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No screaming sounds

Closed 1.0.3 1.0.4


Posted (edited)

I'm not hearing anything while the npcs are on their hands and knees

this is what i see in console if it helps


Unloaded plugin WoundedNPC v1.0.3 by BadCop

Unloaded plugin Tape Library v0.0.2 by Nikedemos

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 2450494816 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] Scream-Medium-C1-www.fesliyanstudios.com.ogg (CRC32: 2450494816): OK ; SIZE : 0.04189396 MB (V) ; DURATION: 4.608 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 48000 ; BIT RATE : 80000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 1312463086 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] babys1stsynthwave.ogg (CRC32: 1312463086): OK ; SIZE : 0.2942047 MB (V) ; DURATION: 26.4827664399093 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 227081473 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] bluegras.ogg (CRC32: 227081473): OK ; SIZE : 0.2509565 MB (V) ; DURATION: 29.5384807256236 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 1555059136 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] brokeback.ogg (CRC32: 1555059136): OK ; SIZE : 0.2437296 MB (V) ; DURATION: 27.4285714285714 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 629605610 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] denseintenseloop16.ogg (CRC32: 629605610): OK ; SIZE : 0.265542 MB (V) ; DURATION: 22.8567800453515 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 1656548286 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] ferriswheel.ogg (CRC32: 1656548286): OK ; SIZE : 0.3451757 MB (V) ; DURATION: 35.8984353741497 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3588999234 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] greengras.ogg (CRC32: 3588999234): OK ; SIZE : 0.2359333 MB (V) ; DURATION: 26.487074829932 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3583998928 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] longpain1.ogg (CRC32: 3583998928): OK ; SIZE : 0.2248878 MB (V) ; DURATION: 31.08 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 48000 ; BIT RATE : 80000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 150717991 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] longpain2.ogg (CRC32: 150717991): OK ; SIZE : 0.06630421 MB (V) ; DURATION: 23.16 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 48000 ; BIT RATE : 80000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3708253394 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] longpain3.ogg (CRC32: 3708253394): OK ; SIZE : 0.2248764 MB (V) ; DURATION: 31.08 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 48000 ; BIT RATE : 80000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3904750678 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] longpain4.ogg (CRC32: 3904750678): OK ; SIZE : 0.08957767 MB (V) ; DURATION: 14.496 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 48000 ; BIT RATE : 80000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3759773030 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] mutkanto.ogg (CRC32: 3759773030): OK ; SIZE : 0.2760801 MB (V) ; DURATION: 27.4285714285714 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 1226311243 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] psyloop.ogg (CRC32: 1226311243): OK ; SIZE : 0.3258533 MB (V) ; DURATION: 30.4757823129252 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

[Tape Library] OK: CRC32 3858685960 already exists in server storage DB.

[Tape Library] slowspyk.ogg (CRC32: 3858685960): OK ; SIZE : 0.368433 MB (V) ; DURATION: 34.2857142857143 s (V) ; SAMPLE RATE : 44100 ; BIT RATE : 96000; COMMENTS:

Loaded plugin Tape Library v0.0.2 by Nikedemos

[WoundedNPC] TapeLibrary plugin reloaded.

[WoundedNPC] WoundedNPC plugin initialized.

Loaded plugin WoundedNPC v1.0.3 by BadCop

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (2892503) wounded.

Failed to run a 2.00 timer in 'NpcMovingControl v1.0.3' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.NpcMovingControl.TryModifyNpc (ScientistNPC scientistNPC) [0x00091] in <5614a881b49b4715b827166088d6cbf5>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.NpcMovingControl+<>c__DisplayClass14_0.b__0 () [0x00000] in <5614a881b49b4715b827166088d6cbf5>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] in :0

[WoundedNPC] OK: Tape Library is loaded in, downloading all configured OGGs if missing...

[Tape Library] TRYING TO ENQUEUE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j6zo85v7uuwje4scenmm3/longpain1.ogg?rlkey=7cmumo9z40no1xkdzkcwzxl36&st=gef2dhc7&dl=1...

