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Not Working At All - Console Errors

Can't Reproduce 4.0.19



/note says it gives you a note, but there is nothing in my inventory and nothing in the console
when a non-admin uses it, it says they don't have permission to use it? even though there are no perms?


Failed executing chat command 'vote' in 'EasyVotePro v4.0.19 by BippyMiester' [callback] (Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.CheckPlayerVotes(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 421
at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.VoteChatCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 1042
at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)


Failed executing chat command 'claim' in 'EasyVotePro v4.0.19 by BippyMiester' [callback] (Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.ClaimChatCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 1085
at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)

Was this tested at all? 



When I join the server, I do not get a message in chat, nor does Simple Status show anything. Here is the console error when I join:

[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: ------------------------------
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Method: OnPlayerConnected
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Player: dusty.live/76561198200161362
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: ------------------------------
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Method: CheckIfPlayerDataExists
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Player: dusty.live/76561198200161362
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: dusty.live data does not exist. Creating new entry now.
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Data file has been updated.
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: dusty.live Data has been created.
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Server: Alliant Games
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: -----------------------------
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Vote Site: GamesFinder.net
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: ID/Key: ID:KEY
[EasyVotePro] ERROR: Server (Alliant Games) has a vote site (GamesFinder.net) where the ID/KEY is not set. Please check the "Server Vote Site ID/Keys" section to correct the issue.
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: -----------------------------
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: Vote Site: Rust-Servers.net
[EasyVotePro] DEBUG: ID/Key: 174017
Failed to call internal hook 'OnPlayerConnected' on plugin 'EasyVotePro v4.0.19' [2848347654] (Index was outside the bounds of the array.)
at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.CheckPlayerVotes(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 421
at void Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/EasyVotePro.cs:line 920
at object Oxide.Plugins.EasyVotePro.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in EasyVotePro.cs/Internal:line 447 joined [windows/76561198200161362]

This is incredibly disappointing. 



Im sorry I'm currently dealing with IRL issues. Please see my discord announcement for more details.



1 hour ago, BippyMiester said:

Im sorry I'm currently dealing with IRL issues. Please see my discord announcement for more details.

Sorry that you are dealing with issues, but you are selling a broken plugin and have an obligation to paying customers. So I assume you will de-list this plugin immediately so nobody else can buy it and that you will refund my money since not one single feature is working? Not trying to be a jerk, but selling plugins for income is also "IRL".



Ok, look man. No need for the hostility. Its only not working, for you. Most likely you set up your config wrong, or didn't read the documentation carefully enough, and thats why its not working. The plugin hasn't broke for anyone. I haven't had to push an update in a while due to the stable nature of the plugin. The plugin was originally made by someone else, and they ALSO did NOT have to update the plugin very often due to the fact that it is so stable.

If you would like to come to my discord server (click on the big image that says join me in the description), you can link me your config file, and your vote site links, and i'll run some diagnostics. Putting it here would expose your API keys etc. So best to do it in Discord.

People have lives outside of this Rust community. Stop being toxic. 



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