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No Response 1.0.5

Matthew Pease
Matthew Pease


we tested this plug-in across four different host with the same results for some reason this plug-in corrupt your save causing our server to wipe the error that it gives is listed below do not waste your money on this plug-in it was a cash grab a very public YouTube video will soon follow after this discussion Error "AssertionException: Assertion failure. Value was False
Expected: True
BaseEntity.saveList isn't empty!"

Screenshot 2021-12-16 202741.png

  • Administrator


Hi Matthew,

The issue you're talking about was identified, addressed, and a public update was issued, all within 24 hours of the initial release. (two weeks ago)

Fortunately relatively few people experienced the issue as it was reported and addressed so quickly, and the update was marked Emergency - Update before your next server restart.

The current public release is V1.0.5 and there have been many bug fixes but also many user requested additions, so please ensure you're up to date for the best experience.



So you know, a cash grab is defined by many as something created for the sole purpose of profit.

BotReSpawn was, indeed, always going to be a paid product, originally intended to be available along side free BotSpawn,
and was created with the intention of
1: Using newer AI for better behaviour, greater control/manipulation of the AI, and futureproofing (as the old AI was no longer used in vanilla game),
2: Replacing the janky old custom population control code with Rust's native spawngroup use for much more reliable and, I expect, efficient population control,
3: Adding a detailed UI for much much easier setup and maintenance of profiles,

amongst other things.

The main reason for charging is that it's quite a big work, a substantial rewrite when compared to BotSpawn, and, as with BotSpawn and some of my other plugins, I have every hope that I'll still be maintaining and supporting it, and implementing user requests, 4 years from now.

I'm sorry you feel it was just a cash-grab but hopefully time will show otherwise.



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