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Pending 1.5.11



Hello. I watched your whole YouTube video on getting custom permissions set up to affect what heppens when you Prestige, but as i mentioned before... i've been trying this for a couple weeks now and I can not figure it out... I do not know where to SPECIFY what the permission does.. like... increased scrap yeild.. or the ability to summon a minicopter.. nothing!    Your video shows you going through the config and showing the finished product.. not where you made the permission happen.. I am very confused and like 50% of the plugins functionality is ruined because of this small thing I cant figure out... all I have asked for is a small DEMONSTRATION on creating the permission in the config file... because I understand where you call on them for "what happens when you prestige" but I dont understand the part where you CREATE it.



In our private messages, I literally linked time-stamps from my video that covers:

  • How to create permissions for xp gain and xp loss as an example. Other permission overrides also exist:
    • "Modified skill points per level based on permissions [must be higher than default]"
    • "Modified max skill points based on permissions [must be higher than default]"
    • "Cost per point to respec based on permissions [must be lower than default]"
    • "Permission based level requirement override"
    • "Permission based point requirement override"
    • "Dictionary of permission based overrides for starting skill points"
    • "Modifiers based on permissions to adjust the rested xp value [1.0 = 100% increase. 0.0 = no increase]"
  • I also told you that you cannot use buffs from my skill tree as permissions. If you want to add features such as increased scrap yield or helicopter speeds, you need to find plugins that offer these features via a permission, and assign that permission to the relevant prestige group.
  • I also directly linked how to create new prestige groups and how to assign your permissions to the group so the player receives them when they prestige.


I also offered for you to join my discord community, who have helped countless people with questions about Skill Tree (prestige setup included).

Not sure what else I can do mate.

  • Love 1


That's what i'm saying... XP gain inside the config isnt a STANDARD feature.. if it's something i'm going to ADD.. wehre in the plugin do i specify the values/permissions to assign... as a value.. in order to give it as a perk under the prestige area.. send a screenshot



You can boost xp rates by creating a permission under the following config setting: "Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]"


    "Permissions to adjust xp gain modifiers (skilltree.<perm>) [1.0 is default modifier]": {
      "vip": 2.0,
      "prestige1": 1.5

You can then add it to prestige:

    "Prestige levels": {
      "1": {
        "Permissions [name : perm]": {
          "2x xp bonus": "skilltree.prestige1"
        "Additional benefits descriptions": [],
        "Format for BetterChat title showing the prestige level. {0} is the colour value and {1} is the player prestige value": "<color=#{0}>[Pr.{1}]</color>",
        "Colour for BetterChat xp titles": "d109ec",
        "Skin ID that will be displayed when ranking up": 3165843865,
        "Rank title": "Prestige Rank 1",
        "XP modifier": 1.0




You are awesome.. this is all i needed to see. thank you!



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