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Biome not Spawning

Pending 1.0.8



So unfortantly it seems to me, that the biome spawn points are not working. I have no concrete Error other then that there are no bots

Version: The one you send me 

Loaded plugin BotReSpawn v1.0.9 by Steenamaroo 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)


[BotReSpawn] BiomeArid - 0/2 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

[BotReSpawn] BiomeTemperate - 0/2 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

[BotReSpawn] BiomeTundra - 0/2 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)

[BotReSpawn] BiomeArctic - 0/100 
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
"BiomeArctic": {
      "type": 2,
      "Spawn": {
        "AutoSpawn": true,
        "BotNames": [],
        "BotNamePrefix": "",
        "Keep_Default_Loadout": false,
        "Kit": [
        "Day_Time_Spawn_Amount": 100,
        "Night_Time_Spawn_Amount": 40,
        "Announce_Spawn": false,
        "Announcement_Text": "",
        "BotHealth": 400,
        "Stationary": false
      "Behaviour": {
        "Roam_Range": 20,
        "Aggro_Range": 30,
        "DeAggro_Range": 40,
        "Peace_Keeper": true,
        "Bot_Accuracy_Percent": 85,
        "Bot_Damage_Percent": 100,
        "Running_Speed_Booster": 5,
        "AlwaysUseLights": false,
        "Ignore_Sleepers": true,
        "Target_Noobs": false,
        "Melee_DamageScale": 1.5,
        "RangeWeapon_DamageScale": 1.0,
        "Target_ZombieHorde": 0,
        "Target_HumanNPC": 0,
        "Target_Other_Npcs": 0,
        "Respect_Safe_Zones": true,
        "Faction": 0,
        "SubFaction": 0
      "Death": {
        "Spawn_Hackable_Death_Crate_Percent": 0,
        "Death_Crate_CustomLoot_Profile": "",
        "Death_Crate_LockDuration": 10,
        "Corpse_Duration": 10,
        "Weapon_Drop_Percent": 0,
        "Min_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 50,
        "Max_Weapon_Drop_Condition_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Main_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Belt_Percent": 100,
        "Wipe_Clothing_Percent": 100,
        "Allow_Rust_Loot_Percent": 100,
        "Rust_Loot_Source": "supply_drop",
        "Respawn_Timer": 0,
        "RustRewardsValue": 0.0
      "Other": {
        "Chute": false,
        "Suicide_Timer": 5,
        "Die_Instantly_From_Headshot": false,
        "Instant_Death_From_Headshot_Allowed_Weapons": [],
        "Disable_Radio": false,
        "Use_Map_Marker": false,
        "Always_Show_Map_Marker": false,
        "MurdererSound": false


BotReSpawn.json default-CustomProfiles.json default-DefaultProfiles.json default-SpawnsData.json

  • Administrator


Can you confirm you waited a little while for biome spawning to complete?
Regular profiles start spawning immediately, with around a 1 second delay between each, so they start populating very quickly,
but biome spawns have a delay as biome spawnpoints require more work to find.

If spawn points can't be found you should see a console message saying "Failed to find spawnpoints at...", which you aren't seeing,
so it might be worth retrying the bots.count command a few minutes after the plugin has loaded.

Let me know how that goes, please. 🙂



Okay 2 things:

1) First yeah I'm stupid - Biome Spawn Ticks take longer you are totally right

2) Chute Spawning doesn't seem to work or in combination with biome spawning. Because when using chute and biome they don't spawn even after 20 minutes

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

No worries.
Are you certain? I just switched my biome npcs to chute:true and they're parachuting in just fine.

I don't think I've made any relevant changes since releasing the last update.

Edited by Steenamaroo


I'll give it another try. Let's for now assume that it is working and that it is something on my side. If I can actually prove that chute isn't working, I will open a new support ticket. Thx for help

  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

Don't worry about it. It's cool to reply here or just DM me. Whatever suits.
With the biomes it can be hard to put eyes on them, particularly on larger maps, so I'd recommend using the bots.count console command for confirmation.

It'll tell you for certain if they have spawned or not.

Edited by Steenamaroo


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