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NPC's not moving

No Response 1.3.9



We started the wave, and three Chinooks arrived, dropping off the scientists. However, the scientists hovered in the air for a while and stayed clustered on the helipad, instead of descending the stairs and attacking as they used to.

Screenshot 2025-01-03 223207.jpg


Posted (edited)

This is not part of plugin. Ive seen certain seeds that does this . Or plugins like admin chinook . But this is not bc of this plugin

Edited by NooBlet


Changed Status from Pending to No Response



On 1/3/2025 at 8:14 PM, NooBlet said:

This is not part of plugin. Ive seen certain seeds that does this . Or plugins like admin chinook . But this is not bc of this plugin

I am having a similar problem.
The NPC is not moving, it is standing still.



again  this plugin does not controlling npc's  . please check in your console these 2 convars




and then provide list of all current plugins . map seed and oxide version




01/14 14:06:38 | ai.think: "True"

01/14 14:06:55 | ai.move: "True"

Oxide : 2.0.6348 




Listing 237 plugins:
01 "Abandoned Bases" (2.1.9) by nivex (7.28s / 19 MB) - AbandonedBases.cs
02 "Admin AntiHack Fix" (1.0.0) by Solarix (0.01s / 0 B) - AdminAntiHackFix.cs
03 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.00s / 20 KB) - AdminHammer.cs
04 "Admin No Loot" (0.1.3) by Dana (0.03s / 48 KB) - AdminNoLoot.cs
05 "Admin Toggle" (1.0.6) by Talha (0.00s / 8 KB) - AdminToggle.cs
06 "AdvancedEntityLimit" (1.1.3) by CobaltStudios (0.27s / 5 MB) - AdvancedEntityLimit.cs
07 "AgileZones" (1.1.14) by Goblox (0.82s / 5 MB) - AgileZones.cs
08 "AlphaLoot" (3.1.35) by k1lly0u (8.23s / 74 MB) - AlphaLoot.cs
09 "Ammo HUD" (1.2.1) by beee (1.65s / 30 MB) - AmmoHUD.cs
10 "AntiAmbush" (1.0.0) by Cortex Network ~ Infamy (47.34s / 3 MB) - AntiAmbush.cs
11 "Anti Code Raid" (1.1.1) by kwamaking (0.00s / 0 B) - AntiCodeRaid.cs
12 "Arkan" (1.0.21) by Antidote (0.36s / 1 MB) - Arkan.cs
13 "Armor Not Forever" (1.0.10) by Flames (0.33s / 436 KB) - ArmorNotForever.cs
14 "Night Zombies" (3.4.2) by 0x89A (3.49s / 396 KB) - NightZombies.cs
15 "AutoBan" (0.4.4) by Grejory (0.03s / 1 MB) - AutoBan.cs
16 "AutoCHDropZones" (1.0.2) by Steenamaroo For RobJ (0.36s / 200 KB) - AutoCHDropZones.cs
17 "Auto Demo Record Lite" (1.0.82) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 0 B) - AutoDemoRecordLite.cs
18 "AutoPingEnemy" (1.0.2) by 0xF (0.04s / 144 KB) - AutoPingEnemy.cs
19 "BGrade" (1.1.6) by Ryan / Rustoria.co (0.05s / 132 KB) - BGrade.cs
20 "Backpack Button" (1.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.16s / 516 KB) - BackpackButton.cs
21 "Backpack Wipe Block" (1.0.0) by Mabel (0.05s / 360 KB) - BackpackWipeBlock.cs
