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Server performance impact

Closed 1.1.85 1.1.87




Just noticed that when this plugin is enabled we see from -30% to -50% FPS drop on our server.

Is there anything that can theoretically be done about that?

So instead of 120-140 fps we see 60-70



We have a pretty Ok Dedicated hardware (Intel Xeon E-2286G @ 4GHz, 6C/12T, 12MB 64GB RAM), so this drop is not due to using shitty VPN or shared host.

Just wondering if there is anything we can do about this



  On 7/24/2024 at 10:06 AM, VENIQQ said:

We have a pretty Ok Dedicated hardware (Intel Xeon E-2286G @ 4GHz, 6C/12T, 12MB 64GB RAM), so this drop is not due to using shitty VPN or shared host.

Just wondering if there is anything we can do about this


I don't think it depends on the plugin as the plugin only intervenes when the turrets are positioned, so you can only have a drop in FPS when the plugin is started.
No other customers have experienced FPS issues, same goes for my servers on dedicated hardware.
How much pop does your server have?

The plugin has also been tested on a 100 pop server with turret limit at 100 and no problems



you don't have to see the players' FPS, but the server's FPS



You bought the pugin on December 28, 2023, it seems strange to me that only now you have a drop in FPS, after 7 months



We have very low pop, 20 players at peak times.

I was just switching on/off different plugins to see if any of those affect server FPS since we've noticed that dropped noticeably last 5-6 weeks (it was always 100+ and now it's around 60)

I'm using RustAdmin, this is the FPS i see with plugin enabled image.png.294d40f9996ddeb66e197510aa00a8b4.png

Now when I unload it I see this:


65 FPS vs 113 FPS - this is server FPS, not player FPS.


How can we debug this to see what exactly causing the issue, which hook or method etc. ?

Maybe lower turret limits would help as well, not sure



This is what I see when plugin is loaded again, as mentioned above.

I can't interpret it any other way that FPS drop is due to that plugin being active.

But maybe I'm missing something here



  On 7/24/2024 at 11:23 AM, VENIQQ said:

This is what I see when plugin is loaded again, as mentioned above.

I can't interpret it any other way that FPS drop is due to that plugin being active.

But maybe I'm missing something here


I'm doing a test on a new dev server, because I have the servers set not to exceed 60 fps, as recommended by rust, since beyond 60 fps there are no differences for the players, the server works well when it's at the 30 from up, but I'll do a test today and see if the fps drops for me too




also, why didn't you have this problem before? it could also be caused by some conflicting plugin, why do you report this to me after 7 months so I assume that the cause could be another, a plugin that conflicts



Thanks for the link! That will be useful.

  • Before April we were on a VPS so performance issues were normal there
  • 60fps that I showed is avg. It sometimes drops below 40 and it is noticeable when you fly in vanish over the map (small stutter and lag sometimes)
  • Could be a conflicting plugin, not arguing with that. Just wanted to report what I found today so far, maybe something can be done before I switch it off completely.

It is strange, because o.plugins command shows very low resource usage for this plugin, compared to big ones that I have - RaidableBases, SkillTree etc.


I've tried unloading a bunch of them while AutoTurretInterference is active and it didn't seem to give that large FPS bump as disabling interference itself.

Will try to disabling other plugins as well one by one to see which one could conflict with this one.



  On 7/24/2024 at 12:12 PM, VENIQQ said:

Thanks for the link! That will be useful.

  • Before April we were on a VPS so performance issues were normal there
  • 60fps that I showed is avg. It sometimes drops below 40 and it is noticeable when you fly in vanish over the map (small stutter and lag sometimes)
  • Could be a conflicting plugin, not arguing with that. Just wanted to report what I found today so far, maybe something can be done before I switch it off completely.

It is strange, because o.plugins command shows very low resource usage for this plugin, compared to big ones that I have - RaidableBases, SkillTree etc.


I've tried unloading a bunch of them while AutoTurretInterference is active and it didn't seem to give that large FPS bump as disabling interference itself.

Will try to disabling other plugins as well one by one to see which one could conflict with this one.


You were right to point out, now I'll do some tests on a server without FPS limit.
Can you send me the list of plugins you use?
Thank you



  On 7/24/2024 at 12:16 PM, Scalbox said:

You were right to point out, now I'll do some tests on a server without FPS limit.
Can you send me the list of plugins you use?
Thank you


It is never wrong to report a problem, there is always something to improve.

I'll do some tests now and then I'll update you. In the meantime, if you can, send me the list of plugins you have.

Thank you



Ok, thanks!

