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Closed 1.2.3

Gay Sparkly T-Rex
Gay Sparkly T-Rex


Calling hook OnEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: TruePVE - True (Boolean), TrafficDrivers (False (Boolean))

Above is the error Im getting in console... yes I know I could filter it out but that wont fix my actual issue. The issue is when TrafficNPCs drive thru a BotReSpawn NPC it applies the damage in some way but dosent kill the NPC... BUT when a player comes along and actually kills the BotReSpawn NPC then LootDefender has an issue where it thinks that the Traffic NPC killed the BotReSpawn and then locks the NPC loot to the NPC driver instead of the player. Please make it so that when a NPC Driver runs over a BotReSpawn NPC that they actually kill the BotReSpawn NPC.

Yes I updated to the newest version to make sure it wasnt an outdated version as well. Filtering out this error will not fix my actual issue.



not really sure that's the problem in the trafficdrivers plugin
write me in discord walkinrey#2924 and send your config file

Gay Sparkly T-Rex


I have tried to reach out to you multiple times on discord and have yet to hear back from you. I am Gay Sparkly T-Rex#7265 on discord.



On 7/8/2022 at 2:46 AM, Razor14150 said:

I have tried to reach out to you multiple times on discord and have yet to hear back from you. I am Gay Sparkly T-Rex#7265 on discord.

i started working on this plugin, i will contact you soon



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