22 "ZombieHorde" (0.6.26) by k1lly0u (6.09s / 48 MB) - ZombieHorde.cs
23 "Base Repair" (1.0.26) by MJSU (0.00s / 8 KB) - BaseRepair.cs
24 "Bed Rename Blocker" (2.0.1) by MON@H (0.00s / 0 B) - BedRenameBlocker.cs
25 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.01s / 32 KB) - BetterChat.cs
26 "Better Chat Mentions" (1.2.4) by Death (0.00s / 4 KB) - BetterChatMentions.cs
27 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.02s / 172 KB) - BetterChatMute.cs
28 "Better No Stability" (1.1.7) by Arainrr (0.21s / 1 MB) - BetterNoStability.cs
29 "BetterNpc" (1.3.1) by KpucTaJl (1.33s / 48 MB) - BetterNpc.cs
30 "Better Say" (3.0.1) by LaserHydra (0.56s / 4 MB) - BetterSay.cs
31 "BetterTeams" (1.3.1) by ahigao (0.93s / 9 MB) - BetterTeams.cs
32 "Blueprint Manager" (2.1.3) by Whispers88 (0.04s / 1 MB) - BlueprintManager.cs
33 "Blueprint Only" (0.5.4) by MiaygawaYuu (0.05s / 728 KB) - BlueprintOnly.cs
34 "TimeOfDay" (2.3.4) by FuJiCuRa (0.00s / 0 B) - TimeOfDay.cs
35 "Sputnik" (1.4.7) by Adem (0.26s / 5 MB) - Sputnik.cs
36 "Building Grades" (1.0.13) by Default/Arainrr (0.01s / 20 KB) - BuildingGrades.cs
37 "Building Skins" (2.0.10) by Marat (0.31s / 31 MB) - BuildingSkins.cs
38 "Building Workbench" (1.4.1) by MJSU (0.48s / 172 KB) - BuildingWorkbench.cs
39 "ChaosNPCDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 16 KB) - ChaosNPCDownloader.cs
40 "ChatToNotifications" (1.3.2) by beee (0.86s / 7 MB) - ChatToNotifications.cs
41 "Chest Stacks" (1.4.1) by supreme (0.10s / 68 KB) - ChestStacks.cs
42 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.13) by Pho3niX90 (0.09s / 15 MB) - CombatLogInfo.cs
43 "CommandLogger" (1.0.0) by Netch (0.12s / 1 MB) - CommandLogger.cs
44 "Community Vigilance" (0.2.2) by PinguinNordpol (0.03s / 8 MB) - CommunityVigilance.cs
45 "Compound Options" (1.2.6) by FastBurst (0.43s / 2 MB) - CompoundOptions.cs
46 "RoamTasks" (1.1.5) by Ridamees (0.28s / 3 MB) - RoamTasks.cs
47 "Conveyor Stacks" (1.0.0) by BlackLightning (0.28s / 2 MB) - ConveyorStacks.cs
48 "Kits" (4.4.4) by k1lly0u (0.08s / 3 MB) - Kits.cs
49 "WaterEvent" (2.2.0) by KpucTaJl (5.21s / 13 MB) - WaterEvent.cs
50 "Copy Paste" (4.2.0) by misticos (0.09s / 11 MB) - CopyPaste.cs
51 "Crafting Controller" (3.3.2) by Whispers88 (1.90s / 212 MB) - CraftingController.cs
52 "Cupboard Limiter" (1.7.6) by Spiikesan (0.89s / 9 MB) - CupboardLimiter.cs
53 "Cupboard Messages" (1.1.0) by Ryan (0.24s / 184 KB) - CupboardMessages.cs
54 "CustomButtons" (2.0.72) by David (2.58s / 194 MB) - CustomButtons.cs
55 "CustomBradley" (1.5.2) by shaitobu (10.24s / 34 MB) - CustomBradley.cs
56 "DCProtect" (1.0.6) by FireStorm78 (0.39s / 304 KB) - DCProtect.cs
57 "DTags" (2.2.2) by Gt403cyl2 (0.17s / 120 KB) - DTags.cs
58 "Huntsman" (1.4.4) by Krungh Crow (3.10s / 436 KB) - HuntsMan.cs
