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Bandit Camp Vendor is not always loading in automatically after our daily server restarts

Closed 1.2.7 1.2.8

Castiel the Shield

Castiel the Shield


Hello @Wrecks


Like your plugin, our players seem to be enjoying it.


We do seem to have a problem where the Bandit Camp Vendor is not always loading in automatically after our daily server restarts.

The plugin is loading, as we can see the bounty NPC's spawning in at the monuments OK, but for some reason the vendor is not always loading at bandit Camp.

Have to reload the plugin, so he actually spawns. Not seeing any error messages to explain why he does not load on initial restart.

Not sure if its relevant, We are using the latest version of Carbon, and the plugin. Server is also up to date.






I dont have a carbon server, send your config, if it is set to dynamic, it should auto spawn, there is 2 preset points he can spawn at



The plugin just uses regular oxide hooks so it should work fine with carbon.



Id also use marker manager as a test, make sure you set allow marking the npc with marker manager to true, reload, and if you see the marker he is there.

Marker doesnt stay if the entity doesnt exist.



image.png.1a151f5eeff36fb25dc67a2807ffa177.pngAfter reboot he is there, send your config if you want me to try off that

Castiel the Shield


We are already using the marker manager, which does show him on the map, after we relad the plugin.


Here is the config file.


  "Announce Top Bounty Hunters To Chat Every x Seconds (0 To Disable)": 600,
  "Bounty Prefab Path": "assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_heavy.prefab",
  "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_URL",
  "Enable Skill Tree Xp Gain?": true,
  "Require License for Xp Gain?": true,
  "Enable Monument Spawns?": true,
  "Enable Custom Spawns?": false,
  "Clear Custom Spawns File On Wipe?": false,
  "Chat Icon": 0,
  "Maximum Active Bounties": 6,
  "Drop Bounty Tokens In Pouch?": true,
  "Base Item for the Bounty Tokens?": "blood",
  "Tokens Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true,
  "Console Command to Purchase a Bounty License? (For GUI Shops)": "buybl",
  "Chat Command to Purchase a Bounty License?": "buybl",
  "Require a Bounty License To Cash In Tokens to the Bounty NPC?": true,
  "Price to Purchase a Bounty License?": 10000,
  "Lose Bounty License on Death?": true,
  "Clear Licenses on Wipe?": false,
  "Clear Kill Counters on Wipe?": false,
  "Dynamic (Bandit Camp) Spawn Of The NPC Enabled?": true,
  "Economy Plugin - 1 Economics - 2 Server Rewards": 1,
  "Maximum Amount of Like Tokens Sold at a Time": 6,
  "NPC Interaction Cooldown In Seconds": 3.0,
  "NPC Kit Enabled?": false,
  "NPC Kit Name?": "",
  "Amount of Time In Seconds Between Bounty Spawns": 300,
  "Amount of Time In Seconds for a Bounty to Despawn": 1800,
  "Enable Spawn SFX?": true,
  "Enable Despawn SFX?": true,
  "Announce to Chat When Bounty is Active?": true,
  "Announce to Chat When Bounty is Claimed?": true,
  "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark Bounties?": true,
  "Enable Marker Manager from UMOD, To Mark NPC Location?": true,
  "Bounty Tiers": [
      "Tier Name": "Tier 1 Bounty Target",
      "Skill Tree Xp Value": 100.0,
      "Bounty Clothing Options": [
          "Shortname": "hazmatsuittwitch",
          "Skin": 0
      "Bounty Total Health": 150,
      "Bounty Damage Scaling": 1.0,
      "Aim Cone Scale": 2.0,
      "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.ak",
      "Weapon Skin ID": 3140321604,
      "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 1 Bounty Token",
      "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517347,
      "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true,
      "Sale Price?": 1000.0,
      "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -10.0,
      "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 5.0,
      "Min Item Drop": 1,
      "Max Item Drop": 3,
      "Bounty Optional Drops": [
          "Shortname": "stones",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 3,
          "Amount Max": 10,
          "Chance to Drop": 20.0
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 5,
          "Amount Max": 30,
          "Chance to Drop": 30.0
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 1,
          "Amount Max": 3,
          "Chance to Drop": 40.0
      "Tier Name": "Tier 2 Bounty Target",
      "Skill Tree Xp Value": 200.0,
      "Bounty Clothing Options": [
          "Shortname": "hazmatsuit.arcticsuit",
          "Skin": 0
      "Bounty Total Health": 225,
      "Bounty Damage Scaling": 1.5,
      "Aim Cone Scale": 2.5,
      "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.lr300",
      "Weapon Skin ID": 2715918380,
      "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 2 Bounty Token",
      "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517539,
      "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true,
      "Sale Price?": 2000.0,
      "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -5.0,
      "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 15.0,
      "Min Item Drop": 1,
      "Max Item Drop": 3,
      "Bounty Optional Drops": [
          "Shortname": "metal.fragments",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 200,
          "Amount Max": 500,
          "Chance to Drop": 30.0
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 240,
          "Amount Max": 300,
          "Chance to Drop": 30.0
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 10,
          "Amount Max": 15,
          "Chance to Drop": 40.0
      "Tier Name": "Tier 3 Bounty Target",
      "Skill Tree Xp Value": 300.0,
      "Bounty Clothing Options": [
          "Shortname": "scientistsuit_heavy",
          "Skin": 0
      "Bounty Total Health": 325,
      "Bounty Damage Scaling": 2.0,
      "Aim Cone Scale": 3.0,
      "Weapon to Equip?": "rifle.ak.ice",
      "Weapon Skin ID": 0,
      "Bounty Token Name": "Tier 3 Bounty Token",
      "Bounty Token Skin": 3155517732,
      "Is the Token Marketable to the Bounty NPC?": true,
      "Sale Price?": 3200.0,
      "Max Discount Buy Variation in %? (Negative Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": -3.0,
      "Maximum Bonus Variation in %? (Positive Values) (To Simulate Supply & Demand)": 20.0,
      "Min Item Drop": 1,
      "Max Item Drop": 3,
      "Bounty Optional Drops": [
          "Shortname": "metal.refined",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 200,
          "Amount Max": 500,
          "Chance to Drop": 30.0
          "Shortname": "scrap",
          "Skin": 0,
          "Custom Name": "",
          "Amount Min": 440,
          "Amount Max": 600,
          "Chance to Drop": 30.0
          "Shortname": "paper",
          "Skin": 3048132587,
          "Custom Name": "Cash",
          "Amount Min": 20,
          "Amount Max": 35,
          "Chance to Drop": 40.0
  "NPC Weapon": "rifle.bolt",
  "NPC Weapon Skin": 819149392,
  "NPC Clothing Options": [
      "Shortname": "burlap.trousers",
      "Skin": 1760352876
      "Shortname": "burlap.shirt",
      "Skin": 1760350097
      "Shortname": "shoes.boots",
      "Skin": 547978997
      "Shortname": "hat.boonie",
      "Skin": 3077061771
      "Shortname": "burlap.gloves",
      "Skin": 1338273501



