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Certain Vehicle are not able to buy

Closed 1.1.3



See screenshot, we arent able to buy certtain vehicles,. everything is set to scrap. 




check  this 

      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2,

Here you have to go to 0

Minicopter line 247
RowBoat line 409



  "Commands": [
  "Currency name economics": "ECOTEST",
  "Currency name Server Rewards": "SRTEST",
  "Pickup distance": 5.0,
  "Vending machines": {
    "Bandit Camp vending machine": true,
    "Outpost vending machine": true,
    "Bandit Camp products": [
        "Vehicle key from config": "copter",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 1000
        "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 999
        "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore",
        "Price": 200
    "Outpost products": [
        "Vehicle key from config": "car2",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 1000
        "Vehicle key from config": "car1",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 999
        "Vehicle key from config": "tugboat",
        "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore",
        "Price": 200
    "Fishing village A vending machine": true,
    "Fishing village B vending machine": true,
    "Fishing village C vending machine": true,
    "Fishing Village C products": [
        "Vehicle key from config": "copter",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 1000
        "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 999
        "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore",
        "Price": 200
    "Fishing Village A products": [
        "Vehicle key from config": "copter",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 1000
        "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 999
        "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore",
        "Price": 200
    "Fishing Village B products": [
        "Vehicle key from config": "copter",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 1000
        "Vehicle key from config": "scrapheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "scrap",
        "Price": 999
        "Vehicle key from config": "attackheli",
        "Item (shortname)": "sulfur.ore",
        "Price": 200
  "Vehicles": {
    "attackheli": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "attackhelibuy",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 3,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Attack Helicopter",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/attack-helicopter.png",
      "Spawn distance": 10.0,
      "Fuel": 522,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 1200,
      "Skin": 3036032642,
      "Command": "attack.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "car2": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 4,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Car 2",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-2.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 300,
      "Skin": 3051397208,
      "Command": "car2.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": [
    "car3": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 5,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Car 3",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_car_spawned.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-3.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 600,
      "Skin": 3051397420,
      "Command": "car3.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": [
    "car4": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 6,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Car 4",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/4module_car_spawned.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/modular-vehicle-4.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 900,
      "Skin": 3051397599,
      "Command": "car4.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": [
    "copter": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 1,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Minicopter",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/minicopter.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 53,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 550,
      "Skin": 3036041060,
      "Command": "copter.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "duosub": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 11,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "DuoSub",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarineduo.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/submarine-duo.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 750,
      "Skin": 3036453387,
      "Command": "duosub.add",
      "DeployableItemId": -697981032,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "horse": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 12,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Horse",
      "Prefab": "assets/rust.ai/nextai/testridablehorse.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/ridable-horse.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 0,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 150,
      "Skin": 3036456786,
      "Command": "horse.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "hotairballoon": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 15,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "HotairBalloon",
      "Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/balloon.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 300,
      "Skin": 3036454299,
      "Command": "hotairballoon.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "recycler": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 16,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Recycler",
      "Prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/recycler_static.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/recycler.png",
      "Spawn distance": 2.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 1000,
      "Skin": 3036111302,
      "Command": "recycler.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "rhib": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 9,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "RHIB",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rhib/rhib.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/rhib.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 585,
      "Skin": 3036112776,
      "Command": "rhib.add",
      "DeployableItemId": -697981032,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "rowboat": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 8,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "RowBoat",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/rowboat/rowboat.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/rowboat.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 450,
      "Skin": 3036112261,
      "Command": "rowboat.add",
      "DeployableItemId": -697981032,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "scrapheli": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 2,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Scrap Transport Helicopter",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/scrap-heli.png",
      "Spawn distance": 10.0,
      "Fuel": 522,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 850,
      "Skin": 3033922797,
      "Command": "scrapi.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "snowmobile": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 13,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "SnowMobile",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/snowmobile.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 600,
      "Skin": 3036453555,
      "Command": "snowmobile.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "solosub": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 10,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "SoloSub",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/submarine/submarinesolo.entity.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/submarine-solo.png",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 555,
      "Skin": 3036453289,
      "Command": "solosub.add",
      "DeployableItemId": -697981032,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "tomaha": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 14,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "Tomaha",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://i.postimg.cc/YC9FFpkf/Download-1.jpg",
      "Spawn distance": 5.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 100,
      "Skin": 3036453663,
      "Command": "tomaha.add",
      "DeployableItemId": 833533164,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null
    "tugboat": {
      "Permission (still empty if not need) ex. vehiclebuy.YOURPERMISSIONNAME": "",
      "Enable decay?": false,
      "Pickup price": 0,
      "Recall cost need?": false,
      "Recall price": 0,
      "Can recall?": true,
      "Can pickup?": true,
      "Pickup type (0 - command, 1 - hammer)": 0,
      "Cooldown to buy (in seconds)": 0,
      "Order": 7,
      "Sound on purchase": true,
      "Show": true,
      "Name": "TugBoat",
      "Prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/tugboat/tugboat.prefab",
      "Image link": "https://rustlabs.com/img/screenshots/tugboat.png",
      "Spawn distance": 15.0,
      "Fuel": 52,
      "Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 0,
      "If vehicle selling for item type him shortname": "scrap",
      "Price": 1500,
      "Skin": 3036456691,
      "Command": "tugboat.add",
      "DeployableItemId": -697981032,
      "Need add engine parts if it possible?": true,
      "Engine parts": null




"Currency: 0 - item, 1 - Economics, 2 - Server Rewards": 2,

Here you have to go to 0


Minicopter line 247

RowBoat line 409



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