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Add /share command and tc accesss loot bug?

Work in Progress 1.2.0



1. If possible, Please add a /share command so players can share their entities with someone not in their Team or /friends list. Or is it just a way to make specific entities you placed publicly accessible/unlocked to everyone? Players could give access to something to random players on the server by sharing a particular entity.
2. When you gain TC access, you can loot all the chests/entities in the area. Maybe that's an intentional feature, or we misconfigured something on our servers?
Thank you, and keep up the excellent work on the plugin!



Also, please fix this: When players die, you can't pick up their backpack item but can loot everything inside. (backpacks from the latest update)



And horses are counted as animals, not vehicle. This way if we want to allow players to kill animals (Players can damage animals setting to True) we leave the exploit door open for griefers. Already multiple players killed someone else horse on purpose! When we have Players can damage vehicles to False it's not counting the horses.



Hey I understand the /share, that can be added. but only problem is its already a pretty large plugin and right now has a big hook times. So as of now I am refraining my self from adding more features of loot rules as /share need to have separate data folders to store owners and shared entitys

I am trying to reduce the filesize and soon do updates on it



About the TC access loots, its an intent features and added back then on requests. if you don't wanna use the loot rules from this plugin then you can easy disable the loot rules and use other plugins like https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting which has /share as well



I think you need to hold press e to pickup the bag? IDK I tried on test servers it was working alright. Let me know on this



Horses are count as BaseAnimalNPC so they do die if Players can damage animals setting to True

Lets see if can do something like if horse in a player tc area then other player cant hurt them



Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress



1. We'll think about using the Prevent Looting again over your loot rules.
2. About the backpacks they drop on death separately and you hold E to pickup. But others can't pickup these bags if not theirs. But they can open them and loot them. Maybe you need to look into this. (we already added a plugin to change the backpacks behavior and they do not drop from the corpses when you die, therefore nobody can steal anything)
3. Please do something about the horses if possible.
And thanks for your reply.



Also, we get a lot of these errors between SimplePVE plugin (in the past TruePVE) and our Friends plugin. This one is the most spammed one about the OnSamSiteTarget but there're more (EntityTakeDamage, etc)

02/06 17:40:38 | Calling hook OnSamSiteTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: Friends - False (Boolean), SimplePVE (True (Boolean))

Either you or the inactive developer of Friends (from Codefling) have to fix his plugin.



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