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Pending 1.1.5



Please spend some time and fix your plugin. Here is a list of know issues I have open tickets from a month ago.

Horizontal W adjustment abnormally auto adjusts the X setting causing panels to overlap and manually corrected.

Blank lines not available

Text does not follow constraints and truncates out of field or auto returns

Text editing backspace does not move to previous line within the same text line

Screen does not always update with changes, requiring a complete exit and reload to view

Limited choice of Type boxes such as simple hyperlinks

Cloning does not create independent pages. Editing on one clone page affects all

Color Picker has no save option. Only X and not ability to abandon changes

Panels can not be renamed for ease of identification. Making hard to distinguish them.


I'm not going to take the time to screen shot 20 issues. Many of these should have been taken care of before the plugin was ever released. 


Please advise.



Posted (edited)



Thank you for sharing the list of issues. We appreciate your feedback and would like to address each point.

1) The horizontal setting W abnormally changes parameter X, causing panels to overlap:

Could you please provide more details? In which situations does this occur, and what steps lead to the issue?

2) Blank lines are unavailable:

If you mean lines without text, you can add them by clicking the “ADD NEW LINE” button.

3) Text exceeds field boundaries or wraps automatically:

This is due to technical limitations of Rust and Unity. Unfortunately, we cannot influence this aspect, but you may contact Facepunch or Unity Company for further information.

4) The screen does not always update after changes:

In which specific cases does this happen? This will help us better understand the problem and find a possible solution.

5) There is no save button in the color selection menu - only “X,” with no option to cancel changes:

What kind of cancellation option would you like to see? In the current version, you can either select a suggested color or enter a color manually.

6) It is impossible to rename panels for easier identification:

Panels can be renamed in the “Name” section when editing a panel. If you encounter difficulties, please specify at which stage.

7) Cloning does not create independent pages - editing one cloned page changes all of them:

Yes, this is indeed a bug, and we will fix it in an upcoming update. Thank you for reporting it!

8.  Limited field type options, such as the absence of simple hyperlinks: 

This is also due to Rust’s technical limitations. Unfortunately, adding hyperlinks is not possible at this stage, but you can submit a request to Facepunch developers.

9)  When editing text, the Backspace key does not move the cursor to the previous line within the same text area:

This is a limitation of Unity and Rust, and unfortunately, we cannot fix it on our end. You may contact Facepunch or Unity Company regarding this issue.


Thank you again for your feedback! If you have any further clarifications regarding these issues, we would be happy to assist you.

Edited by MeventSupport


13 hours ago, MeventSupport said:



Thank you for sharing the list of issues. We appreciate your feedback and would like to address each point.

1) The horizontal setting W abnormally changes parameter X, causing panels to overlap:

Could you please provide more details? In which situations does this occur, and what steps lead to the issue?

This happens almost every time you enter a number in the W box. It atomatically adjusts the number in the X box and sometimes shifting the box up or down and overlaping when all you wanted to do was increase the width by a few characters.

2) Blank lines are unavailable:

If you mean lines without text, you can add them by clicking the “ADD NEW LINE” button.

Add new line adds a blank line in edit mode, yes, but as soon as you exit, it removes the blank line in normal view. The lines are not spaced as they show in edit.

3) Text exceeds field boundaries or wraps automatically:

This is due to technical limitations of Rust and Unity. Unfortunately, we cannot influence this aspect, but you may contact Facepunch or Unity Company for further information.

This is not a technical limitation other than your code allowing a field to be filled past its boundary. Your code should stop at the predefined text/box coordinates limit, yet it does not. 

4) The screen does not always update after changes:

In which specific cases does this happen? This will help us better understand the problem and find a possible solution.

As soon as you press save, it reverts to the previous edits. If you exit out of the UI edit function, the changes show as entered, as they should, you need to put a refresh code in the X/save function and perhaps the edits will show.

5) There is no save button in the color selection menu - only “X,” with no option to cancel changes:

What kind of cancellation option would you like to see? In the current version, you can either select a suggested color or enter a color manually.

Yes and if you don't like the change there is no going back. You can't just exit without saving and have to try and re-enter the previous color. Every color editor out there has a back button or exit without save, except yours. Very inconvenient.

6) It is impossible to rename panels for easier identification:

Panels can be renamed in the “Name” section when editing a panel. If you encounter difficulties, please specify at which stage.

I tried to change the name. It entered it, then when I left the edit screen and came back the page/panel was gone. Tried several times to change the default name. 

7) Cloning does not create independent pages - editing one cloned page changes all of them:

Yes, this is indeed a bug, and we will fix it in an upcoming update. Thank you for reporting it!

13 hours ago, MeventSupport said:


Both copy and clone do the exact same thing. I am unable to create more than 1 page. Even if you copy 1,2,3, or create new. They are all clones and you can not independently edit them.

8.  Limited field type options, such as the absence of simple hyperlinks: 

This is also due to Rust’s technical limitations. Unfortunately, adding hyperlinks is not possible at this stage, but you can submit a request to Facepunch developers.

Never mind. I figured out how its done.

9)  When editing text, the Backspace key does not move the cursor to the previous line within the same text area:

This is a limitation of Unity and Rust, and unfortunately, we cannot fix it on our end. You may contact Facepunch or Unity Company regarding this issue.

Please stop blaming Facepunch for your coding limitations. That doesn't work. Yes there are limitations. But nothing in this Server panel code or unity is beyond these simple fixes if you have the know how. I suggest you please each out to the coding group and ask for help. You need it. 

Thank you again for your feedback! If you have any further clarifications regarding these issues, we would be happy to assist you.




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