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Loot & Corpse Timers

Closed 2.4.4



Players seem to be losing their loot when in a zone. Some are reporting corpses and backpacks despawning before the 10 mins I have set for the server. I have not been able to recreate this just yet, but it has been reported by multiple users. 

I have the config set to   "Draw Corpse Time (Seconds)": 900.0,   Does this have anything to do with it? Am I missing another value?




heya. if players can't find their corpse then it is outside of the dome within 10 meters of it. it also draws on their screen exactly where it is. it will never despawn a corpse. it will always turn it into a backpack

Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only)

you can set this false if you don't want the feature but i definitely recommend that players just get used to this and actually pay attention to their screen =p



Okay! Can I ask you a question? 

Players are able to enter a raid in progress by another player. When I initially installed the plug-in they were unable but I feel I changed something that I can't for the life of me figure out. Any chance you know what I need to change. 



hi. sure. you can find these settings in the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

"Eject Enemies From Purchased PVE Raids": true,
"Eject Enemies From Purchased PVP Raids": false,
"Eject Enemies From Locked PVE Raids": true,
"Eject Enemies From Locked PVP Raids": false,

and these settings can be found in the config

"Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases": false,
"Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases": false,

"Lock Treasure To First Attacker": true,


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Changed Status from Pending to Closed



Hey Nivex,

I know we've spoke about this before and you suggested turning on eject corpse from the dome, and so I have. All has been good with corpse's being ejected, but players are still experiencing their backpacks disappearing. I'm guessing it's a conflict with the backpack plugin and your plugin. Just wondering if you have any more info about this? It doesn't happen every time a player dies. About 50% of the time. For the past 2 weeks I've had corpse despawn timer set to 15 mins and Item despawn timer set to 10 mins and it doesn't seem to help the issue. 




hm ill look into this but I see no reason it would happen unless a plugin is interfering and I don't believe Backpacks plugin could. corpses that turn into backpacks when ejected are not related even though they share the same name

however the two options for corpse and backpack are related in some cases but that's not an issue just a distinction



Understood. Well it has to be a plugin conflicting... as I currently have 115 different plugins running. So I'm sure one is the culprit, but which one is beyond me at this time. 



Ill look into it regardless



Any update? Still happening frequently. 



It doesn't seem to be an isolated backpack problem as corpses are disappearing also while during a raidbase. 



not sure. I haven't received any other reports about it, nor do I see an issue in the code

10 minutes is a really short despawn time so I suggest increasing that to at least 20 minutes

I've seen it many times where players insist they came back in time but didn't so that wouldn't surprise me, and I've also seen many people who completely ignore the fact their backpack was moved to begin with


Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only)

either way, disable this if it continues. whatever is conflicting with the plugin should stop then




That's the thing. I've had it happen to me personally and It happens immediately after dying. The bag is nowhere to be found and I'm using radar to search for it. 

It has to be a plug-in conflicting so I'm in no way blaming you or your plug-in btw.  I had this option turned off for every diff besides nightmare. Maybe this is the issue. Here's hoping!



ok any luck?



Negative 😞 Had another player lose their corpse and backpack today instantly after dying and all profiles have the previous mentioned setting set to False.



ah well it's another plugin then bud =( 

I guess give me a list of your plugins and I'll go through it 



Yeah has to be! Here yah go...