Here is the list of plugins

07/24 15:35:34 | Listing 98 plugins:
01 "ADR Arkan" (1.0.1) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 0 B) - ADRArkan.cs
02 "ATP" (0.1.4) by mspeedie (0.02s / 308 KB) - ATP.cs
03 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.00s / 8 KB) - AdminHammer.cs
04 "AdminMenu" (2.1.2) by k1lly0u (1.82s / 216 MB) - AdminMenu.cs
05 "Admin Radar" (5.3.4) by nivex (0.06s / 6 MB) - AdminRadar.cs
06 "Anti Spam" (2.1.1) by MON@H (0.01s / 276 KB) - AntiSpam.cs
07 "Arkan" (1.0.21) by Antidote (0.06s / 824 KB) - Arkan.cs
08 "Auto Demo Record" (1.3.0) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 4 KB) - AutoDemoRecord.cs
09 "AutoTurretInterference" (1.1.85) by Scalbox (0.21s / 4 MB) - AutoTurretInterference.cs
10 "Backpack Button" (1.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 316 KB) - BackpackButton.cs
11 "Backpacks" (3.13.5) by WhiteThunder (0.06s / 9 MB) - Backpacks.cs
12 "Barrel Stacks" (1.0.3) by supreme (0.02s / 284 KB) - BarrelStacks.cs
13 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 0 B) - BetterChat.cs
14 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 20 KB) - BetterChatMute.cs
15 "Build" (2.2.2) by Gonzi (0.74s / 18 MB) - Build.cs
16 "Building Grades" (1.0.12) by Default/Arainrr (0.00s / 68 KB) - BuildingGrades.cs
17 "Car Radio" (1.0.69) by TCM420G test (0.28s / 3 MB) - CarRadio.cs
18 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 68 KB) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
19 "Chest Stacks" (1.4.0) by supreme (0.01s / 48 KB) - ChestStacks.cs
20 "Coloured Chat" (2.2.87) by collect_vood (0.00s / 60 KB) - ColouredChat.cs
21 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.13) by Pho3niX90 (0.01s / 4 MB) - CombatLogInfo.cs
22 "Commands Item" (2.0.52) by YaMang -w- (0.12s / 2 MB) - CommandsItem.cs
23 "Component Blocker" (0.1.9) by Calytic (0.48s / 8 MB) - ComponentBlocker.cs
24 "Copy Paste" (4.1.38) by misticos (0.01s / 4 MB) - CopyPaste.cs
25 "CraftPanel" (1.5.3) by ninco90 (0.09s / 19 MB) - CraftPanel.cs
26 "Custom Icon" (1.0.4) by collect_vood (0.00s / 4 KB) - CustomIcon.cs
27 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 80 KB) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
28 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s / 404 KB) - DiscordCore.cs
29 "Discord Logger" (2.0.17) by MON@H (0.03s / 1 MB) - DiscordLogger.cs
30 "DiscordMessages" (2.1.8) by Slut (0.00s / 52 KB) - DiscordMessages.cs
31 "Discord Roles" (2.0.10) by MJSU (0.01s / 220 KB) - DiscordRoles.cs
32 "Discord Status" (4.0.1) by Gonzi (0.08s / 10 MB) - DiscordStatus.cs
33 "EMenu" (1.0.6) by AjiE (0.02s / 6 MB) - EMenu.cs
34 "Effects Panel" (1.1.0) by Mevent (0.08s / 1 MB) - EffectsPanel.cs
35 "EventHelper" (1.0.12) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 148 KB) - EventHelper.cs
36 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.5) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.34s / 3 MB) - ExtendedRecycler.cs
37 "Friendly Fire" (1.1.2) by collect_vood (0.01s / 596 KB) - FriendlyFire.cs
38 "FurnaceSorter" (1.3.6) by PsychoTea (0.24s / 8 MB) - FurnaceSorter.cs
39 "Furnace Stacks" (1.0.4) by supreme (0.01s / 12 KB) - FurnaceStacks.cs
40 "Gather Manager" (2.2.78) by Mughisi (0.30s / 16 KB) - GatherManager.cs
41 "Godmode" (4.2.14) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/dFxPhoeniX (0.04s / 80 KB) - Godmode.cs
42 "Group Limits" (3.0.4) by misticos (0.00s / 0 B) - GroupLimits.cs
43 "Hardcore Workbench" (1.0.4) by Marat (0.62s / 1 MB) - HardcoreWorkbench.cs
44 "Heli Signals" (1.2.18) by ZEODE (0.61s / 32 MB) - HeliSignals.cs
45 "Horn Doors" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 0 B) - HornDoors.cs
46 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.05s / 23 MB) - ImageLibrary.cs
47 "Inventory Cleaner" (2.1.1) by Joao Pster (0.00s / 4 KB) - InventoryCleaner.cs
48 "JetPack" (1.1.9) by Adem (0.19s / 2 MB) - JetPack.cs
49 "Kits" (4.4.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 104 KB) - Kits.cs
