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Cooking conflict

Pending 1.5.18



I am having an issue that the Cooking dev (imthenewguy) states is caused by the Stacks plugin. Sometimes items created by the cooking pluging, when stacked, will lose their abilities. They maintain their custom skin that is placed by the cooking plugin but it reverts to the base item. Here's an explanation of how to reproduce this, as dictated by one of my admins. I hope with this information we can figure this out.


Figured out how to replicate the issue tonight with Wren. Get ready for this long explanation. Spawned in 4 mushroom soups, separated 1 or 2 or 3, doesnt matter. Those become cooked fish but still show the mushroom soup skin. If you eat those or move them or throw them down to someone, they are still cooked fish. However, if you stack them back on a mushroom soup, they all become mushroom soup. But if you stack the good mushroom soup onto a broken cooked fish, it also becomes a cooked fish. They all retain the mushroom soup skin. Spawned in a single scrambled egg, threw it back and forth for awhile and it stayed scrambled eggs. (edited)

[11:53 PM]

Spawned in 2 scrambled eggs, threw them to wren, she picks them up they become cooked fish, she throws them down, I pick them up, scrambled eggs again. I am also going to include screenshots of me splitting the stack inside my inventory and inside a fridge. As soon as I split one or 2 or 3 off, they change to the base item with the new skin.

I'm attaching the screenshots he submitted.







Hi! Please send me the configs from Stacks and Cooking



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