Listing 121 plugins:
  01 "AdminMenu" (0.1.52) by k1lly0u (2.70s) - AdminMenu.cs
  02 "Admin Radar" (5.1.9) by nivex (36.97s) - AdminRadar.cs
  03 "Advert Messages" (3.0.2) by LaserHydra (0.01s) - AdvertMessages.cs
  04 "Auto Deposit" (1.0.1) by DC (0.10s) - AutoDeposit.cs
  05 "Auto Plant" (1.2.2) by Egor Blagov / rostov114 (0.29s) - AutoPlant.cs
  06 "Automatic Authorization" (1.3.0) by k1lly0u/Arainrr (0.88s) - AutomaticAuthorization.cs
  07 "Back Pump Jack" (1.4.12) by Arainrr (1.18s) - BackPumpJack.cs
  08 "Backpacks" (3.7.2) by LaserHydra (1.56s) - Backpacks.cs
  09 "Bank" (1.0.52) by Calytic (1.11s) - Bank.cs
  10 "Base Repair" (1.0.20) by MJSU (0.02s) - BaseRepair.cs
  11 "Better Chat" (5.2.10) by LaserHydra (0.13s) - BetterChat.cs
  12 "Better Chat Mentions" (1.2.4) by Death (0.00s) - BetterChatMentions.cs
  13 "BetterLoot" (3.5.8) by Tryhard & Khan (22.11s) - BetterLoot.cs
  14 "Blueprint Share" (1.2.10) by c_creep (0.05s) - BlueprintShare.cs
  15 "BotReSpawn" (1.0.9) by Steenamaroo (85.21s) - BotReSpawn.cs
  16 "BradleyTiers" (1.1.4) by Krungh Crow (5.30s) - BradleyTiers.cs
  17 "Building Grades" (1.0.5) by Default/Arainrr (0.00s) - BuildingGrades.cs
  18 "Building Workbench" (1.3.2) by MJSU (3.52s) - BuildingWorkbench.cs
  19 "ChickenBow" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (5.03s) - ChickenBow.cs
  20 "Clans" (0.2.5) by k1lly0u (0.11s) - Clans.cs
  21 "Clan Team" (1.0.6) by deivismac (0.01s) - ClanTeam.cs
  22 "Command Block" (0.5.3) by Wulf (0.26s) - CommandBlock.cs
  23 "Copy Paste" (4.1.32) by misticos (1.72s) - CopyPaste.cs
  24 "Crafting Store" (0.1.5) by CraftingStore (0.02s) - CraftingStore.cs
  25 "Crater Note" (1.0.0) by rostov114 (0.00s) - CraterNote.cs
  26 "Custom Item Gambling" (1.0.1) by Pro Noob (0.40s) - CustomItemGambling.cs
  27 "Custom Map Name" (1.0.1) by Ryz0r (0.07s) - CustomMapName.cs
  28 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.7.0) by WhiteThunder (0.58s) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
  29 "Death Notes" (6.3.7) by LaserHydra (7.38s) - DeathNotes.cs
  30 "Discord Auth" (1.2.1) by Tricky & OuTSMoKE (0.01s) - DiscordAuth.cs
  31 "Discord Chat" (2.1.2) by MJSU (0.08s) - DiscordChat.cs
  32 "Discord Commands" (2.0.1) by MJSU (0.02s) - DiscordCommands.cs
  33 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s) - DiscordCore.cs
  34 "Discord Presence" (2.0.4) by MJSU (0.79s) - DiscordPresence.cs
  35 "Discord Server Stats" (2.1.0) by MJSU (0.43s) - DiscordServerStats.cs
  36 "Discord Sign Logger" (1.0.7) by MJSU (0.04s) - DiscordSignLogger.cs
  37 "Dynamic Wire Colors" (1.1.0) by WhiteThunder (9.04s) - DynamicWireColors.cs
  38 "Economics" (3.9.1) by Wulf (1.29s) - Economics.cs
  39 "Enhanced Hammer" (2.0.7) by Iv Misticos (26.56s) - EnhancedHammer.cs
  40 "Entity Owner" (3.4.1) by Calytic (0.05s) - EntityOwner.cs
  41 "Epic Loot" (1.1.0) by imthenewguy (33.08s) - EpicLoot.cs