50 "Laptop Crate Hack" (2.0.2) by VisEntities (0.00s / 0 B) - LaptopCrateHack.cs
51 "Lock Barrels" (1.0.2) by Julio Juajez (0.12s / 148 KB) - LockBarrels.cs
52 "Lock composter" (1.0.1) by Julio Juajez (0.14s / 224 KB) - Lockcomposter.cs
53 "Lock oven" (1.0.3) by Julio Juajez (0.11s / 120 KB) - Lockoven.cs
54 "Loottable" (1.0.41) by The_Kiiiing (1.62s / 68 MB) - Loottable.cs
55 "MarketStation" (1.0.3) by CASHR#6906 (0.11s / 20 KB) - MarketStation.cs
56 "Monument Finder" (3.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 132 KB) - MonumentFinder.cs
57 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (0.03s / 2 MB) - NightVision.cs
58 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoGiveNotices.cs
59 "No Mini" (0.9.0) by Sche1sseHund (0.07s / 268 KB) - NoMini.cs
60 "No Respawn Cooldowns" (1.0.3) by Absolut (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoRespawnCooldowns.cs
61 "NpcRaiders" (1.7.2) by Razor (0.08s / 216 KB) - NpcRaiders.cs
62 "NpcSpawn" (2.7.1) by KpucTaJl (0.26s / 616 KB) - NpcSpawn.cs
63 "OilRigDoorsFix" (1.0.2) by MON@H (0.01s / 76 KB) - OilRigDoorsFix.cs
64 "Old Farts Language controller" (0.1.0) by VENIQQ (0.00s / 96 KB) - OldFartLanguage.cs
65 "OxidationClock" (1.3.1) by kasvoton (0.00s / 0 B) - OxidationClock.cs
66 "Phantom Sleepers" (0.1.8) by nivex (0.01s / 32 KB) - PhantomSleepers.cs
67 "PlaceAnything" (1.0.5) by David (0.00s / 1 MB) - PlaceAnything.cs
68 "Portable Vehicles" (1.1.7) by Paulsimik (0.00s / 0 B) - PortableVehicles.cs
69 "RaceTrack" (0.3.5) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 76 KB) - RaceTrack.cs
70 "Raid Cost Calculator" (0.4.0) by Dana (0.08s / 56 KB) - RaidCostCalculator.cs
71 "RaidProtection" (3.4.9) by mr01sam (0.75s / 20 MB) - RaidProtection.cs
72 "Raidable Bases" (2.8.7) by nivex (0.61s / 32 MB) - RaidableBases.cs
73 "RandomRaids" (1.7.1) by Razor (0.09s / 484 KB) - RandomRaids.cs
74 "Remover Tool" (4.3.41) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.04s / 8 MB) - RemoverTool.cs
75 "Rename" (1.1.2) by Wulf (0.00s / 56 KB) - Rename.cs
76 "Rustadmin Online" (1.2.0) by misticos (0.00s / 60 KB) - RustadminOnline.cs
77 "Server Armour" (2.83.5) by Pho3niX90 (0.12s / 17 MB) - ServerArmour.cs
78 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 20 KB) - SignArtist.cs
79 "SimpleStatus" (1.1.4) by mr01sam (0.01s / 32 KB) - SimpleStatus.cs
80 "Skill Tree" (1.5.4) by imthenewguy (0.32s / 30 MB) - SkillTree.cs
81 "Skinner" (2.0.2) by Whispers88 (0.13s / 24 MB) - Skinner.cs
82 "SmoothRestarter" (3.2.0) by 2CHEVSKII (0.01s / 120 KB) - SmoothRestarter.cs
83 "Survival Arena" (1.0.19) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 184 KB) - SurvivalArena.cs
84 "Tech Tree Control" (0.4.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s / 0 B) - TechTreeControl.cs
85 "TimeOfDay" (2.3.4) by FuJiCuRa (0.00s / 0 B) - TimeOfDay.cs
86 "Train Trigger" (1.0.0) by SPooCK (0.07s / 140 KB) - TrainTrigger.cs
87 "UFilter" (5.1.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s / 2 MB) - UFilter.cs
88 "UI Notify" (1.0.12) by Mevent (0.03s / 5 MB) - UINotify.cs
89 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 212 KB) - Vanish.cs
90 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.41s / 73 MB) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs
91 "Vehicle Vendor Options" (1.7.5) by WhiteThunder (0.07s / 136 KB) - VehicleVendorOptions.cs
92 "WPSocialLinks" (1.2.21) by David (0.01s / 136 KB) - WPSocialLinks.cs
93 "WPWipeCycle" (1.2.21) by David (0.00s / 92 KB) - WPWipeCycle.cs
94 "Weather Events" (1.4.0) by OuTSMoKE, Rick (0.01s / 40 KB) - WeatherEvents.cs
95 "WelcomePanel" (4.3.5) by David (0.02s / 3 MB) - WelcomePanel.cs
96 "XBuildingSkinMenu" (1.1.6) by Monster (0.04s / 4 MB) - XBuildingSkinMenu.cs
97 "XStatistics" (2.1.10) by Monster (0.30s / 43 MB) - XStatistics.cs
98 "Zombie Infection" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 12 KB) - ZombieInfection.cs



