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Water at outpost is broken

Fixed V1.1 V1.2

Elliott Ricken
Ionut Shiro


Good evening

Have you edited the map ?

Elliott Ricken


No, Downloaded, uploaded to Rustmaps, and upon loading, I roamed around and outpost has a Giant invisible lake with the hidden monument under.

Ionut Shiro


I will check it for you shortly but just so you know this map still needs to be updated for the December update that was released this week with the new cliffs 

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Elliott Ricken


ok no worries, If it can be fixed for next week - That would be swell!

Thanks for your replies

Ionut Shiro


I cannot promise you for next week but i'm trying to push updates as much as possible in between my work shifts and days off as i got a day job aswell 

Elliott Ricken


Could I please get a refund for the map as I usually dont play small maps, and this was supposed to be a one wipe thing. Seeing it cant be fixed next week I would like to purchase another map that would be usable.

Ionut Shiro


I didn't say it won't be fixed i said i cannot promise you to have it fixed before next week but it's on the line to be fixed so i cannot refund you after downloading the map , it will be fixed before Monday anyways

Ionut Shiro


Changed Status from Pending to Fixed

Changed Fixed In to V1.2



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