59 "Dangerous Treasures" (2.4.5) by nivex (45.46s / 83 MB) - DangerousTreasures.cs
60 "DeathItemLogger" (1.0.3) by K9N (0.09s / 704 KB) - DeathItemLogger.cs
61 "Death Notes" (6.3.9) by LaserHydra/Mevent (0.51s / 37 MB) - DeathNotes.cs
62 "Disable Radiation" (1.0.2) by SwenenzY/Bushhy (0.00s / 4 KB) - DisableRadiation.cs
63 "Discord Api" (0.0.2) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 0 B) - DiscordApi.cs
64 "Discord Core" (3.0.2) by MJSU (0.04s / 1 MB) - DiscordCore.cs
65 "K9N Report" (2.2.0) by MJSU (0.09s / 35 MB) - DiscordDeath.cs
66 "Discord Logger" (2.0.20) by MON@H (1.32s / 6 MB) - DiscordLogger.cs
67 "DiscordMessages" (2.1.8) by Slut (0.03s / 8 MB) - DiscordMessages.cs
68 "Discord Roles" (2.1.0) by MJSU (0.07s / 1 MB) - DiscordRoles.cs
69 "Discord Sign Logger" (3.0.0) by MJSU (0.01s / 28 KB) - DiscordSignLogger.cs
70 "Discord Wipe" (2.4.1) by MJSU (0.00s / 84 KB) - DiscordWipe.cs
71 "Don't Target Me" (1.1.4) by Quantum/Arainrr (0.00s / 64 KB) - DontTargetMe.cs
72 "Outpost Respawn" (1.0.2) by RIPJAWBONES (4.30s / 1 MB) - OutpostRespawn.cs
73 "Dynamic Config" (1.0.5) by FastBurst (1.76s / 106 MB) - DynamicConfig.cs
74 "Economics" (3.9.2) by Wulf (0.05s / 1 MB) - Economics.cs
75 "Economy Repair" (1.0.4) by BadCop (0.55s / 356 KB) - EconomyRepair.cs
76 "Egg Artist" (1.0.0) by jarkypaisen (0.00s / 0 B) - EggArtist.cs
77 "Electric Taser" (2.0.5) by ZockiRR (0.69s / 1 MB) - ElectricTaser.cs
78 "Endless Cargo" (1.1.1) by OG61 (0.25s / 2 MB) - EndlessCargo.cs
79 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.6) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.27s / 3 MB) - ExtendedRecycler.cs
80 "Extra Seating" (1.1.2) by Pho3niX90 (0.25s / 132 KB) - ExtraSeating.cs
81 "Free Build" (2.1.2) by 0x89A (0.86s / 1 MB) - FreeBuild.cs
82 "GUIAnnouncements" (2.0.6) by JoeSheep (0.91s / 10 MB) - GUIAnnouncements.cs
83 "GasStationEvent" (1.3.1) by KpucTaJl (2.41s / 9 MB) - GasStationEvent.cs
84 "Gather Manager" (2.2.78) by Mughisi (0.25s / 20 KB) - GatherManager.cs
85 "Gather Rewards" (1.7.1) by Shady14u (6.70s / 480 MB) - GatherRewards.cs
86 "Godmode" (4.2.14) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/dFxPhoeniX (0.01s / 220 KB) - Godmode.cs
87 "Group Limits" (3.0.4) by misticos (0.00s / 0 B) - GroupLimits.cs
88 "Guarded Crate" (2.0.5) by Bazz3l (0.17s / 156 KB) - GuardedCrate.cs
89 "Guardian" (1.7.9) by WhiteDragon (13.91s / 11 MB) - Guardian.cs
90 "Heavy Rig" (1.3.9) by NooBlet (0.54s / 6 MB) - HeavyRig.cs
91 "Heli Signals" (1.2.26) by ZEODE (6.89s / 9 MB) - HeliSignals.cs
92 "RandomRaids" (1.9.4) by Razor (1.75s / 23 MB) - RandomRaids.cs
93 "Highlight Player" (1.2.1) by Freakyy (0.01s / 24 KB) - HighlightPlayer.cs
94 "HitDamage" (1.0.5) by Sara (0.42s / 876 KB) - HitDamage.cs
