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Container stacks

Pending 1.0.35

Lucky Bucket


8 months ago I wrote about adding a multiplier of containers. 

All this time I was using the Stacks plugin to be able to change stacks in TC, but I was forced to remove it.

I would like to repeat the question - is it possible to do the changing of stacks in containers? 
If not, it would be possible to somehow add the Chest Stack Multiplier plugin to the exceptions?
I need it badly on the server, and I currently have no solution for this problem :///

[Loottable] [DEBUG] Remove custom items of ChestStackMultiplier includePersistent: False
Unloaded plugin Chest Stack Multiplier v1.6.1 by MON@H
Loaded plugin Chest Stack Multiplier v1.6.1 by MON@H




This feature is not planned at the moment.

What is preventing you from using the Chest Stack Multiplier plugin?

Lucky Bucket


Your plugin and the Chest Stack Mulitipler plugin have a conflict between them. I have already written what message occurs from your plugin when uploading the Chest Stack Mulitipler plugin



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