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Closed 2.0.4



[MeteorEvent] Started meteor shower of profile 'default' with 12 meteors. (direct: False, directPlayer: False)

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/metal-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/stone-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh either make the Rigidbody kinematic or remove the Rigidbody component. Scene hierarchy path "assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab/assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/ores/sulfur-ore.prefab/ore_node_stage_1", Mesh asset path "" Mesh name "ore_node_stage_1_COL"

Non-convex MeshCollider with non-kinematic Rigidbody is no longer supported since Unity 5.

If you want to use a non-convex mesh eith



Try changing config option "Fix For Meteor MeshCollider Message (console spam fix only, might have performance impact if enabled)"



Made the change then this happened:

Unloaded plugin MeteorEvent v2.0.4 by ThePitereq

Loaded plugin MeteorEvent v2.0.4 by ThePitereq [268ms]

Failed to call internal hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'CustomVendingSetup v2.12.1' [3051933177] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at void Oxide.Plugins.CustomVendingSetup.OnPluginLoaded(Plugin plugin) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/joshua58/175260/carbon/plugins/CustomVendingSetup.cs:line 162

at object Oxide.Plugins.CustomVendingSetup.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in CustomVendingSetup.cs/Internal:line 267

Failed to call internal hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'FurnaceUpgrades v2.0.40' [3051933177] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at void Oxide.Plugins.FurnaceUpgrades.OnPluginLoaded(Plugin plugin) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/joshua58/175260/carbon/plugins/FurnaceUpgrades.cs:line 615

at object Oxide.Plugins.FurnaceUpgrades.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in FurnaceUpgrades.cs/Internal:line 354

Failed to call internal hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'HelpfulSupply v1.0.11' [3051933177] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at void Oxide.Plugins.HelpfulSupply.OnPluginLoaded(Plugin plugin) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/joshua58/175260/carbon/plugins/HelpfulSupply.cs:line 953

at object Oxide.Plugins.HelpfulSupply.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in HelpfulSupply.cs/Internal:line 162

Failed to call internal hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'TruePVE v2.1.9' [3051933177] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at void Oxide.Plugins.TruePVE.OnPluginLoaded(Plugin plugin) in C:/TCAFiles/Users/joshua58/175260/carbon/plugins/TruePVE.cs:line 127

at object Oxide.Plugins.TruePVE.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in TruePVE.cs/Internal:line 540

Failed to call hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'ChaosNPC v3.0.17' (Object reference not set to an instance of an object)

at void Oxide.Ext.ChaosNPC.ChaosNPC.â€â¬â¯â€«â®â€â€Œâ­â€®â€â¬â€‹â­â€Œâ«â€¬â€Œâ€®â€«â®â€‹â«â¬â€Žâ€‹â€â«â€«â€®â€Žâ€â€â€«â€ªâ¯â€Žâ€Žâ€Œâ­â€Žâ€®(Plugin)

at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)



can't be related to this change, something weird going on on your server.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



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