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Stop on startup and compiler not closing

Not a Bug 2.2.3 2.3.2

Chill Roleplay
Chill Roleplay


Hello, I have been using this tool for a couple months but occasionally on startup it will freeze on something like loading rail mesh. If this happens even 30 minutes can pass and the server will not do anything until I close it. sometimes after closing it the compiler process is still open in task manager and needs to be closed to properly start the server again. 

Is there a way to fix this?
is this a common issue?



Hello, so I have not heard of this problem.
Check your server logs to see what was the last thing it did.
You can also send them to me, then I'll have a look.



Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug

Changed Fixed In to 2.3.2

Chill Roleplay


updated to 2.3.2

Today the server restarted for oxide update
it got hung up at same spot but Rust dedicated and the compiler didn't close this time and error was

11:42 [Error] Error while compiling: compiler version  disconnected

Chill Roleplay


i was sleeping so didnt relies server was down for over a hour 😞 




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