  On 7/24/2024 at 12:37 PM, VENIQQ said:

Ok, thanks!

Here is the list of plugins

07/24 15:35:34 | Listing 98 plugins:
01 "ADR Arkan" (1.0.1) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 0 B) - ADRArkan.cs
02 "ATP" (0.1.4) by mspeedie (0.02s / 308 KB) - ATP.cs
03 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.00s / 8 KB) - AdminHammer.cs
04 "AdminMenu" (2.1.2) by k1lly0u (1.82s / 216 MB) - AdminMenu.cs
05 "Admin Radar" (5.3.4) by nivex (0.06s / 6 MB) - AdminRadar.cs
06 "Anti Spam" (2.1.1) by MON@H (0.01s / 276 KB) - AntiSpam.cs
07 "Arkan" (1.0.21) by Antidote (0.06s / 824 KB) - Arkan.cs
08 "Auto Demo Record" (1.3.0) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 4 KB) - AutoDemoRecord.cs
09 "AutoTurretInterference" (1.1.85) by Scalbox (0.21s / 4 MB) - AutoTurretInterference.cs
10 "Backpack Button" (1.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 316 KB) - BackpackButton.cs
11 "Backpacks" (3.13.5) by WhiteThunder (0.06s / 9 MB) - Backpacks.cs
12 "Barrel Stacks" (1.0.3) by supreme (0.02s / 284 KB) - BarrelStacks.cs
13 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 0 B) - BetterChat.cs
14 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 20 KB) - BetterChatMute.cs
15 "Build" (2.2.2) by Gonzi (0.74s / 18 MB) - Build.cs
16 "Building Grades" (1.0.12) by Default/Arainrr (0.00s / 68 KB) - BuildingGrades.cs
17 "Car Radio" (1.0.69) by TCM420G test (0.28s / 3 MB) - CarRadio.cs
18 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 68 KB) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
19 "Chest Stacks" (1.4.0) by supreme (0.01s / 48 KB) - ChestStacks.cs
20 "Coloured Chat" (2.2.87) by collect_vood (0.00s / 60 KB) - ColouredChat.cs
21 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.13) by Pho3niX90 (0.01s / 4 MB) - CombatLogInfo.cs
22 "Commands Item" (2.0.52) by YaMang -w- (0.12s / 2 MB) - CommandsItem.cs
23 "Component Blocker" (0.1.9) by Calytic (0.48s / 8 MB) - ComponentBlocker.cs
24 "Copy Paste" (4.1.38) by misticos (0.01s / 4 MB) - CopyPaste.cs
25 "CraftPanel" (1.5.3) by ninco90 (0.09s / 19 MB) - CraftPanel.cs
26 "Custom Icon" (1.0.4) by collect_vood (0.00s / 4 KB) - CustomIcon.cs
27 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 80 KB) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
28 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s / 404 KB) - DiscordCore.cs
29 "Discord Logger" (2.0.17) by MON@H (0.03s / 1 MB) - DiscordLogger.cs
30 "DiscordMessages" (2.1.8) by Slut (0.00s / 52 KB) - DiscordMessages.cs
31 "Discord Roles" (2.0.10) by MJSU (0.01s / 220 KB) - DiscordRoles.cs
32 "Discord Status" (4.0.1) by Gonzi (0.08s / 10 MB) - DiscordStatus.cs
33 "EMenu" (1.0.6) by AjiE (0.02s / 6 MB) - EMenu.cs
34 "Effects Panel" (1.1.0) by Mevent (0.08s / 1 MB) - EffectsPanel.cs
35 "EventHelper" (1.0.12) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 148 KB) - EventHelper.cs
36 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.5) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.34s / 3 MB) - ExtendedRecycler.cs
37 "Friendly Fire" (1.1.2) by collect_vood (0.01s / 596 KB) - FriendlyFire.cs
38 "FurnaceSorter" (1.3.6) by PsychoTea (0.24s / 8 MB) - FurnaceSorter.cs
39 "Furnace Stacks" (1.0.4) by supreme (0.01s / 12 KB) - FurnaceStacks.cs
40 "Gather Manager" (2.2.78) by Mughisi (0.30s / 16 KB) - GatherManager.cs
41 "Godmode" (4.2.14) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/dFxPhoeniX (0.04s / 80 KB) - Godmode.cs
42 "Group Limits" (3.0.4) by misticos (0.00s / 0 B) - GroupLimits.cs
43 "Hardcore Workbench" (1.0.4) by Marat (0.62s / 1 MB) - HardcoreWorkbench.cs
44 "Heli Signals" (1.2.18) by ZEODE (0.61s / 32 MB) - HeliSignals.cs
45 "Horn Doors" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 0 B) - HornDoors.cs
46 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.05s / 23 MB) - ImageLibrary.cs
47 "Inventory Cleaner" (2.1.1) by Joao Pster (0.00s / 4 KB) - InventoryCleaner.cs
48 "JetPack" (1.1.9) by Adem (0.19s / 2 MB) - JetPack.cs
