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change please

Work in Progress 1.1.11 1.1.13



just got this plugin, could you make the signal skins the same as heli signals as myself as i assume a lot of other players using expert and nightmare bradley, so a corresponding signal skin would be great, so for example blue for expert, black/dark grey for nightmare



This plugin is next in line for an overhaul. I have been too busy with life and work to get around to it yet, but it is planned and will be soon hopefully.

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Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress


Posted (edited)

when is the update coming to do with parachutes? 

also as i mentioned in dms, my expert and nightmare signals stack and when you unstack the expert signal stays but then the other signal will turn in to a regular supply signal, but once you create the skin ids for expert and nightmare it will be good

1 last thing, as there was a bradley update that spawn scientists, will there be an update to configure them in the config?

Edited by IPlayRust


There are no skins for expert and nightmare bradleys at the moment, so I don't know what you mean or what you are spawning. Have you created your own skins for these? If you haven't then what skin ID are you using for them?

Yes, I will look at what configuration can be done with the scientists.


Posted (edited)

sorry for late response as i didn't get a notification, and I remember we had this convo about heli signals before were I asked if you could add expert and nightmare signal skins so blue for expert and black/dark grey for nightmare which you can see in the screenshot below, and as bradley drops is basically the same as heli signals i thought this would be good to add this on top bradley as well. Also that's great your adding scientist config as that would make bradley more fun with tough configurable npcs 🙂, ALSO adding xperience to the bradley config like you done with heli signals so me and other players who use the xperience plugin can configure the xp for each bradley.image.png.a9420b47ca557760a6375ef87ffb4821.png

Edited by IPlayRust


Changed Fixed In to Next Version



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