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Dividing Loot

Closed 2.8.5


Posted (edited)

Heya 🙂

I am having a tough time getting all the loot I want to spawn in... I'm thinking it has to do with how I have it dividing loot.  For example with a nightmare raid I'll have 100% chance of spawning rockets, c4, so on... but only sometimes does that actually happen.  I am looking at a raid and each box has only 9 slots filled in every box so I'm thinking it's deciding there isn't enough space left after those 9 slots so whatever makes it in makes it in and the rest of the loot I've selected doesn't.  Which I don't get cuz in my head if I have it set to spawn 130 loot items for example and 12 boxes with 48 slots why would it only fill the first 9 slots and then stop?  I have to be missing something silly..  Here is a snip from my Nightmare config:


  "Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value)": 130,

  "Amount Of Items To Spawn": 180,

  "Amount Of Items To Spawn Increased By Item Splits": false,

  "Divide Loot Into All Containers": true,

How can I fix this?  I see the part where you say if you set divide loot to true you have to scale the loot up or down and maybe I'm not understanding exactly how that works.

Thank you!  I'm sure it gets old explaining the same thing over and over lol.

Edited by DeadGirl


heya. this is not a 100% chance. 1.0 probability is set by default for every item in the game. 😛

everything works like a lottery. it is put into a pool and then rolled on (based on its probability) and if hits then it's picked and you win yay =p

if you want certain items to always spawn then put those specific items in the base loot and enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in that profile. the majority of your loot items belong in the difficulty loot table.

it's putting 9 items in each box because you're only spawning 130 to 180 items. it isn't supposed to spawn the entire loot table. it's supposed to spawn the number that you configured (130 to 180)



I'm confused, sorry.  So if I set up the "Difficulty_loot" and put a probability on everything of less than 1, but boom at 1, there still is a chance that boom won't make it into the raid?


Posted (edited)

no problem. it is not guaranteed to spawn with 1.0 probability as stated above. if you want it to spawn then it belongs in the base loot table with Always Spawn Base Loot Table enabled in the profiles.

oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base_Loot - you should have a few items in here that you always want to spawn. enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the profiles so that this happens. such as boom or resources.

oxide/data/RaidableBases/Difficulty_Loot - the majority of your items (up to some 800 in rust now) should be in this file. these items will be picked randomly to spawn.

1.0 or 100% probability does not guarantee an item to spawn. all 800+ items in the game have 1.0 or 100% probability by default. items must be pooled like in a lottery, and then the probability is rolled on for each item.

Edited by nivex
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