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Tea buffs BUG!

Closed 1.1.15



In the past month, we got a lot of complaints about our VIP perk from the Better Metabolism plugin (more max health per permission) being broken. After investigating why players randomly lose their max HP buff, we found the problem. If you connect/respawn, it's all good until you swap, remove, or equip an attire piece. It's a bug from the Epic Loot, even if you wear no /EL items. I made a test and loaded Better Metabolism on a clean vanilla server without any other plugins. It was all good (I changed clothes, swapped attire pieces, etc.) until I loaded the suspected Epic Loot plugin and immediately lost my tea buff bonus from Better Metabolism for Max HP. I'm not sure who has to fix this, you or the better metabolism developer, but after trying his patched version for better metabolism, it was even worse, and the max HP buff wasn't working. Recently, my players started complaining about losing their vanilla tea buffs more quickly than the supposed vanilla time. We already removed Better Metabolism, so it may have something to do with /EL again. About the "BM and EL," It was a failure between these 2 plugins, but for the vanilla tea problem, I couldn't gather more information. 
Maybe, if you want, I can send you the ticket image in private about the report and what the player gave me as info.



I have hook calls that prevent EpicLoot from changing health when returned on. These were put in specifically for Pit's plugins so he can return on them. I believe he was looking into a fix for it, but I am not sure.

My plugin modifies the health here:

            SetBonusValues values;
            if (bonuses != null && bonuses.TryGetValue(SetBonus.MaxHealth, out values))
                var currentMod = HasHealthModifier(player);
                if (currentMod > values.modifier || Interface.CallHook("ELOnModifyHealth", player, values.modifier) != null) return;
                player.modifiers.Add(new List<ModifierDefintion>
                    new ModifierDefintion
                        type = Modifier.ModifierType.Max_Health,
                        value = values.modifier,
                        duration = 999999f,
                        source = Modifier.ModifierSource.Tea

It only goes ahead if the modifier is larger than the current modifier provided by EpicLoot, and the ELOnModifyHealth is not returned upon by another plugin.



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