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Small bug

Closed 1.4.0 1.4.1



Small bug  😞 Everything is great, but I created 3 points with a sleeping bag, and it creates 2 points for each point https://prnt.sc/vCCG5D016Ugr and that’s a bug of 6 points. And how to set up the spawn point when a player logs in for the first time so that he first appears where the point is. Small suggestions for improving the pluginOr you can do it so that you can create a group of points at which the player will spawn randomly. For example, I make 1 point in one building and a player randomly appears on one of the points.

Баг небольшой 😞

Все супер но я создал 3 точки с спальником, а оно создает по 2  точки на каждую точку  https://prnt.sc/vCCG5D016Ugr и того 6 точек баг. И как настроить точку появления когда игрок заходит в первый раз что бы он первый раз появился там где точка.

Небольшое предложения по улучшению плагина А можно сделать так что бы можно было группу создать точек на которых игрок спавнится рандомно. Например я делаю 1 точек в одном здании и игрок рандомно появляется на одной из точек.



On 11/14/2024 at 10:41 AM, tonysh said:

Small bug  😞 Everything is great, but I created 3 points with a sleeping bag, and it creates 2 points for each point https://prnt.sc/vCCG5D016Ugr and that’s a bug of 6 points. And how to set up the spawn point when a player logs in for the first time so that he first appears where the point is. Small suggestions for improving the pluginOr you can do it so that you can create a group of points at which the player will spawn randomly. For example, I make 1 point in one building and a player randomly appears on one of the points.

Баг небольшой 😞

Все супер но я создал 3 точки с спальником, а оно создает по 2  точки на каждую точку  https://prnt.sc/vCCG5D016Ugr и того 6 точек баг. И как настроить точку появления когда игрок заходит в первый раз что бы он первый раз появился там где точка.

Небольшое предложения по улучшению плагина А можно сделать так что бы можно было группу создать точек на которых игрок спавнится рандомно. Например я делаю 1 точек в одном здании и игрок рандомно появляется на одной из точек.

can you give me your config, i will add groups for spawns later 



Thank you very quickly, you help and do it 🙂 thank you
"Auto wipe player spawn positions": true,
"Ignore building privilege for player spawn positions": true,
can you describe what it is and what it is for, thank you.
"The radius in which the player's spawnpoint is considered occupied": 20.0, what unit of measurement is it measured in?
"Set true if you want player's first connection to be at the custom spawnpoint [works only one time for player in the wipe]": true,
Can you add separate coordinates for this spawn point so that you can customize where the player will appear for the first time?




20 minutes ago, tonysh said:

Thank you very quickly, you help and do it 🙂 thank you
"Auto wipe player spawn positions": true,
"Ignore building privilege for player spawn positions": true,
can you describe what it is and what it is for, thank you.
"The radius in which the player's spawnpoint is considered occupied": 20.0, what unit of measurement is it measured in?
"Set true if you want player's first connection to be at the custom spawnpoint [works only one time for player in the wipe]": true,
Can you add separate coordinates for this spawn point so that you can customize where the player will appear for the first time?

SpawnPoints.json 847 B · 0 downloads

So 20 is the meters and 3 meters in the rust = 1 foundation so you can guess how much it is,
i will try to rewrite it next week and will add the separate coordinate for this, just don't have much time right now



2 hours ago, tofurahie said:

Отже, 20 — це метри і 3 метри в іржі = 1 фундамент, тож ви можете здогадатися, скільки це,
я спробую переписати це наступного тижня та додам для цього окремі координати, просто зараз у мене мало часу

Can you somehow speed this up to make it faster? I would pay or buy something from you. Your plugin is just very important to me. Please.



6 hours ago, tofurahie said:

can you give me your config, i will add groups for spawns later 

i can't reproduce this bug with duplicated sleeping bags, did you try to restart server? 



I paid and am waiting for the plugin, thank you



I figured it out after reloading the plugin everything works



Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.4.1



20 minutes ago, tofurahie said:

Статус змінено з Очікує на Закрито

Змінено Fixed In до 1.4.1

I'm waiting for an update with spawn categories, thank you



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