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Big problems with this. Can't give it to my players to use.

Closed 1.6.7

Bad Cop
Bad Cop

Posted (edited)

Buggy and even working functions need constant babysitting.

Cutting trees is OK if lots of trees around and dont need to climb. Small trees cannot be hit by the bot, just gets stuck

Ore nodes are OK, if they are at normal height, not on a cliff. or not spawned half inside rock.

Barrels, no way . can't even walk to to them, and if can, will be stuck 99% of the time

Needs ability to go up/down cliffs (player can, bot can't follow)

Bot teleport to player command would be useful.

Bot despawns on disconnect/server restart losing all gear.



Edited by Bad Cop
Bad Cop

Posted (edited)

Trying to go through the rock to get to the stone node 🥲

Screenshot 2024-06-07 160636.png

Screenshot 2024-06-07 161223.png

Edited by Bad Cop


Hi! Can I see your config? Also, are you testing it on a custom map? 
Most of the problems are caused because of navmesh and Rust AI, especially on custom maps. 
Probably smth is changed in recent updates, I will take a look on this.
For now, you can enable teleport to player in the config, when player clicks Follow button.



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress

Bad Cop


22 hours ago, walkinrey said:

Hi! Can I see your config? Also, are you testing it on a custom map? 
Most of the problems are caused because of navmesh and Rust AI, especially on custom maps. 
Probably smth is changed in recent updates, I will take a look on this.
For now, you can enable teleport to player in the config, when player clicks Follow button.

Thanks @walkinrey,  i found the teleport option. 

It is a custom map but you know, normal roads/junkpile spawns. It can walk correctly when follow, but not when sending to farm.

(using bot settings by permission)


Bad Cop

Posted (edited)

Also walking into cars and taking damage from it:

Other navmesh/colldier issue:

Fallling through Terrain Blend Cube:


Edited by Bad Cop


Thanks for the provided info, also do you have RustEdit dll installed on your server?

Bad Cop


5 minutes ago, walkinrey said:

Thanks for the provided info, also do you have RustEdit dll installed on your server?

No prob,  yes rustedit dll is installed



Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 1.6.7



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