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Medium base NPCs have different loot pool.

No Response 2.4.1

Phelan Keller
Phelan Keller



I have really enjoyed your plugin, but I have a small issue. Medium bases on my server spawn NPC's that have a really strange loot pool (I have gotten rocket launchers, grenade launchers, L96, ect ect) I have checked the medium bases JSON under profiles and I dont see anything about loot tables (other than where you can specify them to have heavy scientist loot ect ect which is disabled) I cant for the life of me figure out what is going on. Please advise.



heya. glad to hear you're enjoying it!

that's not how the option works though. its for using alternative loot tables if its enabled. otherwise all npcs will continue to drop heavy scientist loot by default as intended (hence the name Alternative)

you can prevent any native Rust loot from being dropped by setting Despawn Inventory On Death to false

these loot tables use native Rust loot, so it's not possible for it to drop loot that wouldn't spawn natively, unless...

1. you use the Items Dropped On Death option, or

2. another plugin is conflicting / modifying loot


Phelan Keller

Posted (edited)

I appreciate the response. Its only medium bases that are doing it. Everything else drops 30 pistol or rifle ammo.


"    "Murderer Items Dropped On Death": [
        "shortname": "ammo.pistol",
        "name": null,
        "amount": 30,
        "skin": 0,
        "amountMin": 1,
        "probability": 1.0,
        "stacksize": -1
    "Scientist Items Dropped On Death": [
        "shortname": "ammo.rifle",
        "name": null,
        "amount": 30,
        "skin": 0,
        "amountMin": 1,
        "probability": 1.0,
        "stacksize": -1

From Medium Bases JSON

Medium Bases.json

Edited by Robert Schuller
Attach Medium Bases.json

Posted (edited)

yes, but what im saying is its not possible for it to do unless its 1. configured to do so, or 2. a plugin is interfering. i do not randomly generate items in this plugin. i simply pick randomly from a provided list, and if that list does not contain said item then it will never be picked nor spawned

Edited by nivex
Phelan Keller


I understand it would have to be configured to do so. I just don't know how to fix it. I don't think its a plugin interfering as none of the other bases loot is effected. Should I replace the medium base json with a default file, or is it possible there is another file that is causing this to happen?



you can try replacing it, sure. there is no other possibility afaik



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