95 "Horse Lock" (1.1.3) by ZEODE (0.03s / 804 KB) - HorseLock.cs
96 "Raidable Bases" (2.9.9) by nivex (4.86s / 37 MB) - RaidableBases.cs
97 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.19s / 30 MB) - ImageLibrary.cs
98 "Infinite Ammo" (1.3.0) by collect_vood & Mughisi (0.01s / 156 KB) - InfiniteAmmo.cs
99 "InjuriesAndDiseases" (1.3.2) by mr01sam (3.11s / 42 MB) - InjuriesAndDiseases.cs
100 "Instant Barrels" (1.0.3) by Mevent (0.14s / 80 KB) - InstantBarrels.cs
101 "Instant Gather" (1.0.9) by supreme (0.03s / 496 KB) - InstantGather.cs
102 "Instant Mixing Table" (1.0.0) by MJSU (0.00s / 0 B) - InstantMixingTable.cs
103 "Instant Research" (2.0.3) by Artasan/Tori1157 (0.00s / 0 B) - InstantResearch.cs
104 "Inventory Viewer" (4.1.2) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 48 KB) - InventoryViewer.cs
105 "Item Skin Randomizer" (1.6.3) by Mevent (0.43s / 1 MB) - ItemSkinRandomizer.cs
106 "JunkyardEvent" (2.2.2) by KpucTaJl (0.16s / 2 MB) - JunkyardEvent.cs
107 "Kill Records" (1.3.800) by MACHIN3 (0.72s / 25 MB) - KillRecords.cs
108 "Bradley Guards" (1.6.6) by Bazz3l (0.20s / 164 KB) - BradleyGuards.cs
109 "LSkins" (1.7.10) by LAGZYA (1.00s / 50 MB) - LSkins.cs
110 "Lethal Headshots" (1.0.1) by turner#7777 (0.02s / 80 KB) - LethalHeadshots.cs
111 "Limit Bed Assigning to Team" (0.0.2) by bsdinis (0.00s / 0 B) - LimitBedAssigningToTeam.cs
112 "Loadoutless" (2.1.3) by Khan(main)/russeldelrosario(update fix) (0.07s / 5 MB) - Loadoutless.cs
113 "Lock Master" (1.1.8) by FastBurst (2.21s / 284 KB) - LockMaster.cs
114 "Loot Bouncer" (1.0.10) by Sorrow/Arainrr (0.18s / 356 KB) - LootBouncer.cs
115 "Loot Defender" (2.2.4) by Author Egor Blagov, Maintainer nivex (0.51s / 4 MB) - LootDefender.cs
116 "Loot Reroll" (1.2.0) by SinKohh (0.89s / 15 MB) - LootReroll.cs
117 "MapSkinner" (1.0.0) by Adem (0.15s / 168 KB) - MapSkinner.cs
118 "Master Key" (0.7.8) by FastBurst (7.54s / 4 MB) - MasterKey.cs
119 "Metabolism" (1.0.2) by The Friendly Chap (0.00s / 92 KB) - Metabolism.cs
120 "MgAlerts" (1.0.1) by megargan (0.01s / 44 KB) - MgAlerts.cs
121 "MgPanel" (1.2.5) by megargan (0.58s / 51 MB) - MgPanel.cs
122 "Mini-Copter Options" (2.5.1) by Pho3niX90 (0.42s / 188 KB) - MiniCopterOptions.cs
123 "Nade Plus" (1.4.6) by NooBlet (5.34s / 880 KB) - NadePlus.cs
124 "Nav Mesh Error Fix" (1.1.1) by Ryz0r (0.00s / 0 B) - NavMeshErrorFix.cs
125 "Neutral NPCs" (2.0.1) by 0x89A (5.02s / 5 MB) - NeutralNPCs.cs
126 "HeliControl" (1.4.5) by Shady (0.85s / 12 MB) - HeliControl.cs
127 "NoClip Toggle" (1.5.8) by dFxPhoeniX (33.46s / 239 MB) - NoClipToggle.cs
128 "NoDetect" (1.0.7) by Duff (51.42s / 692 MB) - NoDetect.cs
129 "No Escape" (2.1.35) by Calytic (0.66s / 5 MB) - NoEscape.cs
130 "No Give Gametip" (1.0.1) by noname (0.13s / 248 KB) - NoGiveGametip.cs
