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Initial Player Mode

Not a Bug 1.3.1



Hello there,

First I would like to say that I love the mode, can't ask for more, PVP/PVE man you nailed it, the mode is working great, except one thing, witch I don't think it's a major problem, but will be nice if it get fixed, "InitialPlayerMode": "pve", all my players are starting pvp instead, the mode is not forcing the initial player mode.


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I'll check it out for you!

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Hello! So I looked into this for you and what I found was kind of interesting.

So it appears that this is actually working correctly, but it is a bit confusing, so let me explain.

The InitialPlayerMode only is used for players who have never been assigned a mode in the past. Modes are driven by oxide permission groups, so if a player already belongs to the group "warmodepvp" then the InitialPlayerMode will not apply to them - it will only apply to people who have never joined your server since WarMode has been installed.

If you want to make sure everyone has a "clean slate" then first unload WarMode, then run "oxide.usergroup removeall warmodepvp" this will of course make it so no one is in the pvp group. Then, if you have InitialPlayerMode set to pve, when you reload the plugin, everyone should be pve now as they do not already belong to another mode group. Keep in mind this is assuming you haven't added any other custom modes - if you have, you'll just want to clean those up as well.

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Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug

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Thank you so much, that explain a lot. I will go ahead and do that.

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