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Consol Spam after last update

Closed 2.1.3

SunShine ツ


After last update my consol i spamming this. Help

[20:48:47] > Failed to call hook 'OnDispenserBonus' on plugin 'Loottable v2.1.3' (MultiplyGatherItems is null in _ore_metal)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable+LootConfig.MultiplyDispenserItem(Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 5566
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.OnDispenserGather(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BasePlayer player, Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 565
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.OnDispenserBonus(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BasePlayer player, Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 559
   at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
[20:48:47] > [Loottable] MultiplyDispenserItems called but DispenserMultipliers is null _ore_metal
[20:48:48] > Failed to call hook 'OnDispenserBonus' on plugin 'Loottable v2.1.3' (MultiplyGatherItems is null in _ore_metal)
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable+LootConfig.MultiplyDispenserItem(Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 5566
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.OnDispenserGather(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BasePlayer player, Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 565
   at void Oxide.Plugins.Loottable.OnDispenserBonus(ResourceDispenser dispenser, BasePlayer player, Item item) in C:/rustserver2023/carbon/plugins/Loottable.cs:line 559
   at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)



Are you using a custom gather configuration for metal ore?

SunShine ツ


Which file contains many files underneath. \carbon\data\Loottable2



A screenshot of the configuration is enough, I don't need the file

SunShine ツ


image.png.796e1ff3dc140facc1d3f86dd92dc158.pngIt look like this. - The same error at sulfur as well



This looks like a configuration issue to me. The way gather configurations work has been changed with the latest update. 

All items under "Additional items" are additional to the vanilla items. If you want to change the sulfur yield to 2x for example, you just have to increase the gather multiplier for sulfur to 2. You don't have to add any additional items

SunShine ツ



Now I have deleted everything and tried to make it clean vanilla, but now it has made the stone thicker than normal vanilla and keeps giving 5000.

I'm not entirely sure what is happening or what I'm doing wrong, or more precisely, what you mean.


Posted (edited)


Now I have deleted everything and tried to make it clean vanilla, but now it has made the stone thicker than normal vanilla and keeps giving 5000.

Did you reload the configuration after changing it?

Alternatively you can enable automatic loot refresh in settings

Edited by The_Kiiiing
SunShine ツ



I have set it to this. And the stone thickens at the end, and in the last hit, you get an extra 4000 stones on top. I have enabled auto-reload and have completely reloaded many times, also tried reloading the entire plugin.

This setting is supposed to be Vanilla, but you get 5000 stones.


Posted (edited)

Try removing the 100 stones from your config. There might also be another plugin interfering. Do you still get 5k stone while the plugin is unloaded?

Edited by The_Kiiiing
SunShine ツ


Thanks, it works now. A server restart fixed it!

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