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cant dmg npc or bases in raidable base

Closed 0.1.9 0.1.9


im guessing there is a setting im missing somewhere ?


as npc wont agress unless i agress them 1st but i cant kill them, they can kill me. and i cant do any dmg to buildings in the raidable bases area.

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1 hour ago, sykosmurf said:

im guessing there is a setting im missing somewhere ?


as npc wont agress unless i agress them 1st but i cant kill them, they can kill me. and i cant do any dmg to buildings in the raidable bases area.

Hi, are you talking about a PvP or PvE base?

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2 minutes ago, sykosmurf said:

PVE all bases on my server from raidable are pve


When you enter a PvE raid base, if it has no owner, you are offered to buy this base (if the cost is not equal to or less than 0). You must be the owner of this raid or a friend of the owner. Are you one of them?

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it shows me as owner in the raidable bases tab which lists the loot boxes left. but npcs just ignore me and couldnt dmg the walls or doors at all with boom

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17 minutes ago, sykosmurf said:

it shows me as owner in the raidable bases tab which lists the loot boxes left. but npcs just ignore me and couldnt dmg the walls or doors at all with boom

I checked on my end, and the bots don't attack me, and I don't deal any damage.
But as soon as I purchase a raid (become the owner), the bots immediately start attacking, and I can deal damage.
I'm not sure why it doesn't work for you. It's likely that you might have another plugin causing a conflict, or something else is going on. Try reinstalling the RaidableBases and RealPVE plugins.

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