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table with the gather number

Closed 1.3.0

Trudy Latté
Trudy Latté



Would it be possible to have a table with the gather number

currently I’m a little lost 🙂




12 hours ago, Manu said:


Would it be possible to have a table with the gather number

currently I’m a little lost 🙂


It's on the main page mate 😄


0: NodeAll - Stone, Metal and Sulfur nodes.
1: TreeAll - All trees.
2: TreeArid - Trees in desert biomes.
3: Hemp - All hemp plants.
4: CollectableNode - The small collectable stone, metal and sulfur nodes.
5: BerryBush - Bushes that berries can be picked from.
6: Pumpkin - All Pumpkin patches.
7: Potato - All potato patches.
8: Corn - All corn patches.
9: Fish - Gutting a fish.
10: Boar - Harvested specifically from boars.
11: Chicken - Harvested specifically from chickens.
12: Bear - Harvested specifically from bears.
13: Stag - Harvested specifically from stags.
14: Wolf - Harvested specifically from wolves.
15: Horse - Harvested specifically from horses.
16: Mushroom - All mushroom patches.
17: Animal - All animals in the animals list.
18: Default - An item that is obtained by default in Rust.
19: Crafted - An item that needs to be crafted (requires a recipe as well).
20: NodeArid - Mining nodes in the desert biomes.
21: NodeTemperate - Mining nodes in temperate biomes.
22: NodeTundra - Mining nodes in Tundra biomes.
23: NodeArctic - Mining nodes in Arctic biomes.
24: TreeTemperate - Cutting trees in temperate biomes.
25: TreeTundra - Cutting trees in Tundra biomes.
26: TreeArctic - Cutting trees in arctic biomes.
27: NodeStone - Mining stone nodes.
28: NodeMetal - Mining metal nodes.
29: NodeSulfur - Mining sulfur nodes.
30: PolarBear - Harvesting polar bear flesh.
31: Fishing - Catching a fish.
32: TreeCactus - Harvesting a cactus.




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