[WoundedNPC] OK: File "longpain1" already exists and it was requested to leave it alone.

[Tape Library] TRYING TO ENQUEUE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gb2jkxu1gxfsqjxmtum32/longpain2.ogg?rlkey=81iwgqqw9j26t7f7vfbzg1diw&st=f5s5k1to&dl=1...

[WoundedNPC] OK: File "longpain2" already exists and it was requested to leave it alone.

[Tape Library] TRYING TO ENQUEUE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/04o1ukje93tly4rjx9dvu/longpain3.ogg?rlkey=cjkv5ks97307yadnah0pvua8b&st=ns0tqygh&dl=1...

[WoundedNPC] OK: File "longpain3" already exists and it was requested to leave it alone.

[Tape Library] TRYING TO ENQUEUE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/e6ey5eqevqwey43b16xj2/longpain4.ogg?rlkey=28vksom5xd5o82rhvy5kmiaj7&st=wgo8v7ue&dl=1...

[WoundedNPC] OK: File "longpain4" already exists and it was requested to leave it alone.

[Tape Library] TRYING TO ENQUEUE https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vyhsne1efaictwl39oqgu/Scream-Medium-C1-www.fesliyanstudios.com.ogg?rlkey=7ae1rnbtwj662puo874t823y6&st=svp1qa0x&dl=1...

[WoundedNPC] OK: File "Scream-Medium-C1-www.fesliyanstudios.com" already exists and it was requested to leave it alone.

[WoundedNPC] All OGG files dealt with (check the output above). The plugin will continue loading.

[WoundedNPC] Processing data...

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: Scream-Medium-C1-www.fesliyanstudios.com

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: babys1stsynthwave

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: bluegras

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: brokeback

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: denseintenseloop16

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: ferriswheel

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: greengras

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: longpain1

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: longpain2

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: longpain3

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: longpain4

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: mutkanto

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: psyloop

[WoundedNPC] Loaded OGG file: slowspyk

[WoundedNPC] NPC 1072586 (1072586) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (3700628) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC 9923726 (9923726) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (3518441) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (5578347) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (3700628).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (3700628) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[3700628] was killed by Admin at (757.52, 14.77, -645.39)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot 8921490 (8921490).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot 8921490 (8921490) removed from wounded list.

8921490[8921490] was killed by Buckmann[76561197992943900] at (-982.50, 14.77, 839.49)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (3518441).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (3518441) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[3518441] was killed by Admin at (757.83, 14.77, -643.00)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (5578347).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (5578347) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[5578347] was killed by Admin at (758.25, 14.77, -639.85)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot 9923726 (9923726).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot 9923726 (9923726) removed from wounded list.

Edited by Covfefe
  • Like 1
Bad Cop


Looks like i broke it while fixing something else in last patch. Will update shortly. Sorry about that

Bad Cop


Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress

Changed Fixed In to Next Version

Bad Cop


2 hours ago, Covfefe said:

I'm not hearing anything while the npcs are on their hands and knees

this is what i see in console if it helps

[WoundedNPC] NPC 1072586 (1072586) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (3700628) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC 9923726 (9923726) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (3518441) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] NPC Locked Crate Scientist (5578347) wounded.

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (3700628).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (3700628) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[3700628] was killed by Admin at (757.52, 14.77, -645.39)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot 8921490 (8921490).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot 8921490 (8921490) removed from wounded list.

8921490[8921490] was killed by Buckmann[76561197992943900] at (-982.50, 14.77, 839.49)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (3518441).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (3518441) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[3518441] was killed by Admin at (757.83, 14.77, -643.00)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot Locked Crate Scientist (5578347).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot Locked Crate Scientist (5578347) removed from wounded list.

Locked Crate Scientist[5578347] was killed by Admin at (758.25, 14.77, -639.85)

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Handling bot 9923726 (9923726).

[WoundedNPC] OnPlayerRecovered: Bot 9923726 (9923726) removed from wounded list.

Just made some changes, tested and uploaded 1.0.4

Let me know if the issue persists

Bad Cop


Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed



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