131 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s / 0 B) - NoGiveNotices.cs
132 "No Heli Fire" (1.2.6) by Tryhard (0.13s / 136 KB) - NoHeliFire.cs
133 "NoRain" (1.0.1) by KpucTaJl (0.00s / 32 KB) - NoRain.cs
134 "NoRecoil" (1.0.6) by Kappasaurus (0.02s / 92 KB) - NoRecoil.cs
135 "No Respawn Cooldowns" (1.0.3) by Absolut (0.00s / 8 KB) - NoRespawnCooldowns.cs
136 "NpcHordeRustEdit" (1.0.5) by KpucTaJl (0.20s / 33 MB) - NpcHordeRustEdit.cs
137 "BossMonster" (2.1.5) by KpucTaJl (0.50s / 66 MB) - BossMonster.cs
138 "NpcSpawn" (2.7.9) by KpucTaJl (10.51s / 143 MB) - NpcSpawn.cs
139 "OxidationTrollRocketMan" (1.0.2) by kasvoton (0.00s / 4 KB) - OxidationTrollRocketMan.cs
140 "PVPToolcupboard" (1.0.0) by K9N (0.00s / 4 KB) - PVPToolcupboard.cs
141 "Personal Heli" (1.1.11) by Egor Blagov (0.47s / 4 MB) - PersonalHeli.cs
142 "PersonalNPC" (1.8.1) by walkinrey (13.24s / 964 KB) - PersonalNPC.cs
143 "PNPC Heli AI Addon" (0.1.0) by walkinrey (0.00s / 0 B) - PNPCAddonHeli.cs
144 "PilotEject" (3.1.13) by k1lly0u (9.05s / 704 KB) - PilotEject.cs
145 "Placeholder API" (2.2.5) by misticos (0.05s / 54 MB) - PlaceholderAPI.cs
146 "Plagued NPCs" (3.1.1) by Wulf (4.93s / 9 MB) - PlaguedNPCs.cs
147 "PlayerAdministration" (1.6.9) by ThibmoRozier (0.00s / 8 KB) - PlayerAdministration.cs
148 "PlayerLogger" (1.0.0) by K9N (1.12s / 8 MB) - PlayerLogger.cs
149 "Player Loot Logs" (1.5.2) by hizentv + Irish (0.18s / 144 KB) - PlayerLootLogs.cs
150 "Playtime Tracker" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (0.50s / 41 MB) - PlaytimeTracker.cs
151 "PogoStick" (1.0.8) by Adem (0.32s / 5 MB) - PogoStick.cs
152 "PreventLooting" (1.15.0) by CaseMan (0.12s / 900 KB) - PreventLooting.cs
153 "PvEHelpRequest" (1.0.6) by K9N (0.03s / 168 KB) - PvEHelpRequest.cs
154 "Quick Smelt" (5.1.5) by misticos (0.46s / 540 KB) - QuickSmelt.cs
155 "Quick Sort" (1.8.2) by MON@H (0.29s / 4 MB) - QuickSort.cs
156 "Radio Station Manager" (1.0.4) by Whispers88 (0.02s / 844 KB) - RadioStationManager.cs
157 "Radtown Animals" (0.3.2) by k1lly0u (0.01s / 92 KB) - RadtownAnimals.cs
158 "Raid Alarm" (0.4.0) by haggbart (0.02s / 228 KB) - RaidAlarm.cs
159 "Raid Markers" (1.0.3) by Paulsimik (4.38s / 524 KB) - RaidMarkers.cs
160 "Raid Tracker" (2.1.2) by Mabel (0.21s / 7 MB) - RaidTracker.cs
161 "Backpacks" (3.13.5) by WhiteThunder (0.76s / 44 MB) - Backpacks.cs
162 "RainOfFire" (0.2.52) by emu / k1lly0u (0.04s / 16 MB) - RainOfFire.cs
163 "UiEngineFramework" (1.0.1) by mr01sam (0.16s / 7 MB) - UiEngineFramework.cs
164 "Random Respawner" (1.2.7) by Egor Blagov/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.00s / 36 KB) - RandomRespawner.cs
165 "Random Trader" (1.0.10) by imthenewguy (0.81s / 11 MB) - RandomTrader.cs