49 "Kits" (4.4.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 104 KB) - Kits.cs
50 "Laptop Crate Hack" (2.0.2) by VisEntities (0.00s / 0 B) - LaptopCrateHack.cs
51 "Lock Barrels" (1.0.2) by Julio Juajez (0.12s / 148 KB) - LockBarrels.cs
52 "Lock composter" (1.0.1) by Julio Juajez (0.14s / 224 KB) - Lockcomposter.cs
53 "Lock oven" (1.0.3) by Julio Juajez (0.11s / 120 KB) - Lockoven.cs
54 "Loottable" (1.0.41) by The_Kiiiing (1.62s / 68 MB) - Loottable.cs
55 "MarketStation" (1.0.3) by CASHR#6906 (0.11s / 20 KB) - MarketStation.cs
56 "Monument Finder" (3.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 132 KB) - MonumentFinder.cs
57 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (0.03s / 2 MB) - NightVision.cs
58 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoGiveNotices.cs
59 "No Mini" (0.9.0) by Sche1sseHund (0.07s / 268 KB) - NoMini.cs
60 "No Respawn Cooldowns" (1.0.3) by Absolut (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoRespawnCooldowns.cs
61 "NpcRaiders" (1.7.2) by Razor (0.08s / 216 KB) - NpcRaiders.cs
62 "NpcSpawn" (2.7.1) by KpucTaJl (0.26s / 616 KB) - NpcSpawn.cs
63 "OilRigDoorsFix" (1.0.2) by MON@H (0.01s / 76 KB) - OilRigDoorsFix.cs
64 "Old Farts Language controller" (0.1.0) by VENIQQ (0.00s / 96 KB) - OldFartLanguage.cs
65 "OxidationClock" (1.3.1) by kasvoton (0.00s / 0 B) - OxidationClock.cs
66 "Phantom Sleepers" (0.1.8) by nivex (0.01s / 32 KB) - PhantomSleepers.cs
67 "PlaceAnything" (1.0.5) by David (0.00s / 1 MB) - PlaceAnything.cs
68 "Portable Vehicles" (1.1.7) by Paulsimik (0.00s / 0 B) - PortableVehicles.cs
69 "RaceTrack" (0.3.5) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 76 KB) - RaceTrack.cs
70 "Raid Cost Calculator" (0.4.0) by Dana (0.08s / 56 KB) - RaidCostCalculator.cs
71 "RaidProtection" (3.4.9) by mr01sam (0.75s / 20 MB) - RaidProtection.cs
72 "Raidable Bases" (2.8.7) by nivex (0.61s / 32 MB) - RaidableBases.cs
73 "RandomRaids" (1.7.1) by Razor (0.09s / 484 KB) - RandomRaids.cs
74 "Remover Tool" (4.3.41) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.04s / 8 MB) - RemoverTool.cs
75 "Rename" (1.1.2) by Wulf (0.00s / 56 KB) - Rename.cs
76 "Rustadmin Online" (1.2.0) by misticos (0.00s / 60 KB) - RustadminOnline.cs
77 "Server Armour" (2.83.5) by Pho3niX90 (0.12s / 17 MB) - ServerArmour.cs
78 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 20 KB) - SignArtist.cs
79 "SimpleStatus" (1.1.4) by mr01sam (0.01s / 32 KB) - SimpleStatus.cs
80 "Skill Tree" (1.5.4) by imthenewguy (0.32s / 30 MB) - SkillTree.cs
81 "Skinner" (2.0.2) by Whispers88 (0.13s / 24 MB) - Skinner.cs
82 "SmoothRestarter" (3.2.0) by 2CHEVSKII (0.01s / 120 KB) - SmoothRestarter.cs
83 "Survival Arena" (1.0.19) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 184 KB) - SurvivalArena.cs
84 "Tech Tree Control" (0.4.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s / 0 B) - TechTreeControl.cs
85 "TimeOfDay" (2.3.4) by FuJiCuRa (0.00s / 0 B) - TimeOfDay.cs
86 "Train Trigger" (1.0.0) by SPooCK (0.07s / 140 KB) - TrainTrigger.cs
87 "UFilter" (5.1.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s / 2 MB) - UFilter.cs
88 "UI Notify" (1.0.12) by Mevent (0.03s / 5 MB) - UINotify.cs
89 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 212 KB) - Vanish.cs
90 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.41s / 73 MB) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs
91 "Vehicle Vendor Options" (1.7.5) by WhiteThunder (0.07s / 136 KB) - VehicleVendorOptions.cs
92 "WPSocialLinks" (1.2.21) by David (0.01s / 136 KB) - WPSocialLinks.cs
93 "WPWipeCycle" (1.2.21) by David (0.00s / 92 KB) - WPWipeCycle.cs
94 "Weather Events" (1.4.0) by OuTSMoKE, Rick (0.01s / 40 KB) - WeatherEvents.cs
95 "WelcomePanel" (4.3.5) by David (0.02s / 3 MB) - WelcomePanel.cs
96 "XBuildingSkinMenu" (1.1.6) by Monster (0.04s / 4 MB) - XBuildingSkinMenu.cs
97 "XStatistics" (2.1.10) by Monster (0.30s / 43 MB) - XStatistics.cs
98 "Zombie Infection" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 12 KB) - ZombieInfection.cs


