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Help with creating a custom store based on a core system

Closed 1.0.13



Could you please help me create a store based on a core system, but without any auto-purchase or automated transactions? I just need a simple system where I can easily add product descriptions, kits, and other relevant details. The store should have a basic background and a top navigation menu.

The primary goal is to allow users to view the contents of kits for each privilege (e.g., VIP, Premium, etc.) with a button for purchase that redirects to personal messaging in social networks (specifically, Telegram). Since the purchases will happen manually, I don’t need features like auto-donations, balance tracking, or automated payments.



Hi there! While custom development is definitely possible, it would cost a lot more than just a normal template. Having a shop including categories, products and a backend system would sit somewhere around $800 - $1200. If that fits for your idea and budget I'm happy to help, other than that you should probably aim for providers like Tebex or PayNow.

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I didn't expect anyone to reply, so I'm really glad to hear from you. Right now, the issue isn’t so much about the price, though it is a bit high for us. The real problem is that we’re located in Ukraine, and while we would like to implement an automatic donation system, we haven't found any platforms that work with our local payment cards. Most of the systems are either European or Russian, and we need a custom solution.

That’s why we’re looking for a simple setup without auto-donations. We just need a nice background and the ability to add categories, so users can easily browse prices and contact us via Telegram.

However, if there’s a possibility to integrate auto-donations through local banks like PrivatBank or Monobank, that would be fantastic. But this is just an idea — our main focus is finding a suitable price and design. We'd really appreciate it if we could discuss everything in detail beforehand to make sure we're on the same page.

Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!




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