  42 "EventHelper" (1.0.5) by imthenewguy (0.20s) - EventHelper.cs
  43 "HungerGames" (1.1.14) by imthenewguy (1.24s) - HungerGames.cs
  44 "Everlight" (3.4.17) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr (123.20s) - Everlight.cs
  45 "FancyDrop" (3.2.2) by FastBurst (10.74s) - FancyDrop.cs
  46 "Friends" (3.1.2) by Wulf (0.01s) - Friends.cs
  47 "FurnaceLevels" (1.2.8) by SinKoh & David (3.86s) - FurnaceLevels.cs
  48 "Furnace Splitter" (2.4.1) by FastBurst (7.16s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs
  49 "Gather Rewards" (1.6.5) by Shady14u (10.07s) - GatherRewards.cs
  50 "GatheringClothes" (1.0.2) by imthenewguy (5.63s) - GatheringClothes.cs
  51 "GridPower" (1.0.8) by Nikedemos (68.52s) - GridPower.cs
  52 "HarborEvent" (2.0.6) by KpucTaJl (18.72s) - HarborEvent.cs
  53 "Image Library" (2.0.60) by Absolut & K1lly0u (1.15s) - ImageLibrary.cs
  54 "ImprovedDoorClosers" (1.0.1) by Death (0.39s) - ImprovedDoorClosers.cs
  55 "Item Puller" (1.2.4) by collect_vood (0.45s) - ItemPuller.cs
  56 "Kits" (4.2.0) by k1lly0u (0.80s) - Kits.cs
  57 "Lock Master" (1.1.8) by FastBurst (5.41s) - LockMaster.cs
  58 "Magic Airdrop Panel" (1.0.1) by MJSU (0.41s) - MagicAirdropPanel.cs
  59 "Magic Bradley Panel" (1.0.1) by MJSU (0.38s) - MagicBradleyPanel.cs
  60 "Magic Cargo Ship Panel" (1.0.1) by MJSU (0.36s) - MagicCargoShipPanel.cs
  61 "Magic Clock Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (1.03s) - MagicClockPanel.cs
  62 "Magic Economics Panel" (1.0.5) by MJSU (0.50s) - MagicEconomicsPanel.cs
  63 "Magic Heli Panel" (1.0.2) by MJSU (0.68s) - MagicHeliPanel.cs
  64 "Magic Panel" (1.0.8) by MJSU (0.68s) - MagicPanel.cs
  65 "Magic Server Rewards Panel" (1.0.6) by MJSU (0.01s) - MagicServerRewardsPanel.cs
  66 "Master Key" (0.7.7) by FastBurst (42.75s) - MasterKey.cs
  67 "MeteorEvent" (1.2.4) by ThePitereq (49.95s) - MeteorEvent.cs
  68 "Minicopter Licence Plate" (1.1.3) by The Friendly Chap (0.43s) - MiniPlate.cs
  69 "Monument Addons" (0.12.0) by WhiteThunder (0.64s) - MonumentAddons.cs
  70 "Monument Finder" (3.1.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s) - MonumentFinder.cs
  71 "NTeleportation" (1.7.0) by nivex (3.14s) - NTeleportation.cs
  72 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs
  73 "NightVision" (2.4.0) by Clearshot (1.17s) - NightVision.cs
  74 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s) - NoGiveNotices.cs
  75 "NpcSpawn" (2.3.0) by KpucTaJl (10.81s) - NpcSpawn.cs
  76 "Offline Doors" (1.1.2) by Slydelix (0.64s) - OfflineDoors.cs
  77 "PersonalRecycler" (1.0.2) by imthenewguy (27.15s) - PersonalRecycler.cs
  78 "Phone Commands" (0.0.10) by marcuzz (0.37s) - PhoneCommands.cs
  79 "Placeholder API" (2.2.1) by misticos (0.11s) - PlaceholderAPI.cs
  80 "Player Challenges" (2.0.47) by k1lly0u (6.26s) - PlayerChallenges.cs
  81 "PlayerCounter" (2.1.0) by Farkas (0.00s) - PlayerCounter.cs
