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AlphaLoot custom loot profiles not applying?

Pending 1.2.7


Posted (edited)

I've been at this for hours - cycled through every setting I could think of. I cannot for the life of me get the bots to spawn a custom AlphaLoot profile on death. I can see it working the slot amounts properly (chance for x number of items, the rest greyed out), but the item slots are never populating with anything. It seems as though it only identifies default loot profiles (like Default NPC works) - as soon as I change that to a custom one though, nothing.

Not sure what else to be doing at this point - I have run out of potential things to try on my end.

Edited by Somescrub
  • Administrator

Posted (edited)

It sounds like maybe you're conflating two separate options?

The option for Rust_Loot_Source allows you to switch from the default vanilla loot that these npcs get to vanilla loot that some other container would get
so, for example, instead of vanilla scientist loot you could make it that they have the vanilla loot that you'd normally find in a barrel, or medical crate.

You can disable any/all vanilla loot by setting Allow Rust Loot Percent to 0.

The Allow_Alphaloot option is just a true/false allowing you to prevent Alphaloot from populating these npcs, or allow it.
Whether or not Alphaloot would be trying to give loot to BotReSpawn npcs would be configured on the Alphaloot side.
BotReSpawn just blocks it, or does nothing.

Edited by Steenamaroo

Posted (edited)


I did some more testing....definitely think there is something else going on here.

Even when I try enabling an unmodified vanilla container from Alphaloot (so using Alphaloot loot_barrel_1 as an example) for the BotReSpawn profile npc loot container, it does not populate the NPC on death when AlphaLoot is checked true. This is a default profile and one of the default options for BotReSpawn to choose from. If use Alphaloot is checked true there is no loot spawning on the corpses. When I set it false it will.

Alphaloot doesn't control anything beyond what is going to be in a particular container, the chances of it dropping, and whether or not the container is being controlled by it. I have all of these things set, but they just aren't translating when a Bot dies.

I did manage to get my custom profile to work, but only when modifying the scientist_roam loot profile for AlphaLoot. This happens to be the type of NPC BotReSpawn uses by default, and corresponds to the Default NPC loot setting. The problem I have is that this does not make the use of loot profiles unique to them, which is the purpose of using the custom loot profiles over in AlphaLoot and making them the container of choice for BotReSpawn to use on death.

Edited by Somescrub
  • Administrator


This is how it works ^.

If you make a Rust Loot Source selection in BotReSpawn's UI, that npc will get vanilla rust loot of that source.
It's always vanilla - It's not related to, or subject to AlphaLoot.


If you want the npc to get AlphaLoot loot, then you'd need Allow_Alphaloot true, then you'd go to AlphaLoot and set up a loot table for scientistnpc_roam,
as you found out.


You can do both, assuming neither plugin is set to wipe inventory first,
and you will get whatever Alphaloot is pushing, plus whatever vanilla loot you asked for.


If you want custom/modified loot per BotReSpawn profile the only option, at least that I'm aware of, is CustomLoot.





@Steenamaroo -

Ah, that would make sense then... I was under the impression you could select/define any other loot profile available in BotReSpawn, and as long as it was setup over in AlphaLoot and it was set true in BotReSpawn, then it would populate with the AlphaLoot replacement for that loot profile. So what you are saying is that, when using AlphaLoot, I am stuck with just the scientistnpc_roam profile via AlphaLoot, unless I want to use CustomLoot to define additional profiles. I will check it out and see if it can accomplish what I am after.

Would be an awesome feature if you could integrate the AlphaLoot profile options in the same way, but I understand if it isn't a technically feasible endeavor.

  • Administrator


Yes, that's correct ^.

In terms of functionality CustomLoot is perfect for the job, using it just to handle BotReSpawn npcs,
and letting AlphaLoot do everything else but, admittedly, it's no where near as easy to use/understand.
Still - It's there as an option.

I just looked - I may be wrong but I think AlphaLoot has new or different API since I last checked.
It looks like maybe I could set up 'AlphaLootProfile' as an option per BotReSpawn profile.

If I write it in would you be willing to test?

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Posted (edited)

@Steenamaroo -

Absolutely - I have a dedicated test instance that I have been playing around with this on anyway, more than happy to do that for ya... and appreciate you even attempting to integrate!

Edited by Somescrub


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