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It messes a few mods

Pending 1.0.26



Its messing with building skins, breaks it and a few other mods and forces it to reload DeployableNature all the time. 




What other mods, and how does it break it?



2 hours ago, imthenewguy said:

What other mods, and how does it break it?

So it doesn't throw an error, it breaks bskin so that it "works" but when you skin something it doesn't change and this mod reloads with no explanation. It was also reloading when I reloaded radiable bases and skins plugin there might be a few others but I cant remember atm. I did I brand new update and completely uninstalled this mod and reinstalled it but it kept doing it. It seems tied to any mod that skins or has something to do with skinning something.

I know its this mod because as soon as I unloaded it, bskin started working again. Brand new install there as well since there was an update. I deleted all data regarding both on configs/cs/data and it still did it. I think I can get it to repeat too if you want to see what I am talking about.



Not sure what the issue is there. There are plenty of servers using my plugin with Bgrade and Raidable bases without issue (since its targeted at pve servers).

The only hooks that it uses heavily are OnEntityBuilt and the gather hooks, but it only looks out for its own skin IDs.

If others are using bgrade, deployablenature and raidable bases without issue, but you are having issues, then there may be another plugin in the mix that's causing problems.




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