166 "Recycler Speed" (2.0.2) by Ryz0r/yetzt (0.02s / 80 KB) - RecyclerSpeed.cs
167 "ReflectDamage" (1.6.0) by Chernarust (0.29s / 460 KB) - ReflectDamage.cs
168 "Remover Tool" (4.3.43) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.05s / 12 MB) - RemoverTool.cs
169 "Rename" (1.1.2) by Wulf (0.01s / 212 KB) - Rename.cs
170 "ReplaceOnBroken" (2.1.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s / 0 B) - ReplaceOnBroken.cs
171 "Reset Hostile On Death" (1.0.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s / 4 KB) - ResetHostileOnDeath.cs
172 "Restore Upon Death" (0.6.1) by k1lly0u (0.58s / 67 MB) - RestoreUponDeath.cs
173 "Restrict Placement" (1.0.5) by ItzNathaniel (0.00s / 0 B) - RestrictPlacement.cs
174 "Danger Zones" (1.0.4) by ifte (0.37s / 456 KB) - DangerZones.cs
175 "RocketDeath" (1.0.2) by Doldak (0.01s / 12 KB) - RocketDeath.cs
176 "Romaji to Japanese Converter via ChatGPT" (1.0.2) by K9N (0.02s / 8 MB) - RomajiToJapanese.cs
177 "Roulette Broadcast" (1.2.0) by supreme (0.41s / 8 MB) - RouletteBroadcast.cs
178 "Rules GUI" (2.0.1) by Mike Hawke (0.00s / 128 KB) - RulesGUI.cs
179 "Rustadmin Online" (1.2.0) by misticos (0.00s / 56 KB) - RustadminOnline.cs
180 "Rustcord" (3.4.1) by Kirollos & OuTSMoKE (0.07s / 200 KB) - Rustcord.cs
181 "SaveRustEdit" (1.0.0) by EcoSmile (2.17s / 9 MB) - SaveRustEdit.cs
182 "Scraponomics Lite" (1.0.0) by haggbart (0.05s / 2 MB) - ScraponomicsLite.cs
183 "SendVideo" (1.2.0) by ArtiOM (0.03s / 188 KB) - SendVideo.cs
184 "Server Armour" (2.83.7) by Pho3niX90 (0.14s / 27 MB) - ServerArmour.cs
185 "Server Armour Elo" (1.0.3) by Pho3niX90 (0.02s / 9 MB) - ServerArmourElo.cs
186 "Server Armour Updater" (1.0.7) by Pho3niX90 (0.05s / 24 MB) - ServerArmourUpdater.cs
187 "Server Rewards" (0.4.77) by k1lly0u (0.60s / 74 MB) - ServerRewards.cs
188 "Shop" (1.2.64) by David (0.15s / 34 MB) - Shop.cs
189 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 20 KB) - SignArtist.cs
190 "Signal Cooldown" (1.0.32) by Vliek (0.01s / 88 KB) - SignalCooldown.cs
191 "Simple Kill Feed" (2.4.0) by Krungh Crow (0.08s / 1 MB) - SimpleKillFeed.cs
192 "SimplePVE" (1.2.6) by Ifte (108.46s / 234 MB) - SimplePVE.cs
193 "SimpleStatus" (1.2.8) by mr01sam (0.14s / 136 KB) - SimpleStatus.cs
194 "SmartWarnings" (2.5.8) by FAKENINJA (0.04s / 3 MB) - SmartWarnings.cs
195 "Solo Notifier" (1.0.0) by crunch (0.26s / 36 KB) - SoloNotifier.cs
196 "Sort Button" (2.3.0) by MON@H (0.21s / 1 MB) - SortButton.cs
197 "Space" (1.4.2) by Adem (8.33s / 2 MB) - Space.cs
198 "Spawn Heli" (3.1.1) by SpooksAU (0.28s / 184 KB) - SpawnHeli.cs
199 "Spawns" (2.0.36) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.00s / 0 B) - Spawns.cs
200 "Spectate" (0.4.3) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.00s / 52 KB) - Spectate.cs
