is a must have plugin to a PVE Server, you have done a great work here Steenamaroo.

I have a question that is haunting me, is it possible to put Bots at the top of the Dome and at the Middle of Dome? This way, i can offer a little more difficulty to this monument.

I've created 2 custom spawns (TopDome and MiddleDome) at the positions that I want, but bots spawnned at the ground

Thank you in advance for you support.

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)


Yes, this is possible. The default approach is that BotSpawn will pick random spots within the provided radius and place npcs at those.
Those spots have to be on terrain with a clear view of the sky, looking directly up.

For your custom profiles, in/on/under The Dome, you'd need to set 'UseCustomSpawns' to true, and then use the provided chat commands (documentation) to create custom spawn points.

With this approach you can create spawn points anywhere that there is navmesh. If there is no navmesh you should get a friendly warning message in chat when you add a point.

If that's happens you can use '/botspawn removespawn' to remove the last created point then move a little bit and try again.


This allows precision custom placing of NPCs, but would have to be re-done each time the map changes.

You will need to create at least as many spawnpoints as the number of NPCs you're asking for.

Hope that helps.

Edited by Steenamaroo
  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

Thank you for your Reply 🙂
I think I have done everything right, but maybe I'm missing something

When I type

Bots.Count it gives-me this result:
[BotSpawn] Airfield 0 - 10
[BotSpawn] The Dome 0 - 5
[BotSpawn] AirDrop - 0
[BotSpawn] TopDome - 1

When I look for TopDome Bot, he's at the ground

I want spawn only 1 bot at this location


and used configurations attached



config.txt costum.txt

Edited by enhe
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Your attached file has "UseCustomSpawns" false for "Top Dome" profile.

As I say, you'd need to set that ^ to true and then use the chat commands to add a custom spawn point for that profile, where you're standing in your picture.


  1. Set 'UseCustomSpawns' to true for that profile
  2. /botspawn edit TopDome
  3. /botspawn AddSpawn
  4. reload plugin to confirm it worked.
Edited by Steenamaroo


Thanks 🙂
Worked fine, completly forgot to set it to true 


  • Administrator


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