Hi I did 2 tests and I don't have your FPS drop.
At the top right you can see the server FPS.

1) TEST 1

Here I left the server with all the plugins active (more than 250 plugins) and the drops in FPS only occur when I turn the turrets off or on, given that I put 210 of them only for 1 player, which rarely happens in reality.
Then the FPS goes back to normal, no drop due to normal plugin execution.

Here I also had the Raidable Bases, with 20 bases generated



2) TEST 2

I removed all the plugins and only tested AutoTurretsInterference, and again I have no FPS drops like in your case.



The only advice I can give you is to check that you don't have plugins that conflict, but so far no one has reported drops in FPS to me, and I'm sorry that this happens to you.

Between today and tomorrow I will make a new release to improve performance a bit, but I don't know how much it will help in your case.

Let me know thanks.



Now I make a release for performance improvement, hope it helps you



  On 7/24/2024 at 12:37 PM, VENIQQ said:

Ok, thanks!

Here is the list of plugins

07/24 15:35:34 | Listing 98 plugins:
01 "ADR Arkan" (1.0.1) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 0 B) - ADRArkan.cs
02 "ATP" (0.1.4) by mspeedie (0.02s / 308 KB) - ATP.cs
03 "AdminHammer" (1.13.0) by mvrb (0.00s / 8 KB) - AdminHammer.cs
04 "AdminMenu" (2.1.2) by k1lly0u (1.82s / 216 MB) - AdminMenu.cs
05 "Admin Radar" (5.3.4) by nivex (0.06s / 6 MB) - AdminRadar.cs
06 "Anti Spam" (2.1.1) by MON@H (0.01s / 276 KB) - AntiSpam.cs
07 "Arkan" (1.0.21) by Antidote (0.06s / 824 KB) - Arkan.cs
08 "Auto Demo Record" (1.3.0) by Pho3niX90 (0.00s / 4 KB) - AutoDemoRecord.cs
09 "AutoTurretInterference" (1.1.85) by Scalbox (0.21s / 4 MB) - AutoTurretInterference.cs
10 "Backpack Button" (1.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 316 KB) - BackpackButton.cs
11 "Backpacks" (3.13.5) by WhiteThunder (0.06s / 9 MB) - Backpacks.cs
12 "Barrel Stacks" (1.0.3) by supreme (0.02s / 284 KB) - BarrelStacks.cs
13 "Better Chat" (5.2.14) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 0 B) - BetterChat.cs
14 "Better Chat Mute" (1.2.1) by LaserHydra (0.00s / 20 KB) - BetterChatMute.cs
15 "Build" (2.2.2) by Gonzi (0.74s / 18 MB) - Build.cs
16 "Building Grades" (1.0.12) by Default/Arainrr (0.00s / 68 KB) - BuildingGrades.cs
17 "Car Radio" (1.0.69) by TCM420G test (0.28s / 3 MB) - CarRadio.cs
18 "ChaosExtensionDownloader" (0.1.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 68 KB) - ChaosExtensionDownloader.cs
19 "Chest Stacks" (1.4.0) by supreme (0.01s / 48 KB) - ChestStacks.cs
20 "Coloured Chat" (2.2.87) by collect_vood (0.00s / 60 KB) - ColouredChat.cs
21 "CombatLog Info" (1.0.13) by Pho3niX90 (0.01s / 4 MB) - CombatLogInfo.cs
22 "Commands Item" (2.0.52) by YaMang -w- (0.12s / 2 MB) - CommandsItem.cs
23 "Component Blocker" (0.1.9) by Calytic (0.48s / 8 MB) - ComponentBlocker.cs
24 "Copy Paste" (4.1.38) by misticos (0.01s / 4 MB) - CopyPaste.cs
25 "CraftPanel" (1.5.3) by ninco90 (0.09s / 19 MB) - CraftPanel.cs
26 "Custom Icon" (1.0.4) by collect_vood (0.00s / 4 KB) - CustomIcon.cs
27 "Custom Vending Setup" (2.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 80 KB) - CustomVendingSetup.cs
28 "Discord Core" (2.1.3) by MJSU (0.02s / 404 KB) - DiscordCore.cs
29 "Discord Logger" (2.0.17) by MON@H (0.03s / 1 MB) - DiscordLogger.cs
30 "DiscordMessages" (2.1.8) by Slut (0.00s / 52 KB) - DiscordMessages.cs
31 "Discord Roles" (2.0.10) by MJSU (0.01s / 220 KB) - DiscordRoles.cs
32 "Discord Status" (4.0.1) by Gonzi (0.08s / 10 MB) - DiscordStatus.cs
33 "EMenu" (1.0.6) by AjiE (0.02s / 6 MB) - EMenu.cs
34 "Effects Panel" (1.1.0) by Mevent (0.08s / 1 MB) - EffectsPanel.cs
35 "EventHelper" (1.0.12) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 148 KB) - EventHelper.cs
36 "Extended Recycler" (1.2.5) by beee/The Friendly Chap (0.34s / 3 MB) - ExtendedRecycler.cs
37 "Friendly Fire" (1.1.2) by collect_vood (0.01s / 596 KB) - FriendlyFire.cs
38 "FurnaceSorter" (1.3.6) by PsychoTea (0.24s / 8 MB) - FurnaceSorter.cs
39 "Furnace Stacks" (1.0.4) by supreme (0.01s / 12 KB) - FurnaceStacks.cs
40 "Gather Manager" (2.2.78) by Mughisi (0.30s / 16 KB) - GatherManager.cs
41 "Godmode" (4.2.14) by Wulf/lukespragg/Arainrr/dFxPhoeniX (0.04s / 80 KB) - Godmode.cs
42 "Group Limits" (3.0.4) by misticos (0.00s / 0 B) - GroupLimits.cs
