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Damage is no longer done.

Can't Reproduce 1.2.8



 I keep getting the error [Nade Plus] owner null.
Also, after the update, the convoys and raidable bases are no longer damaged.
Unloading the plugin resolves this.



please confirm that you did delete config before update 


and there should never be damages from grenades just effects pertaining to the nade itself




No other entities will be damaged!
Unloading this plugin will cause damage as normal.
It seems to be a true PvE spec.
Did you solve this with this update?



Loading this plugin will not damage the entity, and unloading will return it to normal.
Is this plugin a PvE server-izing plugin?



the nades dont do damages just the affect associated with the nade 



seems you missing the point of this plugin ... look for example the medical nade . does not make sense to damage entity's if its goal is to heal . 

when you speaking of the owner null part . it sounds like corrupted config bc you did not delete config before an update as was asked in update comments . but never the less . after next full . wipe . delete all nadeplus files and download latest update . so it can generate new files for config . and then see what happens . but no these grenades will not do damages to anything . just the effects each one is made for .... if there is still issues . then lets do it a bit more indepth


Please supply the following information:

1. List of all plugins currently in your server
2. Current configuration file at the time of the issue
3. Framework your server uses (Oxide, Carbon)
4. Plugin version
5. Oxide or Carbon version
6. Map type being used (Procedural, Custom):
   - If custom, supply a link to the map.
   - If procedural generation, supply the seed as well.
7. All console logs from the time of plugin load until a few minutes after the issue (Please redact all player or server IDs and IP addresses.)
8. Detailed description of the issue:
   - What happened to create the issue, if known.
   - Observations or notes at the time of the issue.
   - even a video would help




6 hours ago, NooBlet said:

このプラグインのポイントを理解していないようです... たとえば医療用グレネードを見てください。目的が治癒である場合、エンティティにダメージを与えるのは意味がありません。 

所有者のヌル部分について話しているとき、更新コメントで尋ねられたように更新前に構成を削除しなかったため、構成が破損しているようです。しかし、それでも。次の完全なワイプの後、すべての nadeplus ファイルを削除し、最新の更新をダウンロードします。そうすれば、構成用の新しいファイルを生成できます。そして、何が起こるかを確認します。ただし、これらの手榴弾は何も損傷しません。それぞれが作成された効果だけです...。それでも問題がある場合は、もう少し詳しくやりましょう。



I am not good at English, so I know it is hard to get the message across, but I am not talking about the damage of this grenade.
Installing this plugin will prevent players from damaging other entities with rockets, etc.
I understand that this grenade does not do any damage.
Isn't it strange that this plugin prevents the player from doing damage to all entities?


Posted (edited)

ok so . this comes back to what i said . one of the updates that required you to delete config . you did not do . this then corrupted the config  and caused a wrapper error to happen .. this then effect explosions ... the only way to fix this is to completely delete all nadeplus files . and wait till you wipe your server .. clean map and all files in server folder ( blueprints , player identity's) . so clean wipe ... then you can add nadeplus back in.


here is where we found out what the cause is 


Edited by NooBlet


Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce



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