201 "Cooking 2.0" (2.0.16) by imthenewguy (1.83s / 9 MB) - Cooking.cs
202 "SubmersiblePump" (1.0.13) by ThePitereq (0.11s / 1 MB) - SubmersiblePump.cs
203 "SurpriseTrap" (2.1.1) by kaucsenta (6.45s / 11 MB) - SurpriseTrap.cs
204 "Tc Options" (1.0.4) by Sapnu Puas (0.51s / 2 MB) - TcOptions.cs
205 "Team Info" (0.1.7) by Lorddy (0.00s / 0 B) - TeamInfo.cs
206 "Team Leader Online" (1.0.0) by PureForce (0.00s / 0 B) - TeamLeaderOnline.cs
207 "Teleportication" (1.4.9) by RFC1920 (0.47s / 26 MB) - Teleportication.cs
208 "Convoy" (2.7.0) by Adem (2.66s / 32 MB) - Convoy.cs
209 "Timed Permissions" (1.6.0) by LaserHydra (0.32s / 8 MB) - TimedPermissions.cs
210 "Timed Workbench Unlock" (2.3.0) by HunterZ (0.01s / 20 KB) - TimedWorkbenchUnlock.cs
211 "Tip4serv" (1.4.7) by Murgator & Duster (0.21s / 9 MB) - Tip4serv.cs
212 "Toolcupboard Notifier" (1.0.2) by K9N (0.01s / 32 KB) - ToolcupboardNotifier.cs
213 "ToxVoice" (1.1.9) by Maxaki (0.00s / 8 KB) - ToxVoice.cs
214 "Trashcan" (1.0.4) by Smallo (0.02s / 48 KB) - Trashcan.cs
215 "ArmoredTrain" (1.7.5) by Adem (4.26s / 50 MB) - ArmoredTrain.cs
216 "DroneTaxi" (1.0.15) by Cameron (0.00s / 12 KB) - DroneTaxi.cs
217 "Ultimate Queue" (1.0.4) by Bobakanoosh (0.02s / 392 KB) - UltimateQueue.cs
218 "UnderwaterGuard" (1.0.5) by Adem (0.44s / 8 MB) - UnderwaterGuard.cs
219 "Underwater Vehicles" (1.6.0) by WhiteThunder (0.01s / 40 KB) - UnderwaterVehicles.cs
220 "VIPNoDecay" (1.0.4) by ColonBlow (0.32s / 1 MB) - VIPNoDecay.cs
221 "Vanish" (1.9.1) by Whispers88 (0.04s / 20 KB) - Vanish.cs
222 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.13.2) by WhiteThunder (0.97s / 116 KB) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs
223 "Vehicle Vendor Options" (1.7.5) by WhiteThunder (0.13s / 124 KB) - VehicleVendorOptions.cs
224 "Vending Buys" (1.0.8) by Gt403cyl2 (4.93s / 1 GB) - VendingBuys.cs
225 "Vending Machine Logs" (1.0.5) by Ryz0r (0.02s / 40 KB) - VendingMachineLogs.cs
226 "Walking Dead" (1.3.1) by Krungh Crow (13.06s / 1 MB) - WalkingDead.cs
227 "NpcMovingControl" (1.0.5) by Adem (0.18s / 1 MB) - NpcMovingControl.cs
228 "Waterless Sprinklers" (1.0.3) by Lorenzo (0.13s / 196 KB) - WaterlessSprinklers.cs
229 "WelcomeMusic" (1.1.0) by Ajie (0.10s / 552 KB) - WelcomeMusic.cs
230 "Wipe Data Cleaner" (1.4.2) by 2CHEVSKII (0.00s / 0 B) - WipeDataCleaner.cs
231 "XPerience" (1.8.800) by MACHIN3 (37.32s / 593 MB) - XPerience.cs
232 "QualityCrafting" (3.0.3) by mr01sam (47.06s / 2 GB) - QualityCrafting.cs
233 "ZoneDomes" (2.0.1) by k1lly0u (0.02s / 804 KB) - ZoneDomes.cs
234 "Zone Manager" (3.1.6) by k1lly0u (1.14s / 22 MB) - ZoneManager.cs
235 "Dynamic PVP" (4.3.0) by HunterZ/CatMeat/Arainrr (0.17s / 748 KB) - DynamicPVP.cs
236 "Zone PVx Info" (1.1.8) by Mabel (0.00s / 24 KB) - ZonePVxInfo.cs



