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Raidable Bases not working at all.

Closed 2.9.2


Posted (edited)


I have a problem.  It started a while back when Raidable Bases quit automatically spawning bases (which I never found a fix for) but I could still manually spawn them.  With the latest Rust update (as well as the latest Raidable Bases update) I've deleted all of my original files including the C+ (.cs) file located in the "plugins" folder from the server and have installed the plugin and gone through the setup several times.  Raidable Bases is totally not loading.  I can't even run any diagnostics such as "rb.config list" or "rbe debug" as it's not showing up as even running.  It doesn't show up in the plugin list in "perms".  The plugin is listed in Oxide plugins, as well as in Oxide Data and Oxide Configs, but I see no evidence that it's even running.  I've checked everything I can think of, including all of the instructions from SRT Bull videos, and Nivex responses to similar problems.  Do you have any suggestions or ideas for me to try?  This problem with possibly my favorite plugin is driving me crazy...  edit - I do have the latest full version of the RaidableBases plugin, as well as the latest version of CopyPaste.  The POI files are all there.  Loot tables, etc...  But I can't even run any diagnostics since RaidableBases seems to not even be installed (It IS installed).  With the tier 3 version, should there not be RaidableBases.cs and CopyPaste.cs files in the "plugins" folder?  After deleting them and reinstalling RaidableBases and CopyPaste and restarting the server, they are not there in the "plugins" folder.

Edited by Hurch


heya, if you are not getting any feedback from the commands and you do not see it running then the plugin is not loaded for some reason

download the update again, and reupload it to your server and make certain that it compiles. you will see the feedback in the server console

if you are using a web panel to operate the server then you will have a server console view there to look at



Thank you for your reply!  I completely removed all RaidableBases (as well as CopyPaste) files and folders from the server and restarted the server.  The "free" version (of both CopyPaste and RaidableBases) with all of it's limitations seemed to work just fine.  I could do the rb.config.list command and got a response (surprise surprise it couldn't find the bases that weren't loaded).  I then uploaded the config file in the Oxide config folder, and the CopyPaste and RaidableBases folders into the Oxide Data folder and restarted the server again.  But for some reason, it didn't seem to work at all.  I'm going to try the same things again, verifying that the free versions are working, then try adding the tier 3 file/folders again to see if the second time is the charm.  I'll keep my fingers crossed this time.  😛



no problem. i would just use the paid version though. it does work. commands not responding would mean the plugin wasn't loaded

so it might have been that it was trying to load an old plugin somehow. perhaps your web browser cache downloaded the wrong version

so I suggest downloading it again. open the zip archive, open the plugin, and verify it says 2.9.2 before proceeding. if it is 2.9.2 then use that



i should note that the command is: rb.config list

just mentioning this because you wrote rb.config.list



So it seems that as soon as I reload Raidable bases (after uploading the latest version to the server) the RaidableBases plugin is unloaded in the very next line.  Whisky Tango Foxtrot?


Posted (edited)

So you recommend uninstalling the free versions of RaidableBases and CopyPaste and try installing the latest files (v 2.9.2) from codefling and giving it another try?  Does that mean I need to get rid of the .cs files in the Oxide/plugins folder as well?  I guess I found the answer to that question about the .cs file.   Could not load plugin 'CopyPaste' (no plugin found with that file name)...I'm guessing the same result would come from the missing .cs file for the RaidableBases plugin.  So where do I get these files if not the ones from the "free" versions?


Edited by Hurch


i would need to see the log details to understand what is happening

yes, i recommend that

unload the plugin as well



Hallelujah!  It's working!  I got the "English" version of the .cs file from codefling, and the .cs file for CopyPaste from uMod, and damn if it doesn't work!  I'm sorry to have bothered you at what became such a late hour, but I sure appreciate your feedback!  My favorite plugin is WORKING AGAIN!  WOOT! 

Many Thanks!

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haha, no worries! glad it is working again.



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