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Unable to get mod to work

Closed 2.0.6



Just bought the mod - very new to creating servers but I've been able to get other mods to work, I have oxide, I have other plugins installed, no matter what I do I cannot get the harbor event to start. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here? 



check your server logs/RCON to see if theres any error messages when loading the plugin


Posted (edited)

I had this plugin for quite awhile, was updating it today and realized had this new thing I needed to upload to my server files for it to work based on this error.

[  [HarborEvent] Image Tab_KpucTaJl was not found. Maybe you didn't upload it to the .../oxide/data/Images/ folder  ]

Not sure if this is the same for you but hope it helps.

Edited by HellHunter
Image not shown/displayed (replaced with text)
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When you reload the plugin, do you see any errors in console?
KpucTaJl's plugins are generally created with some debugging that will happen when the plugin is loaded.

There are a couple images that come with the plugin if you use the countdown UI.
This is set to true by default so this is the most likely error that you are running into.
There is now a much nicer looking small countdown UI that pops up on the top of the screen in the Event zone.


If you do not have this folder, you can create it, or drag it over from the unzipped download.
If you create it then just drag over the 2 image files from inside the unzipped download into the newly created Images folder.


Once you have those files installed you should be good on a reload of the plugin.
If for any reason this isn't the problem and you need more support please let me know.




@HellHunter just to be sure, you were able to sort out the above and get the plugin working for yourself, correct?

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@JbirdEverything seems to be working now! Harbor Event is in full swing - it was the /images folder that was the problem. I needed to create it. There is only one problem now, and I have no clue how to fix it. Whenever the event starts, the sniper and soldiers (not the porters, however) spawn in the actual Cargo ship tower. You can see the two soldiers at different levels sticking out and kill them, however, the sniper is literally INSIDE the prefab and there is no way for players to get at him or even see him, but he can still shoot them through the floors when they are in the control room. Anyone else have this problem? is there an easy fix? 



Inside the cargo prefab @kategrrrl? We can look into it for sure. Are you using a proc gen map by chance, and do you have anything added to the monument like a recycler? Only thing we have sometimes been able to find in common that I can think of. It hasn't been 100% of the time that something odd like this occurs though.

Spawn points can be removed or added. We could look into sorting out which spawn point that is and removing it for example. That's all in the config. Do you use AdminRadar or anything that allows you to identify which NPC it is? They always have locations before their name and configuration of each NPC preset.



@Jbird I do have AdminRadar, I can check that next time the event loads up. I also have the recyclers on monuments plugin. I just turned cargo ship recyclers to "false" and reloaded the event to see what would happen, and instead of the bots showing up on the back of the ship inside the prefab, they  showed up on the front. One soldier and the sniper are visible now, one is down inside the front of the ship where he isn't accessible to players, but they're all definitely still in the wrong spot. It's like they're in the right alignment of what positions they should be standing in (sniper up higher, one soldier higher than the other), but not where they should be standing - on the crane. AdminRadar names them as Sniper, Soldier and Soldier. 



Try keeping those removed @kategrrrl do you do restarts regularly? Wait for one and see if it happens to fix anything after a restart. It might would be something that you wouldn't see after a wipe if that was turned off, but to be fair that is a guess and not something I can guarantee. Worst case scenario the NPCs that are showing up in the wrong locations could be removed. Can view a default file to add them back in again at a later time, or make a backup of that file before you edit it.



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