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Bases Despawning Too Soon

Closed 2.4.1



Some players reported bases despawning before their timers had ran out. I tested this myself and sure enough the Nightmare base I was raiding despawned before my despawn timer had finished.

My config has this:

      "Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 45,

      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 20,

      "Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true,

I thought maybe the Inactive timer was overiding the Looting timer after the TC is blown. So I kept causing damage to the base but it still despawned with about 20 minutes left of the "After Looting" timer left.

Am I doing something wrong here?




hi ZEODE sorry you're having this issue. it could be another plugin cleaning up entities, but without more information such as errors or how to reproduce it i won't be of much help. this is the first i'm hearing of this.



On 1/23/2022 at 4:18 AM, nivex said:

hi ZEODE sorry you're having this issue. it could be another plugin cleaning up entities, but without more information such as errors or how to reproduce it i won't be of much help. this is the first i'm hearing of this.

Hi, no error messages in console. I thought maybe my config isn't right, does inactive time somehow overide the loot time somehow?


Posted (edited)

"Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled)": 20,

this is how long the base remains on the map

"Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged": true, 

this option can reset the timer for the above option

"Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min: 1)": 45,

this option overrides both above options and is uninterruptable, and cannot be reset, once the base is looted or the TC is destroyed (if configured to end when TC is destroyed)

otherwise, no, i have no idea how your base is despawning before these times run out. the plugin cannot despawn the base when these conditions are not met, unless something is influencing this behavior and this cannot be fixed unless that influence is identified.

i have seen it happen myself a couple days ago, and now I recall a few instances of it supposedly happening before. my best guess is the server throws up a big F YOU sign and says no loot is left when there is. impossible? yes, but it's Rust, so...

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

now that I think about it, it probably is a game bug. there is absolutely an issue where entities return null when they're not. i believe I have a workaround for that, so hopefully that addresses this, too

and it's simple really, use (object)entity == null instead of entity == null for the null checks.

Edited by nivex


another note, this can happen if another plugin is destroying the GameObject used by Raidable Bases. unlikely, but possible



Thanks for the reply, glad to see it’s not just me that’s seen it happen. I don't think I have any other plugins that would despawn game objects in such a way.

I will update when available and hopefully that will fix it 👍🏻



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