43 "Hardcore Workbench" (1.0.4) by Marat (0.62s / 1 MB) - HardcoreWorkbench.cs
44 "Heli Signals" (1.2.18) by ZEODE (0.61s / 32 MB) - HeliSignals.cs
45 "Horn Doors" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 0 B) - HornDoors.cs
46 "Image Library" (2.0.62) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.05s / 23 MB) - ImageLibrary.cs
47 "Inventory Cleaner" (2.1.1) by Joao Pster (0.00s / 4 KB) - InventoryCleaner.cs
48 "JetPack" (1.1.9) by Adem (0.19s / 2 MB) - JetPack.cs
49 "Kits" (4.4.1) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 104 KB) - Kits.cs
50 "Laptop Crate Hack" (2.0.2) by VisEntities (0.00s / 0 B) - LaptopCrateHack.cs
51 "Lock Barrels" (1.0.2) by Julio Juajez (0.12s / 148 KB) - LockBarrels.cs
52 "Lock composter" (1.0.1) by Julio Juajez (0.14s / 224 KB) - Lockcomposter.cs
53 "Lock oven" (1.0.3) by Julio Juajez (0.11s / 120 KB) - Lockoven.cs
54 "Loottable" (1.0.41) by The_Kiiiing (1.62s / 68 MB) - Loottable.cs
55 "MarketStation" (1.0.3) by CASHR#6906 (0.11s / 20 KB) - MarketStation.cs
56 "Monument Finder" (3.1.2) by WhiteThunder (0.02s / 132 KB) - MonumentFinder.cs
57 "NightVision" (2.4.1) by Clearshot (0.03s / 2 MB) - NightVision.cs
58 "No Give Notices" (0.3.0) by Wulf (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoGiveNotices.cs
59 "No Mini" (0.9.0) by Sche1sseHund (0.07s / 268 KB) - NoMini.cs
60 "No Respawn Cooldowns" (1.0.3) by Absolut (0.00s / 4 KB) - NoRespawnCooldowns.cs
61 "NpcRaiders" (1.7.2) by Razor (0.08s / 216 KB) - NpcRaiders.cs
62 "NpcSpawn" (2.7.1) by KpucTaJl (0.26s / 616 KB) - NpcSpawn.cs
63 "OilRigDoorsFix" (1.0.2) by MON@H (0.01s / 76 KB) - OilRigDoorsFix.cs
64 "Old Farts Language controller" (0.1.0) by VENIQQ (0.00s / 96 KB) - OldFartLanguage.cs
65 "OxidationClock" (1.3.1) by kasvoton (0.00s / 0 B) - OxidationClock.cs
66 "Phantom Sleepers" (0.1.8) by nivex (0.01s / 32 KB) - PhantomSleepers.cs
67 "PlaceAnything" (1.0.5) by David (0.00s / 1 MB) - PlaceAnything.cs
68 "Portable Vehicles" (1.1.7) by Paulsimik (0.00s / 0 B) - PortableVehicles.cs
69 "RaceTrack" (0.3.5) by k1lly0u (0.00s / 76 KB) - RaceTrack.cs
70 "Raid Cost Calculator" (0.4.0) by Dana (0.08s / 56 KB) - RaidCostCalculator.cs
71 "RaidProtection" (3.4.9) by mr01sam (0.75s / 20 MB) - RaidProtection.cs
72 "Raidable Bases" (2.8.7) by nivex (0.61s / 32 MB) - RaidableBases.cs
73 "RandomRaids" (1.7.1) by Razor (0.09s / 484 KB) - RandomRaids.cs
74 "Remover Tool" (4.3.41) by Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard (0.04s / 8 MB) - RemoverTool.cs
75 "Rename" (1.1.2) by Wulf (0.00s / 56 KB) - Rename.cs
76 "Rustadmin Online" (1.2.0) by misticos (0.00s / 60 KB) - RustadminOnline.cs
77 "Server Armour" (2.83.5) by Pho3niX90 (0.12s / 17 MB) - ServerArmour.cs
78 "Sign Artist" (1.4.1) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 20 KB) - SignArtist.cs
79 "SimpleStatus" (1.1.4) by mr01sam (0.01s / 32 KB) - SimpleStatus.cs
80 "Skill Tree" (1.5.4) by imthenewguy (0.32s / 30 MB) - SkillTree.cs
81 "Skinner" (2.0.2) by Whispers88 (0.13s / 24 MB) - Skinner.cs
82 "SmoothRestarter" (3.2.0) by 2CHEVSKII (0.01s / 120 KB) - SmoothRestarter.cs
83 "Survival Arena" (1.0.19) by imthenewguy (0.01s / 184 KB) - SurvivalArena.cs
84 "Tech Tree Control" (0.4.0) by WhiteThunder (0.00s / 0 B) - TechTreeControl.cs
85 "TimeOfDay" (2.3.4) by FuJiCuRa (0.00s / 0 B) - TimeOfDay.cs
86 "Train Trigger" (1.0.0) by SPooCK (0.07s / 140 KB) - TrainTrigger.cs
87 "UFilter" (5.1.2) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.01s / 2 MB) - UFilter.cs
88 "UI Notify" (1.0.12) by Mevent (0.03s / 5 MB) - UINotify.cs
89 "Vanish" (1.8.0) by Whispers88 (0.00s / 212 KB) - Vanish.cs
90 "Vehicle Deployed Locks" (1.13.0) by WhiteThunder (0.41s / 73 MB) - VehicleDeployedLocks.cs
91 "Vehicle Vendor Options" (1.7.5) by WhiteThunder (0.07s / 136 KB) - VehicleVendorOptions.cs
92 "WPSocialLinks" (1.2.21) by David (0.01s / 136 KB) - WPSocialLinks.cs
93 "WPWipeCycle" (1.2.21) by David (0.00s / 92 KB) - WPWipeCycle.cs
94 "Weather Events" (1.4.0) by OuTSMoKE, Rick (0.01s / 40 KB) - WeatherEvents.cs
95 "WelcomePanel" (4.3.5) by David (0.02s / 3 MB) - WelcomePanel.cs
96 "XBuildingSkinMenu" (1.1.6) by Monster (0.04s / 4 MB) - XBuildingSkinMenu.cs
97 "XStatistics" (2.1.10) by Monster (0.30s / 43 MB) - XStatistics.cs
98 "Zombie Infection" (1.0.1) by imthenewguy (0.00s / 12 KB) - ZombieInfection.cs