  82 "PlayerList" (0.3.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.02s) - PlayerList.cs
  83 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (0.28s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs
  84 "PocketZipline" (1.0.7) by Adem (1.16s) - PocketZipline.cs
  85 "PowerlessNeon" (1.1.0) by MNGO (0.43s) - PowerlessNeon.cs
  86 "Powerless Turrets" (3.2.8) by August (0.03s) - PowerlessTurrets.cs
  87 "PrivateMessages" (1.1.11) by MisterPixie (0.01s) - PrivateMessages.cs
  88 "QuarryLevels" (1.0.7) by Death (1.03s) - QuarryLevels.cs
  89 "Quarry Locks" (1.2.1) by Orange (0.01s) - QuarryLocks.cs
  90 "Quests" (2.4.1) by Gonzi (10.01s) - Quests.cs
  91 "Raid Protection" (2.1.8) by mr01sam (232.62s) - RaidProtection.cs
  92 "Raidable Bases" (2.4.9) by nivex (75.10s) - RaidableBases.cs
  93 "Recycle" (3.0.5) by 5Dev24 (24.04s) - Recycle.cs
  94 "Recycler Speed" (2.0.2) by Ryz0r/yetzt (0.05s) - RecyclerSpeed.cs
  95 "Remover Tool" (4.3.35) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr (0.06s) - RemoverTool.cs
  96 "Rust Admin" (1.0.1) by misticos (0.00s) - RustAdmin.cs
  97 "Rusty Cuffs" (0.9.33) by Revolving DCON (29.25s) - RustyCuffs.cs
  98 "Server Rewards" (0.4.73) by k1lly0u (2.80s) - ServerRewards.cs
  99 "Sign Artist" (1.4.0) by Whispers88 (0.01s) - SignArtist.cs
  100 "Skins" (2.2.2) by misticos (4.47s) - Skins.cs
  101 "Stack Size Controller" (4.1.1) by AnExiledDev (30.05s) - StackSizeController.cs
  102 "Sync Pipes" (0.9.27) by Joe 90 (14.70s) - SyncPipes.cs
  103 "Telekinesis" (3.2.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s) - Telekinesis.cs
  104 "TimeOfDay" (2.3.4) by FuJiCuRa (0.00s) - TimeOfDay.cs
  105 "Trade" (1.2.43) by Calytic (0.06s) - Trade.cs
  106 "Trashcan" (1.0.4) by Smallo (0.11s) - Trashcan.cs
  107 "TruePVE" (2.0.6) by nivex (284.29s) - TruePVE.cs
  108 "VIPToken" (1.1.5) by imthenewguy (7.15s) - VIPToken.cs
  109 "VPN Block" (1.0.0) by Calytic (0.00s) - VPNBlock.cs
  110 "Vanish" (1.6.6) by Whispers88 (0.20s) - Vanish.cs
  111 "Vehicle Licence" (1.7.35) by Sorrow/TheDoc/Arainrr (6.60s) - VehicleLicence.cs
  112 "VoteRewards" (2.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.03s) - Voter.cs
  113 "WelcomePanel" (3.0.7) by David (27.23s) - WelcomePanel.cs
  114 "Welcomer" (1.5.6) by Dana (0.04s) - Welcomer.cs
  115 "ZLevelsRemastered" (3.0.4) by nivex (9.19s) - ZLevelsRemastered.cs
  116 "Zone Manager" (3.0.23) by k1lly0u (94.33s) - ZoneManager.cs
  117 "Dynamic PVP" (4.2.12) by CatMeat/Arainrr (0.73s) - DynamicPVP.cs
  118 "Zone PVx Info" (1.1.5) by BuzZ[PHOQUE]/Arainrr (0.03s) - ZonePVxInfo.cs
  119 BetterChatFilter - Unloaded
  120 SteamChecks - Unloaded 



i don't see anything but some of these I have never heard of. I would make sure you update all of your plugins otherwise I have no idea. raid bases isn't going to delete anything until it despawns and it won't touch bags



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