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Timers not working properly

Closed 1.4.1

Mikel Rae

Mikel Rae


I believe the timers aren't working properly as the event is being spammed repeatedly.



5 hours ago, Mikel Rae said:

I believe the timers aren't working properly as the event is being spammed repeatedly.

Hey there! please show me the config. Also show me the log file so that I can track exactly when the timer is triggered incorrectly



did you solve the problem?

Mikel Rae


No. I just use an external plugin to trigger the event now.



3 hours ago, Mikel Rae said:

No. I just use an external plugin to trigger the event now.

With your permission, may I close this support request?

Mikel Rae


You should probably fix the issue first, eh?



2 minutes ago, Mikel Rae said:

You should probably fix the issue first, eh?

Of course, if this is relevant to you, we will definitely look into it. But I need your help, please show me the config.  Also show me the log file so that I can track exactly when the timer is triggered incorrectly

Mikel Rae


Default config or not issues arise. The most consistent way to get it to mess up is to increase the minimum players to a number higher than you have on. Also log from where?



3 minutes ago, Mikel Rae said:

Default config or not issues arise. The most consistent way to get it to mess up is to increase the minimum players to a number higher than you have on. Also log from where?

Okay, I'll test this again more thoroughly, thanks for the info



On 7/8/2024 at 12:28 PM, Mikel Rae said:

I believe the timers aren't working properly as the event is being spammed repeatedly.

I could not reproduce the error, please attach your config file for me to check. If possible, provide additional information about the error. Thank you

Mikel Rae


Let's say there are 14 players on and the event is set to start at 15 players. The moment there are 15 players the event starts. It will end then start again for how ever many times the criteria was not met previously.

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1 hour ago, Mikel Rae said:

Let's say there are 14 players on and the event is set to start at 15 players. The moment there are 15 players the event starts. It will end then start again for how ever many times the criteria was not met previously.

I checked and again everything is fine. Moreover, I double-checked the code. The thing is that regardless of whether there are enough players to start the event, the counter is reset every time, so this makes it impossible to spam the event. I can assume that your the event starts immediately after the previous one finishes, because the timer is 3900, because the countdown starts immediately after the next event starts, and not after completion. So, if your event ends after 3600 seconds, then the next one will start after 300 seconds, just increase this value more for example up to 7200

Mikel Rae


Players have reported and I have witnessed the event going on the entire day. A group of five players can clear this event fairly quickly, so it doesn't quite line up with your assumption. Also this is something relatively new happening with no changes to the config in that time.

Mikel Rae


Also if you're reviewing the code, can you see any reason that this event has similar hook times to RaidableBases, which does a lot more in terms of activity on the server?



3 hours ago, Mikel Rae said:

Players have reported and I have witnessed the event going on the entire day. A group of five players can clear this event fairly quickly, so it doesn't quite line up with your assumption. Also this is something relatively new happening with no changes to the config in that time.

ok, are you using carbon or oxide?



3 hours ago, Mikel Rae said:

Also if you're reviewing the code, can you see any reason that this event has similar hook times to RaidableBases, which does a lot more in terms of activity on the server?

Maybe it's an optimization issue, I try to optimize my plugins to the best of my ability. In the future I will try to make the code better

Mikel Rae


I use oxide on the live server and Carbon on the test server currently.



31 minutes ago, Mikel Rae said:

I use oxide on the live server and Carbon on the test server currently.

Ok, this should definitely work on oxide without errors. Anyway, I can't reproduce what you are talking about. Please configure the event so that it starts in the default way, without using commands to start, without using an event manager.  If the event spam happens again, please give me the server logs, maybe this will help me

Mikel Rae


I used the Event Manager as a solution, I wasn't using it prior. It was just the spamming of the event that needed to be fixed because players like the event I couldn't just disable it so I had to find a way to get it running.



28 minutes ago, Mikel Rae said:

I used the Event Manager as a solution, I wasn't using it prior. It was just the spamming of the event that needed to be fixed because players like the event I couldn't just disable it so I had to find a way to get it running.

ok, I understand. Please do as I asked, it will help me, I will be very grateful to you. Thank you

Mikel Rae


My issues seem to have been resolved once I removed the patrol helicopter from spawning.



3 hours ago, Mikel Rae said:

My issues seem to have been resolved once I removed the patrol helicopter from spawning.

Theoretically, a helicopter could hardly affect the timer and event spam. Please test with a helicopter spawn to be sure that this is the case. Or should I close the request as resolved?

Mikel Rae


It doesn't make much sense but there's a significant difference in overall plugin performance when it is disabled.



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