Try the new update


Posted (edited)

Thanks, I will try new update once I get to my PC and let you know!


just a question from your videos - Have you also tried physically unloading plugin or just used command? Since using chat command it still will be loaded and active on server, right?

Also are you on Carbon or Oxide? I'm using Oxide on my server

Edited by VENIQQ


  On 7/24/2024 at 7:00 PM, VENIQQ said:

Thanks, I will try new update once I get to my PC and let you know!


just a question from your videos - Have you also tried physically unloading plugin or just used command? Since using chat command it still will be loaded and active on server, right?

Also are you on Carbon or Oxide? I'm using Oxide on my server


I tested on oxide and I did both unload, load and even reload, never had any drops in FPS

  • Like 1


  • I've set up an empty server without any plugins and can confirm that FPS stays the same when loading/unloading.
  • Then I tried uploading exactly the same plugins on an empty server - see no impact. Loading / Unloading doesn't impact FPS

How can this be? Could it be that there is some large data file or something else that is affecting fps this way?



  On 7/24/2024 at 8:06 PM, VENIQQ said:

Unfortunately didn't work for me, it seems FPS is now even lower than before 😄 I'm not sure what's going on and why it behaves like that on my server.


You need to give it a few minutes before seeing if the FPS goes back up, because it takes a while to recalculate all the turrets



  On 7/24/2024 at 8:57 PM, VENIQQ said:
  • I've set up an empty server without any plugins and can confirm that FPS stays the same when loading/unloading.
  • Then I tried uploading exactly the same plugins on an empty server - see no impact. Loading / Unloading doesn't impact FPS

How can this be? Could it be that there is some large data file or something else that is affecting fps this way?


The plugin creates data files but it is very small and it only creates it and you enable this property: Enable Auto Turrets custom settings

On your dev server with the same plugins you don't encounter this problem, can you count how many player turrets you have in the whole server? Excluding those of monuments



  On 7/24/2024 at 9:02 PM, Scalbox said:

The plugin creates data files but it is very small and it only creates it and you enable this property: Enable Auto Turrets custom settings

On your dev server with the same plugins you don't encounter this problem, can you count how many player turrets you have in the whole server? Excluding those of monuments


I can do what I did for another person for another plugin.
Create a dev server that is a clone of the prod server, copying the same plugins, conf files and data.

Then you have to copy all the contents of the server folder, from the prod server to the devs server, so you have a devs server identical to the production one, including the player bases and turrets.

Then you give me FTP access and I do remote debugging, in this way I solved a problem for another person.
Consider this possibility, for me there are no problems doing remote debugging, as soon as I have the access data to the devs server, if you want



Ok, I used "objects" command to get turret count (not sure if this is the correct way). it seems there are only a little over 200 on the server.

I will try to set up identical dev server




I've copied everything to dev server and can now reproduce the same issue as on LIVE.
Sent you all details in private.

Thanks again for taking a look into this!

  • Like 1


  On 7/24/2024 at 10:00 PM, VENIQQ said:

I've copied everything to dev server and can now reproduce the same issue as on LIVE.
Sent you all details in private.

Thanks again for taking a look into this!


I replied to you privately.
Now to understand the cause well, install this plugin in your LIVE server


and set the property "Create reports every (seconds)": 1800,

So it generates reports on the server every 30 minutes.
In the data folder you will see all the reports, as soon as it has generated at least 4 reports, send me the last generated report ok?

Thank you



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