Ill try to load a carbon server, but yeah it works here on test



In the meantime you can just do a timed execute and restart it a few seconds after  server init, until i get a chance to figure out how to setup carbon on local



I see it spawning, trying to log on to see now if i set up local host right




Yeah that’s not an issue it spawns it still, I have economics and MM loaded. 


Castiel the Shield


I see two versions of Marker Manger.


Marker Manager DezLife 3.0.3

Marker Manager DezLife modified by BlueDev 4.0.1


Which one does the plugin support?



I use the main one on UMOD 



Are your bounties marked? 



unless its just loading before everything else somehow, on oxide it loads fine on initialization, and through debug i see it spawning on init on carbon. 


Im trying to figure out how to logon on local, never done it before 

Castiel the Shield


We have been using the newer version, now testing using the older version of marker Manager.



if the marker loads on reload, i dont think marker manager is the issue


Posted (edited)

It spawned, It seems onserverinitialized gets called quicker on oxide than carbon, - might be vice versa, i been up too long  testing with an offset of the methods that rely on others being loaded.

I see it spawned by placing debug further in the code. logging on to see

Edited by Wrecks


With Delay i see the marker there, getting on to verify, but it should be there, if the entity was null the marker would not be there, relogging with auth 2




Rebooting for one more test then ill send this over in a message. ill have to tweak the other npc plugins i have as they use the same methods.



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