Map seed ?

and does the npc move if wave is not activated ? (normal oilrig crate hack)





NPC is working normally without this plugin



all this plugin does is calling more chinooks so if working normal without plugin it must work correct with wave ... map size? so i can test seed




That's strange.
As long as you don't run events with this plugin, it will be normal NPC movement.
The NPC will always stack during the event.

Size is 4500.



im going to load that map quick and check

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maybe a silly question..... with betternpc . are changing the aperance of the npc . if so . can i see your config and data file of betternpc that pertain to Ch47


Posted (edited)

ok so its the seed ... in test server with your seed and size and the heavyrigplugin not loaded . small oil ch48 npc dont move from spawn . but do in large .... with plugin loaded large all moves with event or not .. so this is not plugin its the map seed that has a nav mesh issue at small oil rig . i did record all the test if you need it

Edited by NooBlet


Sorry for my ignorance. I thought that since we were using a custom map, there was no need to change the seed.
So you are saying that even with a custom map, changing the seed will solve the problem?



no .... you did not say custom map ..... the seed and size is to get the exact map to reproduce the issue ... custom map is different .. that means there is something else going on with the npc nav spawn that could be the issue . 



so now the question is . is the oilrig the exact same as normal rust . or did the dev of that map changed it



you need to reach out to the map dev . and ask what is different to proc map oilrig and his . .. like i said before . all this plugin does is hacking extra crate  . so there is no control(from pluginside) with the npc . thats all on facepunch side . and on this case the map

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2 minutes ago, K9N_Twitch said:

Oil rigs were the same as normal.

how do you know?    . id the map bounds correct for the rigs . is it a prefab from latest rust , is the prefab constraints correct ..... i dont create maps . i just make plugins . so i can show you in normal rust the plugin works ... and as i said . because i dont know what makes the oilrig different in a custom map i cant preproduce this issue . or even know how to fix it 




It does not mean a custom oil rig, but rather the same look and feel as a regular oil rig.
I'll check with the developer to see if there is a difference.



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